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Posts posted by madi

  1. It's also worth thinkin on the Red leaders repeated threats of violence and censure to anyone that criticizes them or stands against them - what voice do you think they will give to others if they are in control of the country? You seriously think that they are going to suddenly become tolerant, and democratic?

    Stupidity will rue the day.

    Read up on the Maoist cultural revolution. Thug Nation.

    comparing Mao with the reds? my Buddha you are desperate Jingythingy

    The guy calling the Reds communists is very much like the Republicans in America who are calling Obama a communist.

    Desperate and angry are the groups that have lost power or are losing power.

    The left in America has not had a real leftist President since 1967 when LBJ was in his last year.

    The right is going apenuts in America at having lost power to anyone left of Ghingus Khan.

    So back to Thailand. The regime, and in Thailand it is a regime, is not going to take losing power to the masses very well.

    Make no mistake, people on bothsides are angry and desperate. There are some reds, should they regain full power, that will of course take severe actions to avenge the steps that were made against them when the current long lasting regime was in power in the last few years.

    Many things could happen but it is foolish to believe that terrible things are not possible. History of the world shows the worst fights are revolutions.

    The French Revolution comes to mind.

  2. It is comical watching things here.

    We have some Thais and some Farangs hired by Thaivisa to edit and stop illegal posting here.

    Fair enuff

    But the posters are really funny.

    We have Thais using western names who are posting pro government propaganda.

    Funny things they say

    They say-Reds buy votes.

    Answer--So the other side does not?

    They say-reds are ignorant peasants.

    Answer- They are smart enough to avoid being bought off by the other side.

    They say--They believe in freedom

    Answer-- So have a free election.

    Nothing will change unless it gets much much worse.

    If you want to make some money off the coming disaster here, short the baht in the currency market.

    Good luck Thai people

  3. Check out this quote from the Bangkok Post this morning....

    "Mr Abhisit said the government had no intention of using the law to crack down on people. 'The objectives of the government are to return normalcy and uphold sanctity of the law,' he said.

    '...Let me assure you again, the government considers everyone a compatriot. But it is duty-bound to maintain the laws for the benefit of the country and public at large.

    'The government will take swift and effective actions in restoring peace and normalcy for the public.'"

    HUH???!!! A great way to justify the state of emergency by not using violence unless he has to use violence.... what a bunch of double talk!!! I would have preferred to hear the truth clearly and succinctly like this:

    "We have exhausted every diplomatic means to end the violent, disruptive red shirt protesting. Now we are forced to enact the state of emergency, which will allow us to bring back order and safety to all residents of Bangkok using whatever means available within constraints of international laws..."

    Unless, of course, General Anupong is pulling his strings!!!

    Given the rumors yesterday its probably that faced with the potential for the Military to now be withdrawing support from the coalition government it was necessary for Banharn to be on TV followed by the imposition of the SOE, in order to "look strong".

    If they have no backing they cannot enforce the SOE, so nothing will happen and it could all backfire on them and they become an even bigger laughing stock of a government, only worried about possibly filling their pockets as corruption is now said to be rife, worse than under Thaksin some people say in terms of double standards and corruption.

    The SOE now takes Thailand nearer to being on par with Burma.

    Coups, SOE, un-elected government, elite in control - the similarities get more each day.

    Hopefully the Reds will win, Democracy and free elections can be held in a few months and then everyone can move on.

    If the UK can dissolve the House in days and hold an election in one month then you do not need 9 months Abhisit !!!!!


    Does anyone here think Abhisit is in charge of the government?


    So why mention his name?

    It is like when we had a Captain of the Thai military take over the government with a coup.

    Nobody in his right mind believed that a Captain could take over the Thai government. But of course--a captain acting for another could. Funny how no generals opposed the captain.

    Funny how all the TV stations helped in the coup.

    It is my belief that many of the posters here, using non-Thai names, are in fact Thai.

    The Thai propaganda machine of the ruling regime is quite powerful.

    But go outside of Thailand and the Thai populations talk quite a different talk. They want free elections.

    Also--I find it funny how it is that Taksin, so wanted for arrest, so they say, is able to travel around the world and never be arrested. One might come to conclude that the long standing Thai regime does not want Taksin in Thailand for a trial. In fact, that seems the last thing the regime wants.

    Abhisit is in charge?


    He is no more in charge than was that Captain who did the coup years ago was in charge.

  4. It is humorous and quite pathetic at the same time reading posts from people who go off topic here.

    I do not care how you financial live.

    Likely no one is interested in your personal life either.

    About the political wreck here in Thailand now

    At some point one side must either win or there must be a compromise.

    A win usually involves a use of extreme force and bloodshed.

    A compromise would seem to be a better option.

    Bad feelings on both sides are building. The clock is ticking.

    I read someone here posting that most all of the people in his village are against the Reds. I doubt that but so what if it were so. Obviously the Reds are a majority and that is why they keep winning elections despite being torn apart by the current regime.

    Hold a fair election tomorrow and the reds will win.

    That is of course why it is that the ruling power does not want to hold an election.

    If the fight breaks into a real blood fight, the farang will be open targets.

    It will be a wind sprint to the airports and the borders.

    Good luck to all, Thai and Farang.

  5. Thailand is just one step away from becoming Myanmar like.

    Just a few hundred dead in the streets televised around the world will certainly lead to massive trade sanctions against the regime.

    Now while so many of the pro-government posts here are from Thais pretending to be Farang, certainly the foreigners living outside Thailand are not so pro Thai government at this time.

    Take into account for proof this.

    Taksan travels in many nations and is never put under arrest.

    Nations do not see the current Thai government as legitimate nor should they.

    It could not win a fair election if one were held and that is of course why it is a fair election is not being held now.

    Note another fact.

    No democratically elected government on earth can be removed by a court order.

    Democracy relies on the fact that ultimate power for who leads a nation goes to the people who vote.

    Parliamentary governments do not allow a court to remove a prime minister no matter what law he is accused of breaking. That power is in the arms of the Parliament.

    The American and French systems also refuse courts the power to remove the elected leaders. In the USA, only the Congress can remove a standing President. A court cannot.

    So--the House would have to impeach and the Senate would have to remove.

    I understand that the people with power do not want to lose power.

    So they do not allow democratic elections to choose the leader.

    Remember these simple fact.

    The Court, which threw out so many elected Thai Parliament members, was put into its place by a military Coup. HAAA HAAA

    The constitution which gives so much power to the court was also put into place after the same military coup. HAAA HAAAA

    Strange coup too it was. A Captain over threw the Thai government, or so we were told.

    Maybe someone who knew someone was the real power.

    Of course this is so. A captain did not do it. Who would follow a captain? The real power in Thailand would never follow a captain would it. BUT--they would tell a captain to do something.

    Thailand is near meltdown.

    The baht is too strong--artificially so.

    Farmers are hungry.

    Thailand is cooking in heat.

    The riots are near.

    Read the book

    Burn baby Burn--The riots in LA in the heat of summer.

    The riots here would be much more violent.

  6. What we have here in Thailand now is a non-elected government.

    It was placed into power by a puppet court and a fake election.

    Of course the ruling class does not want to have a real election because their candidates would lose such an election.

    I am a bit confused by some of the things you have said, but I will stick to those above. Please explain how the current government have been placed into power by a fake election. Also, in a Thai context, how would you define a real election?

    A real election would start by saying that the main political party was not outlawed by a puppet court which was put into the court seats by a coup government.

    Again--can you imagine this?

    Obama and the Dems won in America.

    President Obama takes a trip to Europe.

    While in Europe, a coup is staged.

    The coup government puts in its own constitution and supreme court members.

    it then outlaws the party that Obama represents and puts out an arrest warrant for Obama.

    Finally the same coup government holds an election making sure Obama and his part cannot appear on the ballots.

    of course its puppet government wins.

    Would you find this to be a real democratically elected government?


  7. What we have here in Thailand now is a non-elected government.

    It was placed into power by a puppet court and a fake election.

    Of course the ruling class does not want to have a real election because their candidates would lose such an election.

    I am a bit confused by some of the things you have said, but I will stick to those above. Please explain how the current government have been placed into power by a fake election. Also, in a Thai context, how would you define a real election?


    I think you do not agree with me.

    But let us again compare.

    If Obama were thrown out by a coup.

    Then the Democratic party leaders and party were broken apart by a court that was placed into its power by the same coup government, how could anyone say an election that followed was legitimate and fair?

    Certainly no one would.

    Might I add

    If I were sitting in Thailand right now, I would be in danger even posting these truths.

    There is no freedom of speech when it comes to political views in Thailand. One can be arrested for saying truths.

    Hardly a democratic government is it.

  8. What we have here in Thailand now is a non-elected government.

    It was placed into power by a puppet court and a fake election.

    Of course the ruling class does not want to have a real election because their candidates would lose such an election.

    I am a bit confused by some of the things you have said, but I will stick to those above. Please explain how the current government have been placed into power by a fake election. Also, in a Thai context, how would you define a real election?


    I think you do not agree with me.

    But let us again compare.

    If Obama were thrown out by a coup.

    Then the Democratic party leaders and party were broken apart by a court that was placed into its power by the same coup government, how could anyone say an election that followed was legitimate and fair?

    Certainly no one would.

  9. It is comical seeing so many working class farangs here defending the upper class Elite here who have crushed democratic elections and the will of the people.

    If the same thing were to happen in their own nations, they would be on the side of the workers surely.

    What we have here in Thailand now is a non-elected government.

    It was placed into power by a puppet court and a fake election.

    Of course the ruling class does not want to have a real election because their candidates would lose such an election.

    We have the poor workers being laughed at and spit upon by the ruling class and some of you, in fact most of you here, find this to be acceptable.

    If this were America and Obama were campaigning and his group was laughed at, would you laugh?

    Then after he won the election, a coup occurred, would you laugh?

    Then a puppet court put in by the same coup government put out a warrant for Obama's arrest, would you laugh?

    Then when his people marched in the streets in protest, would you laugh?

    Well you might if you were a Nazi or a rightwing nut, but if you love democratic rule and fairness, you would not.

    Now I am not saying that Taksan is Obama.

    He clearly is not.

    However all the other points are still true.

    You people, some of you puppying the Thai Elite, say Taksan stole all his money.

    BUT, all the nations where Taksan travels to refuse to arrest him because they obviously do not think Taksan did steal that money. All western European nations ignore Thailand's request for him.

    Japan does too. America and Canada do too.

    Why is that?

    The ruling Elite in Thailand will fall one day and if they push too hard, they will fall like those in France did.


    They can do as the Elite in the UK did.

    Back out of the government completely.

    Then hold the other power.

  10. I don't fully understand the anti-American rants. For those who want, they can continue to buy products made by child labor here in Thailand. I am sure you can also lobby your countries to continue to import these products, if you so desire.

    I haven't seen a lot of child labor in Thailand in the past several years. Many years ago it was really rampant. Seldom did I go to a gas station where the workers were over 12 years old. There are the children selling flowers etc., but this is a less than before.

    The problem of illegal immigrant kids working in factories is a real problem and they are trafficked, illegal and some of the industries are dangerous. Personally, I don't want to buy those products if I know where they came from.

    It's also unfair to the adults who could be working in the factories and supporting their families. At least adults would have some voice and decision making about their situation. Children often don't.


    The Farang living in Thailand or likely spend a great deal of time in Thailand are prone to hating their own western nations. So of course we hear the rants against anything said by any western nation when we read posts here. With that being said, if we were to say that eating food with dog waste in it were bad for you and we were a American government official, we would be reading clowns here telling us how they disagree. How they eat it and love it. HAAA HAAA

    But child labor?

    The Brits outlawed it before the American did. The Americans used to have little kids in factories until the 1930s. It was evil then and there and it is evil now in Thailand. I am not going to defend the government in America. It is terrible. The rich there have raped the people there in a corrupt and bought off government just as is done all over the world. It has young men being killed in two completely stupid wars.

    BUT--so what---Does that mean that an American saying that child labor is wrong is incorrect?

    Grow up some of you.

  11. @animatic

    ooohh you seem to know everything... if i read your posts.. what you say to someone posted 7 times... ? Do you know that it is QUALITY whats counts, not quantity??

    I post in a few other sites.. no need to post much, but write the truth! Who told you the reds want a REVOLUTION?? I wonder..!! (Answer please with a name.. not just YOUR hypothesis..) :D They clear want what AV(PM) told he will do.. new votes! Unfortunately AV forget already what he promised.. or he bends it other way round... the circumstances don't allow him to do so at the moment.. haha

    And all bad things happen and everyone get in jail or get's in conflict with the law is always red shirt and got order from K'Thaksin.. I just wonder what BKPost and Nation will write when the Thaksin Storys are over.. You forget to write that the YELLOW REVOLUTION just stopped when they reached their goal ... How long did they occupy the Government house and Airport....

    SORRY i forgot you told here is a treat about the reds..

    Does anyone have any idea, what this Newbie is trying to say, I find his/her English very hard to follow ? :)

    My guess is he is angry with me for being clear and concise, and wrong in his view.

    Of course he also seems to be mixing up several threads,

    and misconstrues logical hypothesis, for actual stated fact...

    And much I can't tease a meaning from...

    At least he's reading them. Probably through gritted teeth, Oh well.

    My guess is that you do not want to argue his points and so are just attacking him with some childish remarks.

    Did it ever occur to you that most people in Thailand are not born rich and therefore should not be expected to be even nearly as good with English as was he in his post.

    By the way--I understood his point.

    Anyone who could not understand it is certainly nearly illiterate with their English reading abilities.

    These points I am about to make are irrefutable.

    Thailand is NOT a democratic nation.

    Why? Because the ruler is not elected.

    End of story.

    You agree?

    If you do not you are in need of some education.

  12. The Distribution of Wealth in America 2009

    Data suggests that wealth is concentrated in the hands of a small number of families. The wealthiest 1 percent of families owns roughly 34.3% of the nation's net worth, the top 10% of families owns over 71%, and the bottom 40% of the population owns way less than 1%.

    Now given that it is far worse in Thailand's for the poor..

    For one thing, I believe the wealth gap in Thailand is far less than the numbers given here.

    If a mature democracy like the US can't fix these things for their citizens, why expect that Thailand could? Especially if it follows the US economic model.

    And about that other stuff - reds are poor, misguided folks fighting to return stolen fortune to the richest man in the land who probably widened the income gap when he was in power.

    You believe? HAAA HAAA

    You know better than that.

    Poor people in Thailand in the countrysides make 2000 baht a month or less. That is over 25% of the population living like that..

    That is about 60 dollars or 45 Euros a month.

    I know you KNOW the numbers. So why spew the nonsense? Are you afraid of this message board? HAAA HAAA

    This place has no power. So let up on the propaganda. Or not--it is funny.

    Here are the city people and what they make and they too are treated like dirt by the rich of Thailand.


  13. The Distribution of Wealth in America 2009

    Data suggests that wealth is concentrated in the hands of a small number of families. The wealthiest 1 percent of families owns roughly 34.3% of the nation's net worth, the top 10% of families owns over 71%, and the bottom 40% of the population owns way less than 1%.

    Now given that it is far worse in Thailand's for the poor, it is comical seeing so many of the posts here by Farang which appear to be in support of the filthy rich.

    Here is what I seem to hear from many posts.

    Thai poor in red shirts do not need democracy.

    They are happy--after all we hear them singing.

    If the red group wins an election it is of course because of bought votes.

    Now a logical person seeing that the yellow side has most of the money might wonder about vote buying. I mean if the yellow has the huge money behind it and votes are so easy to buy, why is it they are losing the elections? is it because the yellow group does not offer to buy votes? HAAAA HAAAAA--That is so funny. of course they buy votes and still they lose elections.

    So Not all people are so easy to buy as what is said by the yellow.

    If Thai people were so happy with the ruling rich yellow--why is it they vote for red even after the leader is gone?

    The poor people in Thailand are being raped by the rich and we have brain-dead farang here defending the yellow.

    The Farang in Thailand must be from the uneducated of their nations.

    No people with any reading would say the nonsense these dim-rads say her.

    Oh well--it is a Thai problem.

    Thai people will settle it.

    But the stupidity I read here from right-wing morons is comical.

  14. Of course things have changed.

    The world is always in change.

    The Golden era is over in many ways for visiting Thailand.

    Too many tourists helped to wreck it. The Thai people responded as expected/

    Prices have risen on everything.

    A beer 10 years ago was 60 baht or so in a watering hole.

    It now will cost you closer to 140 baht or more.

    Short-time friendship HAA HAA

    Oh yeah the price of that has more than doubled.


    Taxi rates--doubled

    Now throw into play the fact that the Thai baht is much stronger against many currencies than it was 10 years ago and you of course do not have the same game in town now.

    There are many other factors that have changed things.

    Internet of course has taken the old things and thrown them out.

    Markets came into play

    Law of supply and demand was brought in to the market and the supply and quality of products saw the price go up.

    Not only that but the vast majority of the game is exported out for good to other nations.

    The same game goes on everywhere in the world.

    Also--last thoughts

    The political mess has not helped things. It certainly was a stupid idea to make it difficult for men under 50 to stay for longer periods in Thailand. Back 10 years ago before the Visa rules were enforced, we would see tons of young men here from the west. Now we do not. Why? The visa rules along with the prices are to blame.


    The future is never certain anywhere. Economies go up and down. World powers rise and fall.

    If Thailand develops and prices go up, the tourism here will change forever.

    But if the place collapses into an economic wreck and prices become more in line with what is seen in the Philippines, Thailand could again become a party destination. it all comes down to the exchange rates and the economy.

    If I had to bet one or the other--I would bet on a collapse at some point soon.

    We all know what could happen if a power vacuum were to occur here as likely will happen at some point.

    The Reds and the Yellows could rip into one another and turn the nation into an even worse mess than the Philippines.

    Imagine the Thai baht twice as weak as now.

    Of course the unemployment rate would be huge.

    BUT--for tourists the PARTY would begin again.

  15. THERE IS no PANIC or closing of schools in Europe, North and South America, Africa, Australia, or in the rest of Asia.

    So what is up with Thailand?

    I am watching sporting events all over the world and I see no one wearing useless stuff over their faces. Schools are still open.

    I am not saying that this flue outbreak is not serious but I am saying that Thailand seems to be in a panic.

    Could it be that the government is using this flue outbreak to keep large groups from forming?

    It is a convenient excuse.

    But anyway--I hope the outbreak does not get bad.

    Looks to me that it will certainly destroy what little is left of the Thai tourist business if it were to become a REAL outbreak.

    I bet a lot of foreigners are considering leaving the land of smiles.

    Good idea

  16. All the people complaining are sure people who are beside the law and are hyding in Thailand because they have problems in there country,otherwise its very easy you go the embassy and you apply properly for a visa and/or workpermit and you get a proper visa.

    Visas for Thailand are easy if you are european and you want to come for holiday no problem if you want to stay longer then get the correct Visa .If you cant afford the correct Visa then get back to where you came from,but probably you can not go back. Thailand get the name as a place where you could hide,now they want to clean up this mess,a good idea.

    Try getting a Visa for europe if you are a Thai and then maybe you will see how easy it is for european to get visas for Thailand.

    You are really clueless. Many of us, if not most, are residents here - not concerned with visa runs. The complaint is about insuring tourism is not negatively impacted for the good of the country. Your view of what is happening is not only myopic, but misinformed.


    Yes--for tax purposes back in your home nation you can likely claim you live In Thailand.

    But by KNOW Means are most farang in Thailand residents.

    A Resident does not have to report every 90 days.

    A resident does not have to do anything in fact other than to renew the residence visa every 10 years or so.

    Maybe you think you are a resident but I can assure you that the Thais do not.

  17. The world is NOT fair.

    Shock of all shocks.

    Some of you are raised by parents with money and educations while others of you are not.

    Some of you have loving parents, nothing to do with money, and others of you do not.

    Some people are raised in nations with more developed economies while most people are raised in nations that are economically far less developed.

    All of this is so.

    Thailand does not want Farang here as citizens or even permanent residents. Thus almost all of the Farang, nasty name, are forced to re-new their permission to stay in Thailand on a yearly basis if not on a monthly basis.

    You are married--Thailand does not care.

    You have children--you are still just a visitor.

    You run a business employing hundreds of Thai workers--you close the factory--you lose the visa.

    Now I know Immigration people are humans and often they do very kind things to allow us to stay.

    I know it for a fact because they did so for me in the past when I was still in Thailand.

    What we have here is some what like a lover crying to the other lover--why don't you treat me nice?

    The answer is of course--because I do not want to.

    Thais allow Chinese immigrants to change their names to a Thai name and then make up some fake papers about having Thai blood. Thus, these Chinese do get their Thai citizenship. Who knows--if farang had Asian looking faces, the Thais might do the same for them. But as you know--your faces cannot play that game.

    The law might change some time but for now--NO Farang is anything other than a visitor.

    OK--a few hundred might be more. Maybe even a thousand--but you catch my point.

    This is to my Thai friends.

    Thailand is missing out here. If it were to allow Farang to become citizens, Thailand would gain.

    I know Thais do not think so but immigration improves a nation.

    Oh well

    Thailand is an independent nation and of course has every right to decide immigration law.

    Farang have every right to stop visiting Thailand.

    This is how it is going.

  18. I lived in a few nations, all were easy.

    Too party in, Thailand is great.

    Too work in, it is not so great.

    To raise your family in as a fa-rang, it is terrible.

    So why would anyone want to buy a house here?

    Why would you want to vote in a nation who does not want you here?

    You are a visitor.

    Look at your passport.

    You cannot vote.

    You cannot even own land.

    You certainly cannot work most jobs.

    If you want to belong, go home or to another nation that wants you because Thailand surely does not.

    Over 99% of the western people who live here do go home. It is just a matter of time you know.

    Party--enjoy-- and then go home.

    The Thais will be happy and you will be happy.

  19. The break down of the traditional Thai family system is leaving huge problems.

    The violence will only get worse.

    It is just the times we live in you know. The same is happening all over the Earth.

    Talk to and teach your children and friends those of you who know.

    We do not hurt those we love do we.

    That makes no sense. Walk away.

    Tomorrow is another day. (Gone With the Wind)

    There is more than one fish in the sea.

    Hold on loosely but don't let go.

    If you hold on to tightly, you are going to lose control. ( 38 Special)

    I am proud that never in my entire life have I hit a friend.

    The problems between lovers are as old as man kind.

    Walk away is the answer.

  20. they didn't throw him out for cooking on a t.v show, they threw him out because he broke the law!

    How many coups does Thailand need to get it right?

    They are well over 20 now.

    Funny how the army men who did the coup wearing yellow arm bands on their shirts all walked away with no charge.

    Why is that do you think?

    Reds are being charged.

    How about the Yellows who held the airport for a week and wrecked the tourism industry?

    Why did all of them go free?

    The truth is so obvious that I must laugh at the people who do not get it.

    Of course farangs who do not get it are just unaware.

    Thais posting here are just posting propaganda.

    They all know the truth but are here on a farang site posting the propaganda for their cause.

    If you lose yellows, you could get kicked out of the nation as did Chinese in Indonesia.

    I predict you will lose huge in the next 5 years.

    You are in a fight you cannot win.

    Power to the people

  21. Read a book.

    Start with the French revolution and end with the Russian revolution.

    When people get hungry they get a little testy.

    How many of you here think 2000 to 3000 baht a month is a reasonable pay for a worker?

    That is a little more than 70 dollars a month.

    Now the ruling elite want to take the free health care away too.

    Funny how the Europeans who post here always scream and how backward the USA is, and they are correct,for not having health care nationalized.

    But some, of the same group post here that they are Pro yellow when the Yellows want to take away the free health care. They are pro yellow when the yellow says openly that it want to do away with the one man one vote rules.


    The upper class Thais who are yellow and red both laugh at you clowns.

  22. All of this is a joke.

    Polls show the reds action overwhelmingly disappeared by Thais. These polls are done by media owned and operated by the army and the pro yellows.

    So when an election is held--will the yellows win? NO

    The reds will win again and again and again.

    Do you posters for the yellow get paid?

    You know anyone who is sitting in Thailand is afraid to post anything to critical of the yellows.

    Funny how people hate to be locked up or shot.

    Facts that are irrefutable.

    There have been over 20 coups in Thailand.

    The army is rung by people who do not care about democracy.

    The Poor of the nation are rejected by the ruling elite and the poor are not so so stupid as you think. The poor keep voting for the reds.

    Massive brain washing from birth is used to control power here.

    Still. the people are moving for freedom.

    If you had an election tomorrow, the Reds would win.

    The truth shall set you free.

    The people will go free with Bangkok burning if need be.

    The generals cannot make their young men shoot all the monks and all the women standing for the reds.

    You posting nonsense should feel shame. You should but do you?

    Are you even aware of what you are posting? Are you ashamed when you come to read it again? Your first and last lines sum your post up admirably, it is a joke, and it is nonsense. There is no way the reds would win an election held anytime soon. Most of Isaan votes for the same people, no matter what their party is at the time. Many of those people are in the Phumijai party now, and would get voted in under that banner. The South and Bangkok will continue to vote for the Democrats, leaving a few pockets of Isaan and the North to vote for the PTP. Whether all the redwashed members here will accept the outcome really doesn't matter, but I fear the militant reds also won't, and will continue to cause trouble. The government would be well advised to stamp these militants out now. With extreme predjudice if necessary. The country will go free with the reds burning if need be.

    I was going to write more, but after rereading your post, it really doesn't deserve the effort.

    How many coupd does the ruling elite need to get it right?

    They have done over 20 now. They threw a man out for cooking on a tv show. maybe next time they can throw one out for not wiping his behind. HAAAAA HAAAA

    The reds will win each and every election.

    The end is near for the Yellows.

    Do you feel shame for being so mean and dishonest?


    That is why the Reds will have to go one step more.

  23. All of this is a joke.

    Polls show the reds action overwhelmingly disappeared by Thais. These polls are done by media owned and operated by the army and the pro yellows.

    So when an election is held--will the yellows win? NO

    The reds will win again and again and again.

    Do you posters for the yellow get paid?

    You know anyone who is sitting in Thailand is afraid to post anything to critical of the yellows.

    Funny how people hate to be locked up or shot.

    Facts that are irrefutable.

    There have been over 20 coups in Thailand.

    The army is rung by people who do not care about democracy.

    The Poor of the nation are rejected by the ruling elite and the poor are not so so stupid as you think. The poor keep voting for the reds.

    Massive brain washing from birth is used to control power here.

    Still. the people are moving for freedom.

    If you had an election tomorrow, the Reds would win.

    The truth shall set you free.

    The people will go free with Bangkok burning if need be.

    The generals cannot make their young men shoot all the monks and all the women standing for the reds.

    You posting nonsense should feel shame. You should but do you?

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