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Everything posted by Wongkitlo

  1. Mosquitoes need stagnant water to grow. They are also lazy and stay near to where they are born all their lives. You must have a,water source somewhere for them to grow in
  2. Easy Corner bar has lots of sport. In Soi Bukhao where the road turns near the market. Pattaya Klang end.
  3. You should just go and buy some marijuana-available 24 hours. You can even get it delivered unlike alcohol.
  4. After covid, to fully finish off the small saunas, the fire department came around demanding expensive modifications. Pattaya Sauna closed along with others.
  5. Thai people don't seem that interested in,F1. They have a Thai team Red Bull, a Thai driver Albon and love driving cars fast but I don't think they even broadcast it on Thai TV.
  6. I had heard differently about it's history than what the articles say. I understood it was,a,passenger ferry which he sailed in there and then filled in behind it. He was not having financial difficulties but was old and his family were not interested in keeping the resort running. When I went there 4 years ago most of it seemed in ruins.
  7. They have. Aseannow Pattaya forum
  8. I'm not in Pattaya at the moment. She has lost her card. I said if she put money in my Australian bank account I would give her baht. She is not such a close friend that I would give her Wise rate,as I pay fees on it so I thought the street rate was a,good one to use.
  9. I'm not in Pattaya at the moment. She has lost her card. I said if she put money in my Australian bank account I would give her baht. She is not such a close friend that I would give her Wise rate,as I pay fees on it so I thought the street rate was a,good one to use.
  10. Hi. I'm helping a friend change some money and was hoping somebody could tell me the rate they are giving for Australian dollar to Thai baht at the moment. Thank you.
  11. Have just returned from Cambodia. Cambodia seems to have trouble managing the land they have-dirt roads, rubbish everywhere, no police presence, bribes at immigration. I don't think they need any more. They would just let the Chinese build skyscrapers everywhere anyway.
  12. Maybe not. I don't know what police,use now there are no telephone books but maybe you saved yourself from finding out which I'm sure was worth the money
  13. It probably won't make it to court. They have probably already paid their fines in a,brown paper bag and are off home.
  14. Thank you. The form is very useful and do appreciate your advice and input. Cheers
  15. I already have my non-o M.E valid till May. The business only operates till April 2025 so I am only concerned about till then. I showed 400,000 baht when I received the visa but it would be difficult for me to do so now. What I am querying is why I have to show the bank balance again when I already have a valid visa/permission to stay. If you read between the lines, farung can not own a business so it is in the wife's name. The 50,000 per month is not a problem.
  16. Thanks. That is,all taken care of. It is just whether the multi entry visa is ok for the permit is the question and whether I need to show 400,000 baht if I need to change the visa. I understood the 40,000 b she pays me per month would be enough without a lump sum.
  17. My wife is Thai. I am Australian and my salary will be 40,000 b per month. I have a multi entry non.o visa based on being married to a Thai. My permission to stay expires after 90 days on 3rd November but my ME visa expires in April 2025. Do appreciate any input so thank you.
  18. I was actually following on from my comment on @Gottfrid's post. Maybe if you read that would be obvious
  19. I don't understand what you mean. I was totally serious.
  20. If the police stopped their patrols society would break down. There would be girls and guys selling themselves in every soi and along the beach. Thanks to Thai Police we have a family friendly resort.
  21. I would be kind of ok with 90 days. Would take me through most of the season then I would 'stop working ' and stay on my ME.
  22. That is unfair. They are doing their best to stop vaping, drinking between midday and 5pm, and they patrol Pattaya regularly to ensure there is no prostitution.
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