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Posts posted by BWPattaya

  1. I strongly suggest that if you are unsure, or feel incapable of dealing with electrical issues, that you should call someone else in to do it for you. It just isn't safe to mees about with and endanger lives.

    All your sockets will need new wiring and connecting to your consumer unit, then the earth connecting to you earth rod. To do just a few sockets would give rise to complacency, leading to accidents.

  2. It is extremely important that you call the passport office well in advance to get an appointment if you want to do it in one day. Don't wait until you get to England to call them as you will not have time to get your appointment and new passport in time to send it to a Thai consulate.

    Personally in your situation I would go staright to the Thai consulate with your old & new passports. Don't rely on posting it. You may get it there quickly but they may process it slowly and not post it back speedily.

  3. Did you seriously expect to invest 700,000 Bt and get 300,000 Bt interest in just seven years? Consider that only 100,000 Bt has been invested for seven years, the next 100,000 Bt for six years, etc.

    I accept that the Bangkok Bank may not have said that the amount had to be deposited for fifteen years, or your wife didn't hear or forget this information. Perhaps re-reading the initial paperwork may reveal the actual details.

  4. I consider myself computer literate, often get asked to repair computers whether it is a hardware or software problem.

    I have spent 30 minutes trying to find this topic as wherever I went I just got a page of lists and adverts.

    Sorry, this new format is most certainly not user friendly. All the links from the Nation frontpage go nowhere except the same page with a list on. None of the listed topics open up.

    Whoever decided on this new format needs to do a rethink.

  5. I paid 33,000 for a flight in July with Jet. Seemed pretty good to me. Flights BKK - LON rtn always seem to be more expensive than LON - BKK rtn.

    Have you spoken to anyone who has flown with Jet? All I hear are complaints, mainly about the staff in Mumbai airport. The airline is OK but the thieving and scams in Mumbai airport spoil it.

    Don't carry more money than absolutely necessary, no alcohol, no expensive clothes.

  6. Welcome to Thailand! :)


    With an expression like that on the girl at the front must be worth at least an extra 2-3 bhp.

    Like the way she's squatting down off the front of the seat too for superior streamlining.

    She is actually leaning forward so that the girl behind can see where she is going. That is the one who is steering.

    I have just started watching a television programme from the UK about Africa. Jonathon Dimbley, a much respected and esteemed reporter, is setting a good example. On a motorbike taxi with no helmet. In fact despite many bikes in veiw not one has a helmet.

  7. I am going to the UK next week. I have one page left in my passport so I am considering getting a new one whilst I am there.

    Now, when I come back the Thailand i will have a new passport but will need to use my re-entry permit from my current passport. I am hoping the immigration officer at the airport understamds this. Then go to immigration to transfer visa etc.

    Or, will immigration at the airport transfer stamps for me when I arrive?

    Last time I had a new passport immigration simply transferred stamps without any paperwork, photocopies etc.

    Or, will it just be easier (and more expensive) to wait until January to get a new passport from Hong Kong? January because my Extension is due mid-February?

    Thanks to the UK FCO for stopping us renewing passports at the british Embassy.

  8. Two things occur to me.

    One, Thais often raise prices to cover for their losses. For example, a house for rent is empty for a long time, so in order to make up the loss they raise the rent.

    Two, if a hotel or guesthouse offers a low rate to someone who walks in and I were staying there I would want a refund. Why should a regular or someone who booked earlier pay more than someone asking for a discount? It can backfire on the owner.

  9. 1. Smells of credit card fraud.

    2. Smells of credit card fraud.

    3. See 1 and 2.

    4. Serious buyers in Thailand head to a shopping center and pays directly there. But of course that is not possible with stolen card numbers...

    5. Users who post this kind of stuff are always taken down by local authorities. Why? They don't like foreigners coming here trying to take advantage... that's their job you see.

    6. OP, good luck, and I suggest you don't do what you are thinking of doing because you will get caught.

    I have come to the same conclusion. If he has a credit card that really belongs to him he can buy over the counter. This insistance on online shopping is cause for concern.

  10. I wonder - how many people on Thaivisa have not been asked by a policeman for a payment?

    In eleven years I have never been asked. I have been stopped for speeding and told to go away and behave myself, with a smile on his face. Another time I was stopped and the officer finished up looking at a map with me and practising English.

    I also wonder how many people complain about corruption yet are happy to use the system when it suits them. For example, deliberately break the curfew then bribe an officer rather than go to the police station overnight. Eaier to pay 200 Bt than wear a helmet when riding.

    I know someone will reply to this post but before anyone says that I am condoning corruption read this post carefully. I do not condone it, I am merely saying that I have never been asked, and those who complain may be happy to pay than go through a lot of bureaucratic hoops.

  11. If you are only here for one month what do you do if something hasn't been delivered beofre you leave? If you buy a laptop and it is broken when it is delivered what do you do?

    Some companies may not ship to Thailand as your credit card billing address is a different country.

  12. Downmarket indeed speak for yourself.

    Try Japan!

    I agree! As soon as I read "downmarket" I lost the desire to advise. I have been in many places with my wife where some people might have thought it was upmarket only to spot girls working in there.

    If the OP is such a snob how does he know about downmarket bars? Remember that many people enjoy them.

  13. My initial advice still stands. Go to your embassy and tell the truth. Better that they hear it from you than a Thai court.

    You are in the brown stuff very deeply, and to be honest I have little sympathy for you now that we know you were using a false passport and false stamps.

    Now I am asking myself why you needed to break so many laws. What else were you covering up? Don't answer that, it is a rhetorical question.

    Enjoy your stay in detention.

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