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Posts posted by princealbert

  1. Now, I need to know a little more. My flight lands in BKK on May 26, and it appears the best way from BKK to Chiang Mai is via air conditioned train compartment. Any advice on that, should I just go to train station and purchase ticket directly after arriving in BKK?

    Can you first decide if it is this Thursday 26th April as said in your " I'd like to be your room mate thread" or as above ??????

    I look forward to this adventure, meeting ex-pats from all over the world

    And maybe we can arrange to have a really big :o:D for you at the train station


    his really has got to be a wind up hasn't it ???

  2. Please Note: I withdraw my former suggestion to use the Small Animal Hospital on the Canal Road for Avian health problems. The supposed Avian Vet there is responsible for the death of my baby Moluccan Cockatoo.

    I took my cockatoo in last Wednesday for a standard health check, and was seen by the "Exotics" Vet, who said he was also the Avian Vet. He checked the bird over and took blood samples etc, then prescribed some worming tablets. 4 to be ground up in food and taken on consecutive days.

    This treatment is strongly contraindicated in the case of a baby bird and led to the death of the bird within a few hours of the first pill being given yesterday. (I phoned an old friend, a professor of avian veterinary medicine at Cambridge after the bird fell ill and was told nothing could be done to save the baby, short of holding it while it died. The drugs given were a. intended for canines and b. in a dosage over twenty times that for an adult bird.)

    For general advice and minor treatment, go to ร้านคนรักสัตว์ in Khamtieng Market. (Phone 089 755 8282) This is the shop between two dog grooming places, not the one that is open only at weekends.

    If you come from the super highway, pass Tesco Lotus on your left and turn left immediately afterwards. Left at the first lights and right at the end of that short rosd. Go straight on without turning until you see the dog grooming place directly in front of you. The shop is on its left and is full of a variety of parrots.

    They have a selection of basic avian medicines there and the experience to treat most problems. Anything beyond their ability, and you need to go to Mahidol University, Bangkok.

    I am currently taking legal advice regarding what to do about the loss of my bird.

    Truely saddened to hear of your loss p1p

    R.I.P Santana

  3. We have birds nesting in our garden that i have not been able to identify browsing the net although i think are very common. I have seen these kept as pets in many shops and houses around Chiang Mai.

    About 5-6 inch head to tail, black head/crest with white mask, white belly with red below and dark grey back.

    They have laid 4 brown mottled eggs in an old nesting box.

    Any ideas please

  4. Not suggesting anything about the particular pet shop, but be aware of the following :

    "Parrots as vulnerable or endangered species

    The Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) has made trade, import and export of all wild caught parrot and cockatoo species illegal; highly endangered species are protected on the CITES appendix 1 list, and all the other species are protected on the CITES appendix 2 list of vulnerable species. Habitat loss, enviromental changes and illegal trapping remain risks to wild populations."


    I am fully aware of this because it is illegal to export, trade, or attempt to remove any native Australian species of flora and/or flora from Australian territory without specific licenced permission.

    I am also aware that there are bred in captivity birds available in Thailand that have not been smuggled out of Australia or indeed from many other parts of the world.

    CITES is a toothless beaurocratic organisation of zealots and has little relevance in the real world of animal smuggling. It does not control, aprehend, or prevent smuggling and has limited impact on habitat change.


    Touche CB

    Many of these birds at this particular shop are friendly, easily handled birds obviously captive bred and hand reared.

  5. The shop he came from only opens i think weekends but there is another on the next soi next to a dog clipper. In there he has 2 cockatoos in there right now and about 6 different macaws and a selection of other parrots but his prices are really inflated he also has a rosetta cockatoo that is very very friendly i would have considered buying but 40k was OTT in my opinion.

    A rosetta or rosella? If it is a rosella then I would really be interested - beautiful bird.

    My bird sings and dances and stands to attention crest forward and wings out everytime thai national anthem is played speaks a little thai and english too loves just sitting on my shoulder while i walk around the house. Looking forward to growing old with him

    Sounds like a description of my wife :o


    Just looked at many different sites and would say it is a roseate cockatoo/rose breasted cockatoo or galah as it seems to be also called.

    If you speak with the man there he has a photo album of many many other birds he has for sale but not in the shop

  6. The Lotus on the Ring Road or the one heading out to Hang Don? I would like to check the place out for similar birds. Sulphur Crested cockatoos are great pets, very smart, but they also have a very long (80plus) age limit so are a long term proposition. There was a guy in Samuii who had one that used to fly above him as he rode his bike around town. He took it into my bar all the time and it would steal a sip of beer out of unguarded glasses. I know (p1p will send me a "you should never do this PM :o) but sometimes the guys would give cocky a shot glass of beer. He would flip onto his back and lie on the bar top waiting for some one to pass him the glass and then knock it back. He came from the Sunday Pet Market at Bangkok.


    The one on the ring road.

    The shop he came from only opens i think weekends but there is another on the next soi next to a dog clipper. In there he has 2 cockatoos in there right now and about 6 different macaws and a selection of other parrots but his prices are really inflated he also has a rosetta cockatoo that is very very friendly i would have considered buying but 40k was OTT in my opinion.

    My bird sings and dances and stands to attention crest forward and wings out everytime thai national anthem is played speaks a little thai and english too loves just sitting on my shoulder while i walk around the house. Looking forward to growing old with him

  7. Got him as a 10-12 month old a week ago so dont want to be the baddy that clipped his wings just yet so will take him to the animal hospital wed morning.

    Is it appointments only or just turn up and wait ?

    that is a sulphur crested cockatoo - where in Chiang Mai did you get him?


    He is a sulphur crested was told he is about 10-12 months old but going to get this verified when i take him to small animal hospital next wed for check up.

    Got him from a shop behind lotus at the top of the garden centre (the shop that is nearly always closed)

  8. There is an avian vet at the small animal hospital on Irrigation Canal Road on every Wednesday. Apart from that, I know of none in Chiang Mai.

    I have always clipped wings myself. (Just be careful not to touch any pin or blood feathers and you should be okay.) Also, if your bird is young and recently weaned, you would do best by allowing it to learn to fly first, before you clip.

    The best way to clip is to use dog or cat claw trimmers and to remove the end five to seven or so primaries on each wing, Cut at the base where the feathering stops and it becomes a bare quill. Do not clip the coverts and do not touch any secondary feathers.

    I normally start by clipping five feathers and see how the bird fares. It should still be able to glide and land safely. If it is still too strong at flying, clip an extra one, and again until you have the desired result.

    Thanks for that p1p

    Have kept love birds/parakeets etc in the past but this is my first large bird

    so not confident about doing this the first time , perhaps after watching the vet perform i can do this myself next time.

    Got him as a 10-12 month old a week ago so dont want to be the baddy that clipped his wings just yet so will take him to the animal hospital wed morning.

    Is it appointments only or just turn up and wait ?

  9. Fat and 50? Sounds like we are twins.

    Next time, please introduce yourself. That's why I was wearing the T-shirt! :D

    Deff will do next time but after 5 or 6 large bottles of singha :o my focus tends to go walk about with the rest of my senses.

    Were you the distinguished looking gent with silver hair sat at the bar with a couple of slightly younger friends ?

  10. Are you the young, handsome guy who was filling those big super-shooter tubes with different kinds of alchohol and shooting them down your throat? :o

    Neither young or handsome UNFORTUNATELY

    Fat and fifty is me

    That party were Dutch tourists

  11. I went by about 2 PM, but didn't spot any TVers and the girls were all too tired to party. Somebody was springing for a lot of ice though, so I had to get in a few squirts. :D

    Yes twas me doing my bit with the ice buying 4 i think between 1 & 4pm but at 50 baht a time well worth it for entertainment value alone

    Watching all the peoples face contort as they got hit by the ice cccccold stuff :o All good fun

  12. Whatever it was - it was fast moving and never seen sicne (2 years ago).

    How about this fine specimen snapped in the same spot.

    Believe this is a Royal Python. I used to have as pet in the UK but i thought was only native to Africa. Probably an escapee (mine did regularly) If i am correct it is a constrictor and not venomous or aggresive but not generally a speedy snake.

  13. Are we the only line of help? Is there a organization in Thailand that deals with lost, sick or injured animals. I have 2 cats and a litter of 5 new Persian long hairs. Happy family all with shots and well fed. No problems in our world until a sick or internally bleeding cat stumbles in our yard seeking safe haven. Her eyes have discharge, it appears she is bleeding from the nose and mouth or there are signs of dried blood. She wont eat but drinks alot of water. Our cats are flipping out and want her gone and we pity this animal but cant take in another cat as 7 seems to be our limit.

    These seem to be the symptoms of a common disease of cats here. We have lived in San Sai for the past 7 months and seem to be a refuge for many of these poor creatures (i think only because we are the only household that doesn't have a dog).

    There has been 3 of these "unfortunates" that have arrived on our doorstep that we have taken to the vet on our moo baan, only to be told the disease is an internal problem that would require very lengthy and costly treatment without guarantees and the kindest thing for the cat would be to put them to sleep.

    I paid 600 baht each for the first 2 to be put down and the third cat no charge as was well known in the area for many years.

    There are many of these strays here and would like to know also if there is anything like Cat Protection League here ?

  14. Anyone have ideas about what would pass as supporting documentation to get this 'letter of income' from an embassy? I'm thinking accountants letter, bank deposits in excess of 40000 baht a month in an Aussie account from same accountant, copies of leases etc,

    I received my confirmation of income letter from the British Embassy in Chiang Mai with 1 Western Union transfer slip (I had taken previous 3 months just incase) and a letter from my business in the UK stating my position and salary. Back same day really easy

  15. ...................................FISH FRENZIED FARANG..................................

    Hi all

    I have a problem parasite that i have not been able to identify in my pond and it is killing my Koi.

    Have been and seen Louis (behind lotus) and used treatments (aquatic cleansing salt, bio-knock and Sites a parasite controller) advised but have still lost 1x 2' koi and 1x large ornamental goldfish. I have 4x 3'6"- 4' koi left and really dont want to lose these also.

    Symptoms for last 3-4 days are not eatin, redness behind gills, red blotches on body, very lathargic. The 2 that died had same symptoms also had abundance of white slime and white film over the eyes which others have no signs of (yet).

    Does anyone know of a good vet that has good knowledge of koi or of coarse any experianced TV members that could identify and help me solve my piscatorial problem.

    Thanks in advance to anyone that can help

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