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Everything posted by JoseThailand

  1. Sometimes reporting helps. I complained to the Bangkok Bank head office about a branch employee who tried to make me buy an insurance to open an account. The next day they they called me back from the branch, apologized and offered to open an account without an insurance.
  2. We all read the horror stories about how people were denied entry and deported simply based on the fact that they "stayed in Thailand too long". But what are the legal grounds for that? From what I read, in these situations immigration officials falsify the reason for deportation, citing "insufficient funds" or similar, where the person clearly meets all the legal requirements (holds enough money on them, has an hotel booking, return ticket etc.). There is no official rule about "staying in Thailand too long", that's why they need to make up some false reason. Of course, not everyone who gets a hard time with immigration at an airport gets deported. Often they are allowed entry after an interrogation. I had a similar experience myself. I was allowed entry but was offered a "special service" for the future - a guaranteed entry for $100. The officer even showed me his phone with a lot of customers paying for this service. This means that they create these obstacles to make people pay them. What can we do in such situations? As law-abiding tourists, we don't overstay, we don't work in Thailand illegally. Our only "crime" is that we stay in Thailand too long, which is ridiculous. We need to assert our rights. There is an immigration hotline number, which we can call if our rights are violated. In case of unlawful deportation, we have time to file an appeal. And if we encounter a fact of corruption ($100 for entry), we should report it.
  3. That depends on his nationality. For some countries, there is no such limitation.
  4. Other articles mention that she was a prostitute herself, too. Of course, in Thailand it's nothing unusual, but still...
  5. They will. The Emergency Decree is already extended until the end of September. Covid extensions will follow.
  6. I think it was back in the times when opening a bank account with a tourist visa was a piece of cake, as some dinosaurs on this forum can recall.
  7. Don't worry, Thai ladies will be happy to meet him when he's 50.
  8. What about vaccination? Is it still needed to enter the country without a quarantine?
  9. You're right. Even if there is no extensions after July 25, the current extension allows people to stay until the end of September, which gives plenty of time to sort things out and consider other options.
  10. As Covid is receding, some people think that Covid extensions will come to an end. But, as we have seen, Covid extensions have little to do with the actual Covid and border closures. Covid is almost forgotten, borders are practically open, with some requirements. The officials could have easily stopped the extensions long before and kicked everyone out. But, for some reason, they didn't. That makes me think that they actually want us here. Tourist arrivals are still far below pre-Covid numbers. It may be partly due to the economic situation and the Ukraine war. Rising fuel prices and longer air routes have made air travel significantly more expensive. Also, people simply travel less in times of economic turmoil. As a side note, Covid extensions have gone hand-in-hand with the Emergency decree, which Prayut is willing to extend. So, my guess is that we will see Covid extensions after July 25.
  11. Even Kazakhtan's president refused to recognize the new quasi states in the Russian-occupied territories.
  12. Putin is old and sick and will die soon. He knows that, and is trying to make history while he's still alive, but the time is running up for him.
  13. Putin will end like Hitler, Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein, Karadzic, Milosevic and other terrorist dictators and murderers.
  14. Ukrainians are great at guerilla warfare. They bomb and kill Russian officials and collaborators in the occupied territories.
  15. The western intelligence gathered a lot of information, including the date of invasion, while the Russians kept denying the possibility of it.
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