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Posts posted by pop_corn

  1. And God have mercy on their souls.

    Pigs Ass! may the devil feed them 1 tablet a day for 23,000 days and lets see how totally screwed up they become just for the fun of it... :o

    Might as well. At least that would be more fun.

    hahahaha, I agree with you and I think if it was my self going to Bkk Hilton then I would happily take one or two pills a day! At least I would be like "Oh maaaan this place is so coooool" *grins*

  2. Free Kitten to good home!!!

    Small kitten looking for a good home! I found this little kitten in Silom area while a night out, she was very skinny and weak, so I bring her home and take care of her until now, she must be about 2 months now, and in good health condition, not longer thin or with any anemia symptoms like she was in the past. She is very smart and playful cat I guess she will be pleased with children because she really loves playing! Litter trained already, she has her medical record in a Thonglor animal hospital, but they said she is still too small for her first vaccination. So she was under the parasite treatment already! Also had a very good sanitary bath and they cut her nails!

    She is soooo cute and really need a home as soon as possible since I’m leaving the country soon for holidays. And when I come back I will be here just few more months and back to England where is 6 month quarantine!

    If you are interested Pm me! :D










  3. Sorry to be very precise here, I may sound a little bit cold but.. I noticed 2 things.. One is that "I like only asian guys" you are putting to your self some barrier to meet the special one in your life. Second "we since we meet in real life he haven't call me much anymore"...Ummm sorry if I hurt your feelings by saying this, but take the hint, he didn't like you! Nothing wrong with Thai guys in that sense I have friends with Thai boyfriend and they are commited and happy with them, so he just didn't like you, if so... he is not good enough for you. :o

  4. hehehe congrats! :o Im on my first day, no medications. I would lie if I say "its been difficult" Im a social smoker mostly, I like a ciggy before bed time, but I can be days without smoking. So yeah, I want to just leave it better. My boyfriend doesn't smoke and I want to do it mostly for him, to show him how much I love him :D :D *sights*

    So, keep the goos work there, congrats!

  5. If I was you I will totally tell about this in her work, police, or somewhere they will stop her doing this. In any case she is a potential serial killer, even though she is not killing with a knife or gun, but this time with sickness. You have idea how many people she has kill until now? How many families are suffering because some woman is such a bad person not to care giving HIV to other guys? Is their decition to go and pay for sex, is not a good thig to do but also not something that should lead you to death. Don't you think? And you should keep testing your self more times, you know the virus may not grow in a long period of time. Good luck with that, and do the right thing, safe many lifes, is in your hands to be a "hero" :o

    Chok dee kha! :D

  6. All around me are familiar faces

    Worn out places, worn out faces

    Bright and early for their daily races

    Going nowhere, going nowhere

    And their tears are filling up their glasses

    No expression, no expression

    Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow

    No tomorrow, no tomorrow

    And I find it kind of funny

    I find it kind of sad

    The dreams in which I'm dying

    Are the best I've ever had

    I find it hard to tell you

    'Cos I find it hard to take

    When people run in circles

    It's a very, very

    Mad World

    Children waiting for the day they feel good

    Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday

    Made to feel the way that every child should

    Sit and listen, sit and listen

    Went to school and I was very nervous

    No one knew me, no one knew me

    Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson

    Look right through me, look right through me

    Tears for Fears

    I love that song, totally one of my favorites.. it's part of the sound if Donnie Darko

  7. I think is better to be poor in your own country than poor, lonely and far from home. Who will take care of him if he gets ill? a bar girl? naaaaaaaaaaah... minimum they will rip him off the short money he have, he will end up depressed, alone, poor and wanting to go back. Stay there, it is safer.

  8. hehe, Thanks for the advices desi :D But I think you got a bit confused because I study "Communications arts" and it has nothing to do with design :D I’m at Bkk University, and my career is quite focused on Management, actually my electives are all about business planning and crisis management. I still do appreciate your help!! :o

  9. If someone described this girl to you five years ago, and asked "Would you marry someone like this, or keep looking?"

    What would have been your answer?

    Marriage is more about mental compatibility than superficial things. Beauty fades.

    I love my wife...she's strikingly beautiful...but if she were to gain 300 pounds and develop warts over her entire body....I'd still love her.

    Can you say the same?


  10. thanks for the replies.. :D Well, yeah I go to the gym, and I was last week in Koh Chang, but I can't be traveling much since I do have to be here twice a week to attend my classes.. the shooting range seems interesting, I already did some research on it not long ago.

    The thing is that I do try to do things, like go to the cinema, go to Lumpini, cook, take my rabbit for a walk... stuff like that, right now that kind of stuff is not working. Im afraid Im getting to sad, so not many thing motivate me at this point..

    First thing to do is to cook that rabbit.

    *runs away screaming all loud* nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! :o

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