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Posts posted by pop_corn

  1. I don't really say hello to people I don't know? O_o and I'm not that grumpy, but hey... alot of people in the street, would be very much work to hello all of them! :D ihihi, or I may just wave everyone while walking like a famous star? :o

  2. then not good to have someone illegaly employeed. @ my family's place they have 2 girls from Myanmar and they do have work permit. So I don't see why could be so difficult for the Filipino lady to have one as well.

    Other than that I do preffer Filipinos than thais :o

  3. I met my wife on thailandfriends, and we are happily married. Once you find someone that you think you are compatable with there will not be much of a need to keep your subscription going. thailandfriends is free but you can upgrade using a paypal account if you have one. Just remember, being a good judge of character and basic common sense goes a long way! good luck! :D

    Thats very romantic.. ! :D

    Uhmmmm Dating websites.. don't know somehow makes me a bit scared, what if the person is a compulsive lier or something like that? scam!! :o

    Well, uhmmmmmmmm I did a research and there is a yahoo thing for dating, and there is uhm thaikisses.com also

    good luck to you, and I hope you find your other half.

  4. I'm from Santiago, Chile. I didn't vote for Central/South America because I think they are quite different. So, at least it should be divided by South, Central, North.... I just choose "other".

    Maybe you are being a tad too sensitive?

    I don't think many votes were expected from non-English speaking countries, Scandanavians excepted.

    I don't think so.. it is the same in Asia, south, north? there are big differences.. well.. if you see America like a whole thing you should notice that is pretty much BIG. There are alot of differences in between North, Central, and South. :D

    but bleh, whatever.!

    Agree. I too have a similar situation. :o

    I come from new zealand and there should have been an option for the north island and south island. :D

    The people in the West of my village are indeed also much more 'different' than those in the Southern part. Besides that they drive smaller cars and don't make so much money as the ones in the Eastern part.

    I feel different.... :D


    Awwwww.....!! Well, now everyone is feeling different aww.. hey, the option was maybe to make it more simple





    so... where are you from?


    hahaha, then is so generalized that no one can really complain about it :D

  5. Took a late night visit to 7/11 ( 12.13am ) in Phuket last night to stock up on a few cans of Beer, only to be told by the staff that they are now obliged to the new regulations of only being able to sell Alcohol between 11am - 2pm and 5pm - 12am...

    What is happening? only last month you where able to buy alcohol 24/7 at 7/11 ( apart from Buddist Days and Elections )

    I have been here 3 years now, and these new laws IE no smoking in clubs and pubs are getting out of control!

    When they get to know you they just sell it ihihi.. :o:D:D

  6. Chilean Corn Casserole. This version uses chicken; other versions use beef, as well. Some say that it is not authentic if it doesn't include beef, but I have it on good authority that this is not always the case. However, I'm less concerned with whether it's authentic than whether it tastes good.


    2 tablespoons oil

    1/2 lb boneless skinless chicken thigh, cut into 1/2-inch pieces

    1 onion, chopped

    1/2 cup raisins or golden raisin, soaked in warm water 5 minutes and drained

    1 teaspoon chili powder

    2 cups fresh corn kernels, thawed or 1 (16 ounce) package frozen corn kernel, thawed

    1 cup milk

    2 egg, separated

    2 tablespoons flour

    2 tablespoons butter, melted

    1 teaspoon sugar

    1/2 teaspoon salt

    3 hard-boiled egg, sliced

    12 black olive or green olives, sliced


    1Heat oil over medium-high heat and stir-fry chicken, onion, raisins and chili powder until chicken is browned and onion is soft, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat.

    2In a bowl, combine the corn, milk, egg yolks, flour, butter, sugar and salt.

    3In a separate bowl, beat egg whites until stiff and fold into the corn mixture.

    4Spread chicken mixture in the bottom of a greased 2-quart casserole. Cover with a layer of egg slices, then top with olive slices. Pour the corn mixture over all.

    5Bake at 350F 40 minutes.

    Evelyn M. - Chile


  7. I'm from Santiago, Chile. I didn't vote for Central/South America because I think they are quite different. So, at least it should be divided by South, Central, North.... I just choose "other".

    Maybe you are being a tad too sensitive?

    I don't think many votes were expected from non-English speaking countries, Scandanavians excepted.

    I don't think so.. it is the same in Asia, south, north? there are big differences.. well.. if you see America like a whole thing you should notice that is pretty much BIG. There are alot of differences in between North, Central, and South. :o

    but bleh, whatever.!

  8. Not sure where BFD got the idea that Thailand is a cosmopolitan society :D

    I wondered that too. Small pockets of Bangkok and some touristy areas might be, but broadly speaking Thailand is anything but cosmopolitan.

    Like "anything but cosmopolitan...." uhmmmmmmm I disagree... 100%

    You cant obvious here the big percentage of foreign communities…. Or you have ever seen here any foreigner? Any Thai woman mixed up with a falang guy? A Thai guy with a falang girl? Hey! In my country anywhere you look there are only locals… THEN I can say that my country is nothing but cosmopolitan. Thailand nevertheless it IS.

    Cosmopolitan Synonyms: international, multinational, multi-ethnic, mixed…so on and so forth….So… Thailand is not cosmopolitan? O_o

    Hi Pop Corn,

    A few questions. Have you ever been to Thailand? If so, where did you spend your time and for how long? Because your comments sound like they have been made from a person who's spent a few weeks on holiday at some resort. When you actually get away from these areas you will find that the over-whelming majority of people are native people. That's of course not to say that there aren't foreign people, but the percentage is tiny and does not constitute a cosmpolitan society, no matter which synonym you care to use.

    I have been here for 5 years, and been around this country since Im 16 years old. I thinki is time enough to have my own opinion about it. :o

  9. I posted this in the Real Estate Section. But, I would like everyone to know. This can happen to anyione. Things do change drastically.

    Here's my experience on relationship with a livein and building a house and having a future.

    I knew a TG for over 7 years. I lived with her for over 4 years, been with her for 3 years on my trips to LOS. When I decided to move to Thailand in February 2004 things were great with her. After about 10 months or so I decided to sell my condo in Jomtein (big mistake). So we decided to move up north by her home in the Phetchabun area. We built a excellent nice bungalow. Had everything there. Granite flooring countertops, satellite, all new furnishings for the house. The area was building up so there was a few things for farangs to do. I was leary on building a house in a TG's name so I had it put in a corporation. Then about a 1 1/2 years later my livein mentioned she had some land. We could build a house on it, cheaper and save some money from the sale of the house, I had built. I figured things were great and had no problems. So I sold the house and her relatives built a house. They did a horseshit job on building it. But, I hired a thai guy to come in and replace and fix the fuc_kups on the builders they did. So things were great. Life was good so far. Then about a 1/1/2 later she started getting moody. In January 2008 she started giving me the silent treatment. After a bit, I asked what's the problem. The response is "Nothing". So after 2 months or more of the cold treatment and her comng to bed at 1, 2 or 3 in the morning and being a starfish. I started getting mad. I was giving her around 7,000 or 8,000 baht a month. Which is good for up there. Since the average thai joe makes about 4,000 a month. So I told her, I don't give any money to someone I don't talk to and money to someone who doesn't want to come to bed. I kept asking her all the time. What is the problem and we could work things out. Still she would say nothing or just ignore me and walk away. So around April 1st. I didn't give her money. Then things really went bad. So I decided to move out. I had to get my stuff out of there. So a friend that lived by me bought some of the larger items and helped me get a truck to get out of there. When he was going to get the stuff. There was a problem. Even with receipts in my name for the beds, satellite, water tank pump, TV, tables, refrigerator, washer and other things. They are not mine. Because it's in her house. I finally worked out a deal with her. So I could sell the things. So I would have some cash to get the <deleted> out of the village. In the process on the day my friend and his wife came to pickup the stuff she brought a long a policeman to fill out a list of the things I could take. My girl had to sign it. Otherwise, if she didn't sign it. I couldn't sell it and I could not take anything. While signing, her mom was there and her mom was giving problems. Telling my girl what to do. So on that day most of the larger things were sold & my things I wanted were packed up in a pickup to move to Pattaya.

    Finally I got a little response from the girl as to what the problem is. Her mom was finishing her thai boyfriend and she needed a place to live. So it's easier to give me the boot and let her mom have the house. Since her mom has the house, my girl is now in BKK working with her sister. I told her why she didn't tell me this before. If she needed more cash I could give her more and we could have worked out things between us. There was no working out. Her mom wanted the house, more money and everything. I told her I could give more money to her so she could give it to her mom. Her 2 sisters could give some to her mom and her useless brother could send some money to her mom. But, no way. I am a farang so her sisters and brother don't have to. I think her mom has told her 2 daughters to also finish there thai husbands. So she could get more money.

    Here is a good example or two on how f****n bullshit before the move. I was cleaning up the house because I knew I was leaving. So I seen a recycling guy in a truck to stop by. Take the plastic (a lot of Pepsi Max bottles), scrap steel that sat by the house for 8 months and some empty coffee cans from the states that was in a cupboard for over a year. Her mom seen them come by and she flipped out. My girl came and said why are you selling now. I just said I was cleaning things up so it wouldn't look like junk around there. Her mom was still mad. But I did get 300 baht from the recycle guy. I was also told my girl and her mom took my motorbike to a motorcycle shop to see what they could get. Good thing my bike was in my name. She couldn't sell it.

    So after everything is done & over. Seven years with a girl you have been with. Who you think really loves you and trust. Will give you the walking papers in a flash of a eye. Or her mom tells her daughter to finish you immediately. I lose a house approximately 600,000 to 700,000 baht, a Nissan car that needs to be fixed, my mental health was f****d (didn't have much to begin with) and a few other things.

    My advice to anyone. No one is safe with a thai girl with a relationship. They will try to get as much as you can. In building a house for board members up north or a girls village. Expect to lose as much as you can afford. Or as much as you can walk away.

    I will also put a disclaimer on this. Not all girls will do this. There are some good girls out there. Good luck to everyone one with there relationship and building a house. You might be in the same situation. After the house is done. So are you.

    I think I have read the same kind of problems over and over here... Sorry about it, I don't really what else to say. O_o


  10. Not sure where BFD got the idea that Thailand is a cosmopolitan society :o

    I wondered that too. Small pockets of Bangkok and some touristy areas might be, but broadly speaking Thailand is anything but cosmopolitan.

    Like "anything but cosmopolitan...." uhmmmmmmm I disagree... 100%

    You cant obvious here the big percentage of foreign communities…. Or you have ever seen here any foreigner? Any Thai woman mixed up with a falang guy? A Thai guy with a falang girl? Hey! In my country anywhere you look there are only locals… THEN I can say that my country is nothing but cosmopolitan. Thailand nevertheless it IS.

    Cosmopolitan Synonyms: international, multinational, multi-ethnic, mixed…so on and so forth….So… Thailand is not cosmopolitan? O_o

  11. difficult question..some?

    Any from Tarantino, he is my favorite director.

    D13 (dont remember, but is a French movie.)

    Dreams (kurosawa)

    Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter (Kim Ki-Duk)

    Irreversible (Gaspar Noe)

    Amelie (Jean-Pierre Jeunet)

    Casablanca (Michael Curtiz )

    Dead Poets Society (Peter Weir)

    It's A Wonderful Life (Frank Capra)

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