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Everything posted by bolt

  1. Thais are hopeless at showing emotion, they see it as a weakness so its old fashioned stiff upper lip and all that We must remember as we get older we become more hygienic, and sharing saliva becomes more or less important.
  2. I'm wondering how they define which one is the 2nd and which one is the primary? my 2 were issued on two different days and are 13 days apart from August 2013. I have attached copies of my other passport, and will post that along with my letter of justification for holding 2 passports in my Online application, i have scanned some copies of visa from it also. I'll keep you posted on how it goes or doesn't
  3. I've sent you a private message Sky scanner is fine for finding the route but i would always pay an extra 30-40 GBP and buy direct rom Airline
  4. you can always buy that TV for 6k, and see how it goes, if its too slow you can always connect an external device and compare
  5. believe it or not but I would recommend using the WIFI connection, the reason is almost 99% of TVs have a MAX LAN cable connection of 100mb, even the latest 2021, i couldn't believe it, but the WIFI can get speeds up to 1,000MB cable connections are more stable so the 100mb "Should be ok" but the perhaps in 2-3 4 years the internet streaming speeds will be 1,000mb(1GB+0 so bear that in mind. as i said in earlier post, you should really use your TV-Display as a Display only and connect external device, the external device will connect to internet and can be updated or even changed over later, and your screen (TV) can stay the same.
  6. what distance will you be sitting from the screen??? and will you be using the same screen to read documents or emails ??
  7. its an Amazon Firestick, basically a mini computer without keyboard - mouse or screen all you have to do is plug into to TV HDMI and then connect to WIFI network and use the remote control and hey presto. these devices are fabulous, may other similar on the market, Google has a Chromecast, Mi TV Stick, Roku Stick, its all down to price but they're all basically the same
  8. did they put your application on HOLD until letter was received or was it on HOLD due to having another passport in the system ? also can you share the Passport Peoples email for correspondence, i will email them my letter as well as attaching it to the passport
  9. unfortunately i have chickened out and made an application online the process was extremely easy and i only have to send my old passport I will be sending an attached letter stating i need( currently hold 2 passports from UK) the will support my application FYI the passport photo section allows you to upload a picture and the website scans it for you and gives you a score if its acceptable for use, so that's very handy the website says 11 weeks turnaround which seems ok, since i have the other passport. the online cost is cheaper also 115 GBP for 50 page Frequent traveler passport, i need to go to post office and send passport
  10. I had a similar conundrum this year, after 10 years my TV died I have a small tech hobby so I enjoy gadgets, My new TV 2021 has built in applications like YouTube HBO Netlfix etc, but it’s the actual operating system of the TV which will not be updated properly meaning the applications will be slow or unusable after 2-3-4 years I have tried several built in Smart TV’s and the latest models are reasonable but I would advise using one of the HDMI”s sockets and then connect an external device, this will give you an option of upgrading the external device and keep same TV-Display My personal recommendation would be an Amazon Firestick I also have and X-Box S but don’t use that much, and Apple TV but don’t use that much. I’ve found the firestick is suitable for 99% of what I need, and I can also unplug it and take with me on holiday and use in the Hotels wherever I stay, which was a life saver during pandemic Quarantine. Fire stick costs approx. 50-60-70 USD and an be bought from Lazada, i have bought approx 5 or 6 for family and friends over the years
  11. I believe its no longer "That easy" to get a 1 year visa outside of LOS I would get a renewal before you leave and make sure you get an exit entry permit
  12. Hi I’m a frequent traveler so I hold 2 UK passports, same name different passport numbers with 3 day difference in issued-expiry date. Lets say Passport 1# is used for Thailand and work, Passport 2# is used for other (its mostly an emergency use case) My question can I apply for a new passport 2# whilst in Thailand and then travel out of the Thailand with the other passport 1# Note Passport 1# will be used to enter Thailand and will be used to exit. I’d like to renew Passport 2# which doesn’t have any valid Thailand visa’s in it at that time of application. Do they check that? Will they think I’m overstaying ??? Should I use an agent, since I won’t be in Thailand for the whole period ???
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