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Grumpy John

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Posts posted by Grumpy John

  1. 26 minutes ago, Kinnock said:

    So three weeks ago people were packed on the BTS and queuing to enter malls, and no local transmission since.  It has a 5-7 day incubation period - so his science is based on what?  It's no wonder Chula does not make it into the top 200 universities in the world.


    But if he wants something to help him join the fear bandwagon, how about this theory of my own:


    Thailand imported the original, less virulent strain direct from Wuhan, whereas UK, Europe, Iran and US got a more virulent mutation.  That may be why US and UK have higher rates and why all Thailand's recent cases are imported.  So when tourist flights resume, we get the second wave.


    Or an alternative theory is that Thailand achieved herd immunity in December/January due to the 500,000 arrivals from Wuhan.


    Or the most likely theory - most people in US, UK and Middle East are fat bastards.

    That's a bit unfair to people in those countries.  There are plenty of fat ba-steeds here in LOS.  What is true, just an hour ago outside Lotus in Wang Sai Phun a fatty pulled up on a scooter.  I thought to myself if I  chopped his legs off I  still couldn't get him in a 200L drum!  An hour before in the Sak Lek hardware store we sometimes use a Chinese Thai guy 6' 8" and fatter than the first mentioned guy.  So,  plentry of fat Thai's out there.

    • Like 1
  2. 7 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Sorry mate, just could not resist.

    Hope you have better luck than me trying to grow organic bell peppers, every time i have tried only managed minute useless peppers.

    The same problem we have!  Cannot get them any bigger than a tennis ball...and that's only one in 5 the rest are golf ball size.  We put teaspoon of Magnesium Sulfate every week which helps but not enough it would seem.

  3. 1 hour ago, Tropposurfer said:

    buy a good European level.

     or a quality USA one. Stabila make great ones if you can find them and very hardy. I used them for nigh on 20 years and they always worked as accurate as can be.


    Stabila are excellent.  I think it's the only brand my son has ever used!  18 years ago he started his apprenticeship as a cabinet maker.   

    The home made looking Thai barrows are a joke.   If they gave them away with every bag of nails you purchased I'd still tell the shop I don't want it. 

    • Haha 1
  4. 2 hours ago, mr mr said:

    what strain of ahem *tomatoes* will you be growing ? 

    It's to early to comment!  Seriously though I am open to suggestions regarding what species of plant to cultivate.  My preferrence is actually to tomatoes.  It really phizes me off when we go shopping and the one or 3 varieties on offer are not even good enough for making sauce!  Plus melons.  I really like good firm melons.  My wife's melons are good size and firm but we need varieties that command a premium with more discerning Thai shoppers.  And bell peppers.  We want to be organic and there are no organic bell peppers up here so it may be a market nich.

    • Like 1
  5. 5 hours ago, agrow said:

    only thing is Bunnings oz is predominantly Chinese junk just different junk than THAILAND 555

    Yes,  but it's nicer quality junk!  To be honest not all Buntings junk is Chinese.   Two trips ago (April 2019) I purchased a rat trap from them and it was made in NZ...so not all their junk is Chinese.  The plastic is such poor quality it broke and I  had to epoxy it to keep it working. The brand name is NOOSKI...which in NZ Mauri talk means junk to sell to the white fella on the big island.  ????


  6. 1 hour ago, IsaanAussie said:

    I have a big (3HP) concrete mixer built in Thailand and it has been working for over ten years. Everything I have done of our place, even been used to build local 6 metre concrete roads. It is a beauty and actually designed with purpose (often rare here). I asked the guy who made it how much concrete can I mix per load. He said, one bag of cement. When we started using it I found out what he meant. They put the bag and all in and then pull out the bag when it is ripped up! 

    I have no idea how many of those blue barrows shown in your picture we have had. All rubbish, but doesn't stop them brim filling them and slopping a lot out during the push. Oh if only I had my old barrow from Oz!


    What would be nice is a Bunnings style hardware store but all we get is Thai Watsadu and Global House....with their prodominantly Chinese junk.   When in Pattaya years ago there was a half decent hardware store on the main hwy to Rayong which I happened across when the wife and I were out riding.  Went back with the pick-up the next day and bought a heap of stuff.  

  7. 3 hours ago, kenk24 said:

    what do you expect the cost to be... and how much land was being sold for?  and whereabouts are you? thanks for the info and good luck w/the project... check back in when finished... 

    The land was willed to my wife, so no cost.  It's 200 talang wah...half a rai.  On the main road with electric power and town water most of the year...probably worth 250.000 baht...but we have a bore.  The electric connection was done by a friend at PEA and should have cost a lot more.  The bore would probably push the purchase price up to 300.000 plus.  But it's not for sale.  We are looking for 1 or 2 rai to buy.  Must be electric power available, town water preferably and good road access if not main road.  Wang Phrong is the place... which is nowheresville to be honest!  Not in my wildest dreams (nightmares???) did I ever imaging ending up in a place so far from anything! Crikey, most of my life I have never lived more than 50km from the ocean...or a large lake. ????

    • Thanks 1
  8. 4 hours ago, IsaanAussie said:

    Give the levels the flick! Get a 1/4" clear plastic tube and fill it with water. One guy on each end, set the height you want on the first post then just line the water up to that point and mark the other end. String line from there, or just move the marker's end of the tube to each post and mark it using the original height at all times. 20 metres of tube and a bucket full of water much more accurate, never goes out of whack, and much, much cheaperwor

    Know that system well but I  cannot See how it would work checking that each post is upright. I've taken to legging it far enough away to see if the post is upright.  I head up onto the road then move 90 degrees to check the other way.  It's working!

    • Like 1
  9. 9 hours ago, bodga said:

    Ive  found all the Thai ones  pretty <deleted>, the thing I dont like is  the level marking is  not set to the exact size  of the  bubble like in the  UK and then the  things even when new and I check when I  buy  them give two different  readings  when you reverse them round to check how  level  they really  are. Most are  non adjustable also.

    Noticed the wheelbarrow, another gripe, most of them are  junk too, not weighted  properly so  fall over left-right back forwards when   filling up, I  cut and re weld  my  legs wider theyre  too  narrow.

    I am sure there is a wheelbarrow seller in Thailand with big front wheels and well spaced legs but I haven't found that seller as yet.  And an Aussie sized barrow box would be nice! 

  10. 15 minutes ago, carlyai said:

    If you look around you can find the semi-circular roof fabrication. Maybe you should make your greenhouse width to fit these ready made panels.

    Was going with a curved roof on a half metre fall to the low side.  It's half the width of my proposed bigger size which has a breezeway running the length of it and the fall both ways...which would be 12 metres plus the breezeway....as long as you want It,  but in my case the next one may be either 12 or 14 long.   This first one is to test perforated plastic wall lining that will eliminate (reduce???) the ingress of bugs and allow air flow without the use of fans.  There will be a thermostat controlled fan to help combat high temperature and a yet to be determined water spray unit in front of the fan that will switch on separately.  Still much to learn!

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