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Everything posted by Toolong

  1. Well, damen, your comment does make me think. While I can't myself be sure if the point about repair time & availabilty of spare parts is really the way it (you could be right), I do kind of agree with the idea that with Toyota those problems would be less likely to arise, ie repair time & spare parts. Resale value better? Again, you could be right. Thanks for the advice. ????
  2. Yes, I'm not ready yet to put my faith in EV's. Too many doubts. ????????
  3. Now that's salesmanship! ????????
  4. And yes, we are in Isaan, btw.
  5. Yes, I noticed that height off-ground too. And like you, we get floods here. I used to think that people who liked to sit higher up on the road were often just being pretentious, but whether or not that's true, I know now there are definite, practical advantages to it and I prefer it myself now!???? As soon as I'm able, I'll get down to the local Honda dealer and see if they have one to look over. My wife is certainly interested. ????
  6. That Verso looks entirely practical, has a modest cuteness to it and I love it! ???? I like the big windows. Visibility must have been good, meaning increased safety. I recall early Yaris cars & hatchbacks had bigger windows and then all of a sudden, Toyota switched to the lower profile, smaller window look that matched the Ford Fiesta styling and that really bugged me, because to me it was a blatant compromize on safety. But that's just my opinion! ???? Anyway.....love that Verso!
  7. True enough, Connda, true enough. ????
  8. DavisH, this is a pretty comprehensive & enormously helpful selection of advice & tips and I'm grateful for it. ???? First thought: those crv's sound good. ???? I'm tempted. Popular for a good reason, right? The comfort level on bad roads re the City would be problematic for us as around here the roads are particularly bad. Interesting. Lanewatch? Any increased-safety features have to be good, so if not there on cheaper models, not great. Will consider that. Honda wr-v....good info. Higher up seating no problem. 'Basically a Honda Jazz engine..' I don't think i have any complaints about that! ???? You're right about Bkk dealerships vs the sticks. Out here in Issarn it's more 'sleepy' and can get frustrating!???? Ceramic coatings? I am ignorant of such things. Sounds very good, though ???? I will do some homework on that and its availability in my area. Thanks again. ????????????
  9. Yes, he was referring to the Yaris. I love getting all this feedback, because in its limited way it exposes the cracks, so to speak. What you helpfully point out about the weight/power difference between Yaris & Swift is interesting. And it matters......because I start to wonder just how clever Toyota are at marketing their baby. And you're right. 2023 Yaris seems like a minor facelift. But, will I be drawn to the Toyota brand anyway....in the end.....because of their reputation? Could be. ???? ????????????
  10. Yes, regarding the overall height and higher seating set-up, I feel that would be a good thing, that does not negatively affect the advantages (IMO, as far as my wife's needs are concerned) of it being a shorter vehicle length-wise. I think she wants to be more higher up, rather than way down low. She's used to being (as a front passenger) in our pick-up for 14 years, a bit higher than the average car, I suppose. For me, the length, and to some extent the width, is what's crucial. (Said the actress to the bishop! ????????)
  11. I appreciate you being clearly enthusiastic about what recommendations you make. It's helpful, as I was (am) admittedly doubtful about MG but now really feel it would do no harm to test drive a few of their models. So I will. ???????? I really take note of your comment about the Yaris transmission being - in your view - a bit 'rubber band'. That's a concern of mine, cos that would - if it's indeed the likely case with the Yaris - bother me a lot. You don't say why you don't like Mazdas, but that's ok, it's your call. ???? But gotta say I like them. They seem well put together. (And if I'm not mistaken....no cvt transmission! ????) Cheers. ????
  12. All wads should be subject to high levels of tightness. I know my own can barely breathe sometimes, to the point of strangulation!????
  13. Yes, test drives are next step. Regarding the Yaris, as I mentioned, no models were even available to view, let alone test drive. But you're right - test driving is a biggy in making the choice. Interesting that you say City is more comfortable than the Swift. And regarding your own personal choice ideally vs your wife's decision to go for the City......yes, I'd think the same as you! Civics are nice! ????(though style-wise, I loved the previous, sadly short-lived generation just before this latest version. It almost matched the Mazda 3 for sexiness and racy flair. This newer version design? Solid but dull as dishwater...IMHO! Why did Honda do that?!????) Cheers, ????????
  14. Ok, Thanks. So no more Vios? ???? As 'Vios', anyway.
  15. I can't agree or disagree with that, transam, cos I simply don't really know. Just driven only a manual pick-up for decades, in which no such trouble arises. But I have been kind of 'traumatized' (????) by a plague of past experiences (long, long ago!) of slippy clutches and draggy transmissions in both cars & motorcycles!! So the mere thought of it has me fearful of a return to it! I even have the occasional nightmare about slipping clutches! ????
  16. Thanks for relating your experiences. Very interesting. That rear-view pic of the Swift does impress. In fact, I have always thought they are great looking little cars, no doubt about it. A Yaris is still in the frame to be a possible choice, but need an opportunity to thoroughly check them out locally, hands-on. ???? One thing, Madgee, forgive me, but I can't quite work out which car you're referring to when you say 'a little sluggish'. The Yaris or the Swift? ????????
  17. Vinny....this is mighty interesting!! Thanks!???? The fact that it's shorter in length than the Mazda 2 is amazing. My wife is currently reading the info in Thai in the link you kindly sent. I'll find out what I can in English. And we'll check out the local Honda outlet tomorrow. And it's an attractive looking vehicle. ???? (Not too aggressive looking. Nice.) Thanks a lot. I appreciate it!????
  18. DavisH.....I really appreciate you taking the time to offer this very interesting, informative & honest appraisal of the vehicles you & your wife have experienced as owners. Thanks. The possible 'elastic band effect' from the Swift's cvt is something that would cause me concern, though your praise for its small car zippiness around town is noted on the plus side. More incentive for me to check them out. As far as the ativ goes, I do hope to fully check out the Yaris models as soon as I can. Your views on the City, based on your experiences so far, are interesting. And seem positive overall, but with a few 'minor' niggles that you kindly point out. Re the sound insulation thing....Yes, I think it's because, as you say, you're used to the crv. Again, thanks DavisH. This is very helpful!????
  19. ???? Interesting. Yet another endorsement of the Celerio! I find I'm learning about vehicles that I hardly knew existed! The simple functionality & perfromance you describe does sound very impressive, I must say. What I would, respectfully, like to bring up is how your approach to cars is based on sensible, no-nonsense practicality, whereas my wife's approach might be said to be the ABSOLUTE OPPOSITE of that!!???? As for me, I'm mostly the same as you I think, but with a taste for style as much as substance! (Btw....my comment on your approach is intended to be a compliment ????)
  20. Yes, that kind of built-in camera feature is going to be essential, esp for parking!???? Thanks very much for offering those comparative specs for the Yaris and WRV! ???????? I hadn't heard of the WRV. Length-wise it's shorter than the Mazda 2! I'm interested.....will google. Cheers!
  21. Absolutely agree. Reluctantly......but yes, agree 100%. Chances are much higher of things not working out so well if she is not enthusiastic about the chosen vehicle in the first place. ????????
  22. Well, I don't think I 'wrote off most cars'. ???? Just being critical, but am keeping options open. ???? Will admit I have (perhaps unfairly) had doubts about MG.....though comments such as yours do make me want to look more closely at them and to look for their pros as well as any cons. If the MG3 is a small hatchback, I'll check it out, for sure. And other models while I'm at it. The Swift seems to have come up in this thread more than I think I expected, so that has also piqued my interest in finding out more. So I'm on the case! ????????
  23. .....plus rear view visibility, especially for parking. Possible fender benders worry me. ????????
  24. Yes. I agree. ???? How it feels to her in regard to such things as visibility and so on is very important. ????
  25. Yes. ???? 'If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it!'
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