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Grumpy John

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Posts posted by Grumpy John

  1. "He said the Alzheimer’s patient had walked into his house with a knife and tried to attack his father who had been sleeping."  Highly unlikely, but like everything in life you have to expect the unexpected from time to time.  If the old guy was prone to getting agitated and violent the daughter would know.  My dad suffered from Alzheimer's for several years before he passed.  Apparently cannabis oil is a good product to control dementia, and by association Alzheimer's.  More about that can be found on Youtube.

    • Like 2
  2. Oh boy!  I read another thread and start to think "Maybe the powers that be are starting to figure everything out....then I come to this thread and the talk is Songkran in July....WHAT!  


    So a thousand years of history, the relevance to the movements of the sun and it's bearing on the Thai calendar don't mean zip!  


    I know the old Siam is fading to be eventually swallowed by the newer Thailand....but really?  Are the brains trust that stupid???

    • Like 1
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  3. On 6/1/2020 at 1:31 PM, billd766 said:

    I use a stand mixer for the dough, a digital scale and aboutish for the measurements.


    I bake it in a tabletop oven that I bought from Makro.

    whole wheat bread rolls v06a.docx 12.64 kB · 3 downloads

    Your being generous calling it a table top oven if it's the same as we have.  Dam thing is only 3 years old and the timer has ceased to function and the temperature can only get to 170C despite the dial going to 250C.  We bought a temperature gauge to check it was working after having batches of muffins or block cakes not cooking in the allowed time. We got another 10C using alloy foil on the glass.  Before it was only getting to 160C. 


    • Like 1
  4. 53 minutes ago, Henryford said:

    Without the red light areas Pattaya is finished.

    You funny!   I lived in Pattaya for 4 years and everytime there was a Thai holiday or long weekend the Thai population seemed to triple!  Because Pattaya is close to Bangkok loads of Thai's take advantage of that closeness.  Knock shops may be under the hammer at this moment but things will change.  I am probably not alone in saying it's  a bit of fun to go around the beer bats and gogos to interact with some cheeky and cute little honeys.  That's going back in time.  The trend now seems to be any girl can get a job in a beer bar and being pretty is less important than making up the numbers to sit ouT in the street and schmooze the punters.  

  5. Who benefits when there is a global crisis?   A lot of our may suggest the Bangkok elites....which is partly right.   The ones who really benefit are the global elite (how I hate saying that!) seems like the Rothschilds ET Al gain whether the world is on the way up or on the way down!  I would imagine to them Thailand is a grotty little backwater on the road to China. 

    • Like 1
  6. 20 minutes ago, scorecard said:

     Don't forget that some airlines are refusing to refund for cancelled flights.


    Mine was booked Sydney to Chiang Mai and return to Sydney using CC issued by a Thai bank. I called the Bkk HO of the bank and asked about the bank reversing the charge, the bank lady double check what I was meaning and said 'not possible, never heard of this before'.


    I asked to be transferred to the senior manager responsible for credit cards, and spoke to a Thai man, perfect English, he double checked what I was meaning, and I mentioned that this is the law in many countries. He giggled a little and politely said, 'not in Thailand and not likely to happen, ever.'  

    "Charge back" is OK if you have a credit or debit card from an Aussie bank.  Some sellers on Aliexpress send me dodgy krrap and then refuse to pay postage to take back or give money back.  Once they show signs of playing games I go straight to charge back mode.....never failed to get a refund!

  7. Some of you need to lift your game when referring to or talking to your wives.   Some have Forgotten how skilled with a filleting knife a Thai girl can be.  Woe is he who slights his beloved only to find in the middle of the night his cock is in the hand of she on the other side of the bedroom with a sharp knife dripping with blood in the other hand and a evil grin on her face.  And I am not talking about poultry!  ????

    • Thanks 1
  8. 13 minutes ago, Almer said:

    The costs of eating in Los is/has become out if sync also, a pretty standard western breakfast of average quality and dogs sat watching is up around  £6 UK, in the Uk a breakfast with the portion size the same £4 or £5.

    Los is cheap to live if you want street food but as soon as you look at Macdonalds or similar it is out of proportion to local wages.

     The locals not being able to buy Mac junk food is a good thing....well maybe....I guess it depends on whether or not you had seen the Thai junk food sold at the local market! 

  9. Maybe they cannot get into the BAAC to sort out the problem....mainly because of the BS rules now in play.  I am pretty sure to get into the BAAC in Noen Maprang you would need to be cuing up about 3am!   We were out early last week and drove past about 8am and there was 100 people there!   Heading though Sak Let later in the day only 3 people outside.  So we stop,  missus goes to the door and the security guard says "No more people,  we limited to 150/day."  ????  Stupid rule. 

  10. It would appear the world lurches from one disaster to another.  Going back in history not just the last few years.   We manage to keep going as the human race finds a solution to each problem, sooner or later.  From my personal perspective life is good,  the few health problems I have have been addressed, married a nice girl and live in her house.  Always have enough food,  regular water supply and a sit toilet in the dunny.  What happens to the finance system will happen, the economy will be good or bad without my input.  I guess I am along for the ride and hopefully the road won't be to rough. 

  11. It's not easy to get a pistol here for a normal Thai person.  If you don't own property forget it,  if you not well healed forget it.   There is a mountain of paperwork, interview to attend, inspections,  questions..... The quickest way to get a license is to say you carry a lot of cash frequently or you have reported to the police an attempt was made on your life.  Will shorten the whole process from a year plus to a few months. And will you wait the few months don't get ambushed and shot!  And we were told do not offer tea money to smooth the way...it just makes them even more suspicious about you. ????

  12. 13 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

    Grumpy John, the Australian Phantom Slasher.:thumbsup:

    Not much of a phantom mate.  And I only do it to help out the missus which aids the synergy of our relationship.  Being out in the hot sun all day riding an equally hot tractor isn't on my bucket list!  Well, truth be told I would rather lay in the pool all-day sipping iced tea and watching old movies.  Then on the other hand I like a few challenges...so I do stuff.   Like  converting the dog house into a shed for the missus to store her chemi....and a dunny.  Not much of a shed,  nearly finished,  not very well made but happiness is a wife not complaining.  ????



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  13. 1 hour ago, Krataiboy said:

    Of the Bt1 trillion, Bt450 billion will be allocated to the medical sector, Bt550 billion for the agriculture sector and Bt400 billion to fix economic damages caused by the outbreak.


    Maths was never my strong suit, but these sums don't seem to add up. Assuming a thousand billion still equals a trillion, surely the rescue package adds up to 1.4 trillion. 



    Well,  it's pretty obvious your not a Thai trained accountant!  ????

    • Haha 1
  14. 3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    You know!

    PS. Not much danger of disease from a hand job, and your gf will be assuming you get those in the massage anyway.

    PPS. Mid-40s ........ I'd ask her if she has a daughter.

    Never done the mother daughter think.  Sisters (allegedly) yes.  To old for the old tricks now, one with a 2 hour break before number two would be the best I can do now.

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