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Everything posted by Wongkitlo

  1. Great. Thanks enormously. Understand😁
  2. Hey Rob. Thank you. That makes me feel much more at ease.
  3. Hi. I have a Multi Entry non o visa from Savannakhet. My wife has,a,business operating 6 months of the year(now till April.) My visa expires next May. She went to a local Thai accountant in a provincial town who is setting up a company for her. My wife will employ me for the required 40,000 baht per month and the accountant will get a work permit for me and I guess convert my non-o me to a non-b?. She says to get the work permit I will need to show 400,000 baht each 3 months to immigration. I understand that converting my visa to non-b would require showing funds but I understood the 40,000 baht income would be sufficient without needing to show 400,000 b.
  4. I have put in the wrong forum. Can moderator delete(I tried to) and I will post again in the other
  5. Hi. I have a Multi Entry non o visa from Savannakhet. My wife has,a,business operating 6 months of the year(now till April.) My visa expires next May. She went to a local Thai accountant in a provincial town who is setting up a company for her. My wife will employ me for the required 40,000 baht per month and the accountant will get a work permit for me and I guess convert my non-o me to a non-b?. She says to get the work permit I will need to show 400,000 baht each 3 months to immigration. I understand that converting my visa to non-b would require showing funds but I understood the 40,000 baht income would be sufficient without needing to show 400,000 b.
  6. You very clever. You realize that some people in Pattaya come from that big place called Europe.
  7. Do you have any updates? Is the ship still there or has been reflected?
  8. Fortunately for them rarely carried out except for murder.
  9. Thanks . Will check Boyu. YouTube is good advice.
  10. Thanks. I could buy a dedicated pump with the money I save and use the existing pump for the fountain.
  11. Am thinking of buying a filter for my fishpond. It has a pump already and 2 outlets, 1 for wall fountain and the other an centre fountain that I have diverted to the side. The only one I can really find online is in the picture. I hoped somebody might kindly have some input. My wife thinks it is frivolous so I am on a budget.
  12. You are obviously not married to a Thai. I moved to Thailand so my wife could be with her family. Farung married to Thais usually have a lot more connection to Thailand than those on a retirement visa or a dtv/education visa. We have homes, children, connections in the community, more likely to speak Thai, visit the temple etc. I was married to a permenant resident applicant in Australia. As soon as she applied she could work, get medical benefits, social support. In Thailand marriage visa applicants just get to contribute to the mountains of paperwork at immigration
  13. Some budget airlines only have self check in. Scanningv the biometrics page of a passport is a lot different from scanning a qr code. They could change the machines but of course on the end the customers will pay for it.
  14. I am sorry your life is so boring you need to waste it misinterpreting my posts. I did not quote anything but was questioning how it would work with self check-in. I was willing for somebody to explain that to me but instead I had your quite antagonistic replies. It has little interest to me as I do not use visa exempt but am always slightly interested in processes.
  15. No. I am not aware. Why would I have heard of ESTAs if I am not from the USA and have no intention of travelling there or to Europe etc? Yes. The airline can reclaim the costs of passage but needs to actually get the money. If the passenger claims they do not have or refuses to pay they still need to provide carriage and somehow reclaim the money later.
  16. I was not claiming anything. I was questioning how self check in can work with ETAs considering it is the airline's responsibility to repatriate if somebody arrives without the correct documentation.
  17. You serious? Why troll the support desk?
  18. I have tried but searched for them and did not come up. I tried to send a message to @somebody to tell him to f off but it said this user can not receive messages. Is why I believed was the forum sending fake reactions.
  19. I keep getting reactions from @somebody. I guess it is the forum creating fake likes. Is there anyway of stopping it?
  20. It is your problem but also the airline's. If you are refused entry to a country it is the responsibility of the airline that allowed you on the airplane to return you to your place of origin at the airline's expense. It will then become their problem if they allow you on the plane so, like during covid, they will have to reinstate their check in desk and not allow online checking. I know it sounds strange but I know people who do not have email addresses (or if they do they never check them)
  21. Doesn't really answer the question. The airlines will need to stop self check ins if they need to monitor everybody to check for ESTA.
  22. Will they refuse entry without one. Many airlines are going to self check in. You scan your passport at a machine and it prints a boarding pass. Your first interaction with staff is at the queue to board. If the airline is liable for refusal of entry they will need to have staff checking ETAs. They could put a question about it at the machine but some people are stupid and tick yesto anything.
  23. Many airlines are going to self check in. I go to the machine, scan passport. It prints the boarding pass and off to immigration. The only personal contact is at the gate which is a bit late and crowded to check.
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