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Everything posted by Toolong

  1. Got a question, JAS21.....and it's a question that baffles me at the moment (because I've a feeling once the toilet is lifted out, the answer will be more than clear.....hopefully! So the question is: if the toilet body is ONE piece, with only access to holding-down bolts via the hollow area at the back.....which in my case is too small for getting wrenches, rachets & sockets in..........how the hell can tightening of the bolts be done??!!!! Or don't Thai plumbers bother and just rest the whole thing in cement/ silicone?? ????
  2. ???????? I shouldn't laugh.....you cheeky devil!
  3. Definitely looks cleaner, more tidy, and more stable too, being up against the wall. I like it! ????????
  4. Hi Encid, Thanks for the message. Your query #1: Yes, I would estimate it to be about 305mm. Can't actually measure it exactly at the moment. Your query #2: toilet's still in place, so I can't yet know exactly what kind of flange there is.....assuming there is one! Probably isn't! Your query #3: the bolts are definitely out of view inside the base. It baffles me how anyone could have access to them to screw them down at all, let alone tight! There's not enough of a gap between the back wall and the back of the toilet! I'm fascinated by what is going to be revealed when I do pull that toilet out! Cheers! ????????????
  5. Ok! Thanks, JAS21. I'm going to open the link you sent and fully check this out. I think it's going to provide me with a lot of useful clues as to my problem and ways of fixing. Thanks a lot. This is perfect! ????
  6. Interesting to see your toilet backed straight onto the wall. Looks very tidy! ???? Is it fastened to floor with bolts on the outside, or inside of the base? I can't quite see. If the bolts are inside, how did you have access to screw them down, I wonder? ????????
  7. Yes, I agree. I feel the thing to do is to take it all out and see it clearly. Then fix or replace. (Incidentally, shame they don't seem to have professional plumbers here, who specialize in this kind of stuff. Rather than just local handymen who have a general knowledge about it.....though I admit some of them can be good, for sure!)
  8. Interesting, transam. Thank you. I think I'll check out - if I can - stuff on youtube regarding sealing ring options. And I'll bear in my mind your own apparent preference for the 'clay' type. Thanks, I'm getting there! ????????
  9. Thanks for that info! Wow, I'm learning a lot, fast. Surprised...but also not surprised....that it's a tendency of Thai plumbers to miss out essential bits & pieces! I mentioned that access to that part of the toilet directly around where it meets the hole in floor is EXTREMELY limited. I cannot get my hand in anywhere near that point, nor the bolts screwing the thing to the floor. (Possibly they didn't screw it down at all!) Right now, I'm thinking: change the whole toilet to something that allows for 100% seals + easy access, outside bolts with closed back, use of sealing ring, etc. Thanks a lot for your comment! ????????????
  10. They hadn't used the sealing ring? Oh, boy! I'm no plumber, but I reckon it's a big mistake to leave out that sealing ring! What you say, Jas21, is very interesting and most useful, as it's leading me to guess that either the fitter also left out the ring, or possibly didn't fit it properly. Maybe because he (or she!) could not possibly tighten down the bolts properly due to the tiny gap between toilet and wall. (The toilet isn't loose though, although the cement/grout sealant might just be holding it firm. ????) Cheers.
  11. Sorry, wife is busy in bathroom right now. Can't provide photo! ????
  12. 'Cotto'. The toilet itself works fine. And the opening at the back is definitely part of the design. Walking through 'Home-Pro' yesterday and noticed that many, if not most, of the toilets on sale were open at the back. To me, it seems that the open back style is going to be prone to allowing problems like drain flies + (in my case) mosquitoes. With the closed type, that problem cannot arise, surely! That's my opinion, anyway. Cheers! ????????
  13. Interesting, Etaoin! Thanks for that link. Now I know. (Knowledge is power! ????) I appreciate it. ????????
  14. My wife & I bought a house a while back. The general quality of the house was good, but early on some issues with each of the three toilets became clear. One toilet in particular has had an ongoing problem that is now bugging me too much and I need it sorted out. The issue is this: the back of the toilet, on the base fitted to the floor, is open, presumably to allow access to screw it down to the floor (though it's so close to the wall - about 10 cms- that the plumber must have had tiny arms!). Anyway.....the problem has been insects gaining access to the bathroom via that opening, somehow. Mosquitoes & what I call little 'sh**flies'. How they gain access to the pipework in the first place baffles me, and all covers & breather pipes outside are sealed or are covered by gauze mesh. But they can only be getting past the main big round rubber seal where the toilet meets the floor, so I want to a) change the seal, or b) change the whole toilet to one that has bolt fittings on the outside and is not open at the back. Now my query is about that main rubber seal. Some time ago, a Thai friend of the family, with only vague connections to the construction business, complicated matters by claiming that this particular toilet (no, it's not ancient, it's a very modern type) would have a type of seal that is no longer available. So that put things on pause. But can he be right? Surely these seals are standard, no? Or at least the size of the hole & pipe to which the toilet connects? Am I right? Can anyone clarify this for me? Thanks.
  15. When you are waiting for the email confirming that it's been processed, which includes your next due date, best NOT to only rely on receiving that email. I did this last time and got worried as it was taking a long time. Then I happened to check my 'Application Status' on the website and discovered that it HAD been processed & confirmed. For whatever reason, the email was never sent. (No, not in junk mail.) Anyway, lesson learned. ????
  16. Agree. But....and I am no expert...., after my own health experiences and doing way too much research about this (I need to get out more!), even bread labelled 100% wholemeal is not 'wholemeal' at all. What I understand IS more likely truly 'wholemeal' or 'wholegrain' is the heavy, dense, darkish german type bread. (Unfortunately, I can't find it sold locally in my area.)
  17. 'Don't ask'. ???? I think I know why you say that. With the tendency for rules to be different for different offices, even different staff members in the same office, from year to year......sometimes you just can't depend on whatever they say anyway, so like you suggest, asking isn't always as helpful as you hope it might be! (But tbh, printed or handwritten.....'don't amount to a hill o' beans' to me, anyway!) But thanks for your help. ????????
  18. Blue seems to be what they prefer. (Fair enough, I suppose. Only reason I can think of of is that the blue stands out against the black and thus easier to read. Who knows.)
  19. I will ask them if a printed copy is ok, for the following year. ????
  20. Blue. Right! ???? Thanks, DrJack. Good advice! ???? (It's the Korat office, btw. They do seem to have quite strict rules! ????)
  21. Thanks, ubonjoe. I use the the Korat office and they do seem to have strict rules about little things like this!
  22. Hi fellow forum members, I need to do my (3rd) 1 year extension at immigration soon, so currently getting documents ready. In short, my memory is getting really poor with age (and years of substance abuse, perhaps!). I know there is a rule about filling in the TM7 form in a particular colour ink - either blue or black, but I just can't remember, with enough certainty, which one. Blue or black? Help would be appreciated. ???? (PS: sorry to clutter the forum with such apparently trivial stuff, but my particular immigration office seems to delight in finding minor faults in my applications each year. Don't want to give them that pleasure this year. ????)
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