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Grumpy John

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Posts posted by Grumpy John

  1. It's par for the course for politicians to talk up big proposals.....but it's another think to make sure it happens.  Look at the Eastern Economic Corridor, not exactly the kind of thing those in power should crow about.....yet.....if ever!  And they maybe overestimating their value in the face of stiff competition from other ASIAN countries.  

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  2. It's absurd to move from 10 to 12.  The little bar_steeds need to be punished hard to dissuaded them from future crimes.  And if they are committing crimes at 10, so be it.  No visitation, no cell phone, isolation for the duration and basic food like fish head soup and rice every meal.  No mollycoddling and worst of all......old fart music 24/7!

  3. The best rule in Thailand is don't invest anyMore than you are prepared to walk away from.  All maybe well with you and your wife now...but things can change.  Like the land in question....who actually owns it?  If it is Nor Sor 4 who has their name on the title. It could be there is no title and the land was given to the family at the kings pleasure. There is a lot of land given by the King. Be certain whose land you are building on.  With the family: They may not ask you for money, but they will expect you to give it! And you have to be prepared to give it!  Best to say as I did from the get go "I'll look after Por and Mar and you kid...but once the kid turns 18 that's it for me. "  Por died and the kid (a girl) married a deadbeat bum at 20.  Separated at 22 with a kid of her own.  CAme back home,  after 4 months didn't have a job, sat on her fat Rs and did nothing to help...so I got in her face and said....basically leave and get a job...which she did.   Mar was horrified I made the kid cry.   Telling you this because things change.  New situation, the wife's deadbeat brother and his old granny wife and her kid turn up.  Remember this Rsole had only ever turned up to borrow money.  First born,  a son is in chess terms the King and my wife is considered a pawn.  So, deadbeat brother since returning has borrowed money,  is using some of my wife's land to grow cucumbers, she did say OK,  my wife's back pack sprayer plus other things.  Nothing of mine except a hammer.  I doubt if anyone will see any return soon!   So Second rule: Expect the unexpected! 

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  4. On 6/18/2020 at 5:00 PM, IsaanAussie said:

    Looks more like they have just managed to get the roof frame airborne. Starting to straighten things up. They had the roof structure pretty good before the lift you can see the next one assembled on the ground to the left. Clever way of adjusting the height of each post. 

    Yer, I figured that from the holes on the ground on that side.  I was fishing for some but hurt comments...but I was using the wrong bait obviously.  There is a sheit stirrer trapped inside me trying to get out....  ????

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  5. Their first time in Australia was something of a disaster for GW.  When they came back they claimed there had been a lot of improvements to their vehicles but the damage was done and I don't think they are doing well again. Plus they have SAIC in the Aussie market...and LDV.  The delivery girl from Couriers Please bought an LDV van but more often than not she was driving an LDV loaner.  The standing joke between her and me was "Hey Sally, what month are you getting your van back?" to which the standard reply was "Don't you mean what year!"


    Cheaper labour in China....yep, but lower manufacturing costs on parts can also mean lower quality of steel, paint, etc.


    "Caveat emptor "  Which is Buyer beware in Latin.

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  6. 555!  It makes my day when I see what some government Pratt has had the audacity to write or record.  He must be living in La La land!  The rich he seeks usually travel in private jets...not commercial.  They will stay at high class resorts where other well healed dudes stay. They want to be seen,  interact with Other high profile people not some 2 week millionaire called Colin who is from Ipswich Queensland.  Nope,  this government guy is in need of a major crystal ball realignment.

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  7. Lipstick on a pig comes to mind!  Logistically speaking the country is behind the 8 ball.  Linehaul trucks limited to 60 km/h, the same trucks in some cases 30 years old,  programmed maintenance almost non existent.  Local and provincial trucks in worse condition.  Regulated sTop 6am to 9am (???) for Linehaul trucks.  Drivers working long hours.   I took a video a few weeks ago at a tyre place in Wang Si Phun.  I thought they were replacing the worn out junk tyres...no,  they repaired the junk tyres and the truck hit the road again!  Not good enough! 



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