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Posts posted by BWPattaya

  1. I have had a TT&T fixed line (no telephone) for over two years, now 3BB. Much better than TOT ever were.

    If I check inside my router I get 3084 down 1024 up. Do a speedtest and I get 2.8 down, 832 up.

    Torrents downloading is fairly impressive.

  2. The maths doesn't add up very well. 1,000 Litres from 100,000 people means just 100 ml from each person. This has all got to be collected (by whatever means) safely so as not to infect the donor. Using sterile equipment each time, and care taken not to infect the person managing the donation.

    If it is done caarelessly then just one infected person (and in a sample as large as 100,000 people it is highly probable there are more) with Hepatitis or HIV could infect others.

    The "Collective Stupidity" term above seems highly appropriate.

    We'll know when, or if, it has been done as the stench will spread a long way!

  3. Odds are that there is other code in other pages on your site and if someone has hacked it and you dont know how they got in then it is better to do a clean install and upload files again. The htaccess is easy to find and delete the rogue code, but I'll bet it comes back again. Are you using Wordpress or a CMS? If so you might have fake jpg's in your Images folders or check the cgi bin folder, if you have one, and see what's in there.

    ( I've had this happen to me before)

    In the original post he wrote that there is only two files, index + htaccess.

    The servers I have a lot to do with had a huge problem a year or so ago. Many sites were hijacked, all the server space used, no mailboxes working etc. Not an individual site's problem but it affected many sites.

    I forgot to suggest the the OP change his FTP and CP password to something really strong.

  4. The .HTACCESS file is what tells your browser which file to use as the default when opening your web site. It is only a text file and can be left blank. This will then open the site to the default index.htm or index.html file.

    It can be useful if you want to name a file as something else and use that as the entry page of your site.

    However, if it has been hacked, thus sending people to a different site instead of yours, it is probably best to just open it and delete any text written.

  5. I know a restaurant in Naklua who saved up enough points for part payment of a car. They had 200,000 Bartercard points.

    The deposit was the 200,000 points, then a cash payment of..........................equal to the normal selling price. Not surprisingly they don't take Bartercard for meals anymore.

  6. My Toshiba, about the same age, is telling me I need a new RTC (Real Time Clock) battery so it won't start without a bit of persuasion. Once started I have to reset the time/date.

    I only trust two people to do anything with my computers. Me and one Thai guy on Soi Chaiyaprock.

    You certainly don't need to think it has died and needs replacing. The worst case scenario is probably reinstalling your operating system. Copy all the data you want to save first though.

  7. The terminal stages are critical thinking and atheism

    I nearly said " Oh God! I am terminally ill!" Then realised that many people are atheistic. Mind you, I thought Tony Blair was intelligent and articulate - intil he admitted his faith in the man in the sky and converted to Catholicism.

    Doea this mean though that I have to watch television sometimes? Even Thai television?

  8. I think your best course of action would be simply to go to immigration and ask them what to do. You haven't mentioned what visa you have, based on marriage to a Thai, retirement, etc.

    If you have a work permit then you must be working so it may be easiest to convert it to a Non B. In fact they often insist on changing the Non O to a Non B when you apply for a work permit.

    No matter what advice you get here you will need to discuss with immigration.

  9. My impression has always been that the girls that hang down by the beach are infected with HIV or too addicted to drugs to be able to hold a job at any bar.

    Maybe I'm wrong and its the sweet innocent ones who don't know how to get a job at a bar, but I've always rather thought that punters who take beach girls have a death wish anyway, and to what lengths should we go to protect them from themselves.

    Kindof harsh I know, but they're obviously willing to engage in very risky behaviour and will come a cropper one way or another anyway

    Excuse me, but you are one ignorant sob when it comes to Pattaya, prostitutes, and the beach. The beach is for free lancers. Some are too young to work in a bar as that age is 20. Some are part-timers, and many have no desire to hang in a bar 12 hours a day. To assume anything else about HIV or otherwise is absurd. I lived in Pattaya for five years, had a salon and personally know many girls in the trade. They come from all over and make their choice as to where to work. So, put a sock in your mouth and choke on your ignorance.

    Well said! I see many girls who I have met in bars working as freelancers. They say they are not tied to working everyday, and can choose when to work and who they go with.

  10. "PATTAYA: -- Following orders from the new Pattaya Police Chief, Police Colonel Nantawoot, a team of Pattaya Police Officers assisted by civil volunteers, known in Thai as “O-Po-Po-Lor”, conducted a late night operation on Wednesday to clear Pattaya

    Beach of Prostitutes and others suspected of loitering with intent to engage in anti-social or criminal activity."

    I really like this new guy, not sure he is good for Pattaya but boy is he entertaining!

    BTW how does one tell a Russian mafia prostitute from an ordinary Thai prostitute?? Serious question, but if you folks want to add punchlines, please feel free....within the rules, of course.

    The Thai's are the ones with the sun-tan? :)

    Really? I would never have known!

    Ha ha ha

    Mind you, I never notice the Eastern European girls. Give me lovely Thai skin anytime.

  11. Good Lord, another old timer!

    Someone tell me why Thailand is unable to manage or attract a variety of musical artists to play here?

    Even Indonesia does better that Thailand when it comes to at least attempting to put on quality and varied musical events.

    We had tickets for The Stones in Bangkok. We turned up at Impact Arena but the Stones didn't. They cancelled because of SARS.

    Our only chance to see them live. Great disappointment.

    Tom Jones has a really powerful voice, loads of talent. Should be a good night.

  12. The old library was in Soi 6 which is probably why you couldn't find it in Soi 10 but it's now no longer there but on Sukhumvit, I think opposite Siam Country Club Rd.

    Take a white songthaew or orange rot doysarn to the Floating Market or better still don't waste your time, it's not worth the effort.

    That is the North Star library. Not a patch on the proper one.

  13. Do you remember the details about the bike? Registration number? Dealer location?

    Any friends in Phuket?

    If so, get them to wander near the dealer and look to see if your rented bike is there. Get them to take a picture with, eg a newspaer showing the date the picture was taken. Then if you do come back and someone tries to say you owe them money you can say it was a scam, the dealer had the bike all along. Common enough scam, not just in Thailand. The person renting the bike fails to lock it securely or they use a lock supplied by the company (and they have a spare key) so it disappears.

    On the other hand if their case is genuine it may be possible that they have asked the police to arrest you. They may let you in the country but detain you when you leave. I doubt it though. As someone else says though, "if you can't afford to pay 20,000 Bt should you be coming for a holiday?

  14. Yas, you do have to give your work permit back to the labour office.

    I believe that when you cancel your work permit you will be given 7 days to leave Thailand. Check it out before you cancel

    If you close the company you will need to pay for an audit plus any taxes before closing the company. Expect to pay about 45,000 to 50,000 Bt.

    If you can find someone who wants to open a company just give it to them, pay about 10,000 Bt to change the director's name.

  15. They start from the stadium about 2:30p.m. (this time varies) ride down Sukhumvit down North Pattaya Road up the Beach Front continue down Walking Street and the back out to the stadium. Not sure of there route after walking street.

    What day?

  16. I am curious to know if you have a passport. If you haven't got a passport how can you leave the US? If you haven't got a Thai passport how can you come here?

    Perhaps it may be possible for you to go to the Thai embassy and ask for an emergency passport which allows you to leave the US and travel to Thailand.

    The way immigration in the US has tightened up over the last few years has made travel to/from there difficult.

    Good luck.

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