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Everything posted by Toolong

  1. I hate to complain, cos I like Aseannow and appreciate your service, but the appeal of it all, shall we say, - from a user pov - is really being compromised by ads recently....in particular this Hong Kong rugby ad. ????
  2. Unless it is, for some reason, particularly inconvenient for you to do so (ie, no printer easily accessible) I would advise re-doing the photos. Simple. Then you won't have any niggling worries that the IO's might just be having a bad day and reject them. (Which is a drag if, like me, you live a full gas tank's distance from the Imm. Office.) Margins for stamp? Crikey....is that an issue? At all? I've been pulled up by Imm. for just about every 'paperwork discrepancy' they can come up with (and they can be creative), but never that. ???? Chok dee. ????
  3. Yes, I agree with you about many of the oem rims these days, certainly regarding how they look (to my eyes, anyway). Sometimes they get it right, but very often the design just seems to me like a desperate attempt to be 'different', and maybe it does look different, but too often it looks weird & ugly too! ????
  4. Yes, indeed. With what was, not so long ago, the more conventional set up, that was/is the case. But I've noticed a trend towards more wheel, less tyre, with the wheel sometimes quite prominently exposed to a good mashing by an unforgiving kerb. Not keen on this style personally, but then I'm not a cool, hip dude! ????
  5. Yes....good point. Some of those wheels are just asking for a ding or two. Guess that was an advantage of hub caps or clip on wheel facades that were widely used more often in the past. Easy & cheap to replace. ????????
  6. Thanks for your comments, DavisH.. Yes, I have noticed with new car buyers here that the brand wheels & tyres at purchase often get changed for something more custom in amazingly quick time! Reckon they must have it all planned out before purchase & have it priced in, including the deal on selling the originals. Which of course is fine. ???? You point out the difference in gas consumption between the cx3 & the 2. It's actually hugely important and is one of the reasons for us to get a new vehicle, so despite the appeal of the cx3, it could be a mistake! The test drive may be a deciding factor, so I'll make as much of it as I can. And your point about Mazda bringing out a new 2 variant soon, I agree that they will most likely. So waiting a bit is not a bad idea.....and it gives me a chance to test drive the Yaris. ???????? Thanks....????
  7. It's a 'keeper'! Especially if only 20,000 kms. ????
  8. I'm glad you posted this comment my way, DavisH., cos it gives me a chance to get a niggle off my chest, so to speak! By all means tell me your view on this, if you have a mind to. (Otherwise....if you think I'm talking nonsense, don't sweat it!????????) The local Mazda showroom has only the top variant for each model. Yesterday we went to visit to check out the 2 & the Cx3. The cx3, therefore was the top 'Comfort' variant. The stand-out differences in this top variant from the other cx3 variants - as far as I could tell, there might be others - were a few safety features, like the 360 degree surround view thing, nice suede leather trim.....and 18 inch wheels. My gripe is the wheel/tyre size, compared to the 16 inch size used on the 'lower' variants. I have seen this highlighted in many reviews of the cx3, and I know from my own experience, that the tyre profile used on the 18 inch, the 215/50 R18, will give a much LESS comfortable ride, on poor road surfaces, than the 215/60 R16 tyre used on the lower models. I know on GOOD road surfaces, the 215/50 R18 will no doubt be ok, and maybe even add more overall stability, handling-wise, than the 215/60 R16s, but where I live, a lot of road surface are pretty rough & pot-holed, so those 18 inchers are not what I need. I asked the salespeople if I could order the Comfort variant, but with the 16 inch wheel/tyre set up, paying the same price as I would for the 18 inch wheels. They said no, not possible. I explained the logic of it being a win-win for Mazda, and convenient for me, plus kind of a 'lose' for me, which I would accept. They said just can't be done. I'm not usually attracted by 'bells & whistles' too much, but I admit I do like that suede trim on the top model, and the 360 view monitor would be good for my wife....+ I'm not sure I could get over forking out so much for the next model down, with the hard plastic trim and no 360, despite having (for me) the better wheel/tyre set up. The sales guy suggested I buy it as it is, then trade the 18 inchers for the size I want. While it is possible I suppose, to do that, not only is it a hassle, but possibly it might effect the warranty (not sure). Another issue is that I think my wife has fallen for the CX3, over the Mazda 2! So while I'm now unsure about where to go from here re the CX3, and 'stalled', she's of the mind that it's the one for us.....or her, anyway! ???? Which brings me to the Mazda 2. Regarding wife being a VERY inexperienced, unsure, 4-wheel driver, and therefore getting a car that is small, zippy, easy to manouevre, and good quality....the Mazda 2 is the one for her....as far as I'm concerned! But she wants to run before she can walk, so to speak, and now sees the bigger cx3 is the one for her/us. We test-drove the Mazda 2 (I drove) and it seemed perfectly fine. We will test-drive the cx3 on Monday, and I shall be putting it through its paces on some bumpy surfaces! (If you, or anyone, is wondering why my wife isn't test-driving these vehicles herself, which would make sense, it's cos she is SO inexperienced that I would worry too much about disaster, unless we could find an unused airport runway to drive around! ????)
  9. But there are a lot of nice accessories you can add on to make it a pleasant driving experience for your wife and to ramp up its resale value. Like, say, the roll-down see-through rain screens. What wife wouldn't appreciate that? ????????
  10. Yes, I agree and think your prediction is likely to be the case. ????
  11. Yes, I agree and think your prediction is very likely to be the case. ????
  12. My local showroom now has the Yaris to look at and test drive. So will test drive next week. Think my wife prefers Mazda.....but I want to give the Yaris a chance. ????
  13. Yes, I like them too. Actually did a test drive in one for the first time today - nice. Problem is......my wife has taken a shine to the CX3 that she sat in at the showroom. The CX3 is nice....and have a test drive arranged for Monday, so that will probably reinforce her liking for it over the Mazda 2. I like the CX3 too but think the 2 is better for her & her needs. So will see.....????????????
  14. Thanks for your comments, DavisH. And thanks for the youtube reviews. Will watch them shortly, with my wife, to translate if necessary. ???????? Re second-hand crv's or second-hand cars generally, my wife is not keen. It's not a mindset that I think can change. (Which is a shame, cos if I could pick up a real bargain Jazz - now discontinued - it would suit her perfectly imo.) If she knew the whole history of a bargain second-hander & was close to the owner, etc....then maybe, but....???????? ????
  15. Thanks, Vinny. You've just helpfully educated me somewhat as to the likely set-ups between manufacterers & dealerships. ???? I think I have been rather naive about this, assuming that the dealership policy is the manufacturer's (ie Honda) policy cos the dealership IS the manufacturer, in a way. But the relationship is more complex than that and I can, from your comments, understand that in a clearer way. ???? So that said......despite the WR-V having some rather cheapish-looking & naff features that I noticed as soon as I sat in it.......the WR-V had a certain character to it overall, notably the actual compactness of it, while still giving the impression of a larger vehicle. It's on the back-burner for me atm, but I'll be interested to know what coming reviews of it say.
  16. As someone else suggested, I think it's an individual dealership thing. Their own policy. Not universal. Dunno for sure. ???????????? But you know, if they want me to part with the cabbage, I say hand me those ignition keys and let's ride.
  17. ????????????....high horsepower is not what floats my wife's boat.....so to speak. The colour of the vehicle does. And what really appeals to her most, is the vehicle that's at least one up-grade in the models range above that model I suggest is what we need. ????
  18. I will check that site out, Vinny. Thank you ????. Like I mentioned to someone else who kindly responded to my post to you, I think there was (just) enough about the WR-V, from an all-too-brief look-over to spur me to give it another chance. So I will check out the site you provided to see if something can be sorted. Frankly, not impressed with this particular Honda dealership, tbh. Maybe another....though some distance away.....might be more ready to give me what I need. We'll see. Again, thanks Vinny & thanks for the link. ????
  19. No, I didn't ask, DavisH.. I should have done. But she was so clear that a test drive wouldn't be available - and that's that! - that it left me too baffled to enquire further. I'm guessing that had it been possible to book a test drive she would have suggested it, to keep me on the hook, so to speak. But she didn't. Oh well. Unfortunate that I hadn't got far doing a thorough check up inside & out before she told me about the test drive no-can-do. Shame, cos got the impression it might be worth giving the WR-V a chance to win me over. I'm gonna go with what you suggested.....check out other Honda outlets, esp a larger one if possible. Thanks for your response, DavisH. ????
  20. Just thought I'd mention it - went to check out the Honda WR-V today. Seemed nice. But no vehicle to test drive. That stumped me. In fact, no test drives available for any of the Honda vehicles in the showroom. Company policy. How does Honda think that makes for a happy customer, I wonder. ???? Oh well. ????
  21. Yes, I know what you mean. I'm a bit wary of brand new models. Wait until the problems have been ironed out is best! ????
  22. Yes, finding out these details, about what exactly I am getting in the package and what I'm not, is going to be important for me. ????
  23. Personally....I love the March! Wife's opinion? Very 'Thai', let's put it that way. ????. And I truly regret to say that. ????
  24. ????'.....consecutive Mazda 2's'. ? Interesting. Very interesting, in fact. I like the CX3....very much......and my wife does too.....but I myself have a sense that a Mazda 2 might be a good starting point (she's not an experienced 4-wheeler) for her.......or do you think we could safely 'skip' (so to speak) the Mazda 2 and just get a CX3 ? ????
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