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Captain Monday

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Everything posted by Captain Monday

  1. Within a decade or so they would be replaced by VR tech then Asian love droids. Perfect bods and attitude and 100 percent STD free.
  2. The problem is really not the masks. It is coming to Thailand while flaunting their privilege e disrespecting the local sensibilities of their host Nation. They should be fined.
  3. Not sure. I have only been in one Bolt I worried about. Phuket Central Floresta to Patong the dudes brakes were squealing bad on the downhills if it was raining I probably would have bailed. Not safe.
  4. Fearmongering happened when you suggested people "think twice" about doing the Sandbox. when the worst case scenario, "couple of horror stories" out of 20,000 plus arrivals is you are shifted to a hospital. There is a hundred percent guarantee if you do ASQ you will be 14+ nights in a room, dry. At least when I did it you had one hour relax time per day during the second half. I think time passes faster in that prison than Phuket where I have nothing to do but take walks and go to Big C but I would never recommend it to a normal person. I'm not normal. I can sleep 14 hours per day, Sitting in a room after a week and three tests passed knowing you have a week to go is maddening Here is what happens if the handful out of 20,000 case happens The remainder of your pre-paid sandbox package is refunded. Your insurance, (remember the required nonsense insurance) should pay something for your Hospitalization. I have done both ASQ and Sandbox. I recommend sandbox for being able to have a bit of freedom. Or just stay in your bedsit in Bradford, where one may die of boredom. To fly to Thailand in 2021 requires jumping thru hoops, and a bit of risk. Do you ride on motorbikes or otherwise move on Thai roads? "Think Twice" before you leave your bedroom. The worst case scenario being far more deadly than ministered to by pretty nurses for a fortnight, and a bit of expense.
  5. So why fearmonger? A small number out of 20 plus thousands. How many people in Thailand "think twice" before they jump on a motorbike to join the 50 plus per day who die on the roads? Insurance is required I'm glad I did the Sandbox and not ASQ again or stay in America where that shrimp fried rice would be at least 12 dollars and probably oily and tasteless with tiny crustaceans from a pond in Vietnam pulled from a deep freeze of 18 months.
  6. Ok. What are the macho types who only take sexual favors from "males" while in prison?
  7. They are just labels, as they have been explained to me by allies in the LGBTq+ community. You can call them MSM, men who engage in sexual activity with men, if you like. For me if somebody presents as a female I treat them as a matter of respect and consider them female, but I am not interested in them sexually cause that's just not my bag baby, Don't believe me? Ask a gay man directly if gay men are attracted to persons who present as cisgendered females. They don't.
  8. Really? Well I sat next to a LB who is a regular at my friends xx last night. Nobody in a right mind would take her for a natural born female, but she smells better than my English friend who arrived and sat on the other side of me, reeking of cigarettes and drink. Gay men are not attracted to people who present as women. The punters who pull lady-boys for sex are straights.
  9. Most of them smell like men and it is foul/ bad when there are problems caused of the hormone pills
  10. Once I would when younger but I will not tolerate this type of irrational infantile behavior. Learned a hard lesson, just divorce her it will only get worse.
  11. Simple. Adopt IATA travel pass app and OPEN THE COUNTRY to vaccinated tourists. No certificate of entry, No redonkulous insurance requirements, and no more locking up people in hospital for no good reason. Tourists will come and slowly rebuild the industry but no way Thailand can be in such a revenue position for many years.
  12. Maybe some positive movement next year. https://www.axios.com/new-zealand-reopen-border-2022-43d7ab9c-18a8-4015-a79f-472069cfbebe.html
  13. Get married to a NZ citizen or apply for graduate school? Sail there on a yacht? One guy did that to get into Japan, There is always a way.
  14. Other than countries that are completely closed it is one of the top 3 strictest in the world. Unless you meet requirements of entry you probably wont be going to NZ for many years. https://www.immigration.govt.nz/about-us/covid-19/border-closures-and-exceptions/entry-to-new-zealand/critical-purpose-reasons-you-can-travel-to-new-zealand
  15. Iceland and Israel, sooo dangerous! If Thailand wants tourists relax the rideculous entry requirement.
  16. Plague sounds nasty but unless you live in a medieval hovel getting bitten by rat fleas it wont spread, and it is caused by a bacteria curable with antibiotics,
  17. I have a Apocalypse Now Blue ray 3 disc. The other was a trailer shown at an art house late show. Either US debut of Mad Max or a midnight Rocky Horror Picture show. They showed the trailers for Desparate Living and Pink Flamingos. Swear to Buddha I ran to the lobby most disgusting thing I had every seen in my life at that point. No links sorry I don't think youTube tolerates coprophagia or hideous looking people copulating.
  18. Opening scene- Apocalypse Now Trailer - Pink Flamingos. I was too young. Ran out of the theatre and almost puked.
  19. It it is because the vile man who squatted in the White house for 4 years has a very fragile ego and made personal attacks against the US Women's National Soccer team members supposed "wokeness" . Trump said wokeness made them lose. They won a Bronze medal. No way that Canada and Sweden could be more "woke" than the US team but they finished Gold and Silver. There is always politics in sport a Belarussian athlete had to escape to Poland. Whats an Olympics without a defection?
  20. What I learned.... Japan is one of the most difficult countries in the world to enter now Most people who would normally be issued visas have been locked out for 16 months No tourism allowed. Must be working PR etc., but No new visas are being issued unless married Months of anti-foreigner government/media messaging. 80 percent wanted cancellation The Japan government is a slave to foreign corporate interests, but it was totally safe The Olympics participants were 70 percent vaccinated. The participants were given a special entry with short quarantines under "Playbook" rules They did 600,000 tests for a 0.02 positive rate. Most of those were Japan residents who were going home everyday conclusion - IT IS TIME TO STOP THIS NONSENSE AND OPEN THE COUNTRY!
  21. For those of us who did not buy BTC at $1.15 please suggest an alt coin, the case for it and why?
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