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Posts posted by madi

  1. And all the American's votes were really counted in 2000 and the guy who got the most popular votes became President !!! You Americans can be so holier that thou ! You think that only your system of government works, even when it doesn't.

    As to violent demonstrations you seem to completely forget the Vietnam war protest and demonstrations, the 1968 Democratic National Convention, the murder of students at Kent State by the National Guard and so much more in your history even the more recent release by the Obama administration (yesterday) of documents from the Bush administration authorizing torture by the CIA

    So you think this is all about Thaksin? Whatever. Southeast asia, right or wrong, when the "peasants" get upset things happen, the ruling party gets hurt -- remember laos, cambodia, vietnam? If people don't understand this, have fun for the next few years. "Som na mun.." is this the correct saying?

    -------Perfect and to the point.

    I will repeat your post.

    "So you think this is all about Thaksin? Whatever. Southeast asia, right or wrong, when the "peasants" get upset things happen, the ruling party gets hurt -- remember laos, cambodia, vietnam? If people don't understand this, have fun for the next few years. "Som na mun.." is this the correct saying?"

  2. How about a fair election with UN help.

    The winners will be the reds.

    Face it.

    The Yellow is not the majority in Thailand.

    Why anyone would attack the reds for their behavior and then ignore the fact that the yellows are backed by a group responsible for over 20 coups in Thailand is comical.

    if you are a Thai and a big Yellow backer, you had better run for your life if their is a violent revolution and your yellows lose.

  3. Why is it the Military men who did the last coup are not in jail?

    Why is it the idiots in Yellow who closed the airport for a week walked away free?


    Why is the media so afraid to say anything Pro red?

    Are they afraid they will be taken off the air or closed down? YES

    There is No freedom of speech or press when people fear that they will go to jail or be shot for taking a view.

    Yet--with all this pressure against them--the reds stand up.

    They stood in the streets of Bangkok knowing the army was coming. They cries as they were forced off the streets by soldiers, many of them very sympathetic to the cause.

    Forget Thaksin.

    There have been well over 20 coups here in Thailand and the people have never had their elected leader.

    I do not think the poor who drive us in the taxis are very happy about this. Do you?

    History has shown that sooner or later, the majority will take down the ruling elite in any nation. it is only a matter of time you know.

    The propaganda being printed and aired in Thailand in favor of the ruling elite is shameless.

    I would reamind the yellows that they now have a very dark skinned man in America who sees himself as a man for the poor. it is very unlikely that he will side against the poor of Issan. It is very likely that he finds the entire upper class thing as deplorable. After all slavery was used by this group not so very long ago and he is very sensitive to that deplorable history in our world.

    How will the ruling elite stand up to a British PM and American President who decide they have had it with the ruling elite here in the land of smiles?

    This entire thing will end.

    You know it.

  4. I see a lot of the posters here, many of them Thais, are defending Thailand as being the victim of Thaksin. their premise, implied, is that if not for Thaksin, would be a fine and functioning government.

    Of course, anyone who bothers to read and history will find that Thailand has had more than 30 coups now in the last 80 years. I do not think Thaksin has a lot to do with this do you?

    So why is it the posters spend day and night attacking a man and blaming him for all bad things in the Thai government system when we all know the system was screwed up long before Thaksin and that it will be all screwed up long after his as well?

    Are they paid?

    Are they uneducated?

    Are they clowns?

    I suppose we have a little of all.

    But what has been stable in Thailand for the 80 years?

    Who or what group has been running the nation?

    Of course they must take the blame for the wreck.

    How can a nation expect to continue to function when a feudal form of economy in a modern world?

    How long does it think it can deny the majority of voters their elected leaders?

    Will Thailand hold on to its current system and end up like Burma--a complete economic wreck.

    Will instead have a revolution?

    Will it be a non-violent revolution or a French like revolution?

    By the way---Thailand is NOT a functioning democracy.

    Anyone who says it is is a clown.

  5. For the benefit of those of you who slept during political scinece class, NO--the Courts can throw out an elected leader in democratic nations.

    A Parliament can throw out or remove a PM but NOT the courts.

    In America, it is the congress that can throw out the president but NOT the courts.

    The Courts in fact can be removed by the Congress and the Parliament in democratic nations.

    Who appoints the Courts in America. The president nominates but it is the Senate that approves and puts the court members into the Supreme Court.

    Who put the Thai court members in?


    Were they approved by an elected Parliament? NO

    These clowns were put in during a Coup government.

    They, like the PM, stay in power as long as they do exactly what they are told.

    Am I wrong?


    Come on Thais.

    tell the unaware farang who are dim how it really works here.

    The Farang are dense it seems. They need to be told directly.

    What happens to you farangs if you say something about the head of state here?

    You go to jail.

    If you are Thai and you do the same, you likely get killed.

    Now again--go back to talking nonsense.

    Thai posters who work for the propaganda machine do not need to work to hard here. <ost of the farangs do not know and do not care as long as they get theirs.

    Such is life

  6. The Guardian 14th April 2009

    Even the worst moments of Thailand's many recent crises passed with an air of courtly unreality, as though beneath the anger and the coloured T-shirts everyone had agreed that no one would get seriously hurt. The drama seemed almost ritualistic - an airport siege where protesters apologised to tourists for inconveniencing them. No longer. Thailand's frightening political collapse, from emerging tolerant democracy to dysfunctional oligarchy, has reached a darker, threatening stage. On Saturday protesters stormed a regional summit in the resort of Pattaya. Leaders, including China's prime minister, Wen Jiabao, had to be evacuated. Yesterday, soldiers in battle dress fired automatic weapons over crowds in Bangkok, some of the 6,000 troops deployed.

    Only two people, at the time of writing, appear to have been killed, but many have been injured. The damage to Thailand's reputation and economy is huge. The country is being ripped apart by a political crisis which each day gets further from resolution. Voices are getting shriller and the government weaker. Revolution, or another military takeover, are beginning to look unavoidable.

    Thailand should not be in this crisis and all sides share responsibility for bringing it about. The country is not split by ethnic or religious dispute, although conflict in the partly Muslim south has been exacerbated by events in Bangkok. Despite repeated coups, and a political monarchy, Thailand had built a democratic culture, which should have been strong enough to survive corruption and recession. But it is failing in the face of manipulative politicians and a public whose rage is being fired by a justified sense of exploitation and injustice.

    Yesterday should have been joyful, the Songkran water festival, where Thais soak each other and tourists. Instead red-clad protesters were chased through the streets of Bangkok by forces supporting the unelected prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, who himself now seems caught between the forces of revolt and reaction. He has the support of urban Thais - some of them middle-class democrats - as well as murkier backers in the military and the right. He came to power on the back of the yellow-shirted protests which paralysed Bangkok last year, and brought down an elected government backed by the exiled former leader Thaksin Shinawatra, who is now calling for revolution.

    A democratic contest would go in Thaksin's favour, which is why the urban elite want to deny him one. He has the loyalty of the rural poor. But his brand of billionaire politics has proved a dead end too. Thailand desperately needs to find a democratic leader who can overcome its divisions, before more bloodshed.

    It appears that the Guardian (or its correspondent Jonathan Watts) has got an agenda of its (his) own regarding Thai politics. They may call Abhisit "unelected", but then he is "unelected" the same way that Thaksin, Samak and Somchai were and that Gordon Brown is and Tony Blair was before him. The same way as Angela Merkel in Germany and the Prime Ministers of e.g. Spain, Austria, Sweden and so on. Constitutionally, Thailand is a parliamentary democracy where the Parliament is elected by the people, and Parliament in its turn elects the Prime Minister. If the majority in Parliament shifts, whether after an election or through a change of coalitions, then a new Prime Minister will be elected.

    Directly elected heads of government belong to another constitutional tradition, that of e.g. USA, France and a number of other countries.

    For another example of the Guardian's "unbiased" reporting, have a look here: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/apr/1...trators-retreat Don't miss the readers' comments at the bottom of the page. Also note that the article was published 14 April, when the facts were rather well known and published in Thai media.

    / Priceless

    How many coups has Thailand had now? is it over 20 now? I think so.

    So to even use the word Democracy and Thailand together in a sentence is a gross misuse of the English language unless you use the word "NOT" in the same sentence.

    Next thing you will be telling us the iranian leader is elected. Yeah sure. And Cuba has free elections too. HAAA HAAAA

    I am a farang--so you Thais call me, and so I do not care. But at least be honest people and say it like it really is. This Thai government is owned and operated by the elite here in Thailand that own the Army and all the land. Any PM is OK as long as he does exactly what he is told to do by the real leaders.

    What is funny is how so many Thais post propaganda to hide the facts. it seems to be working too from the looks of it. I mean look at how many western people post idiotic responses here agreeing that Thailand does not need democracy. Yeah sure--pay your workers slave pay--like in America after the civil war, and it is all good. Westerners can come here and have pay for slaves just like the upper class Thais do. It is all fine.

    How many of you could live on 2000 baht a month? How about 4000 baht?

    Try even 10,000 baht? Of course the poor are abused here. The poor in the west have been raped in America now for 30 years too but they are a little better off than the Thais. They had a free election and elected their man. President Obama is left.

    If a Thai man with obama's views were elected in Thailand he would be thrown out by coup in weeks.


    Such is your Thai style democracy.

    Please continue looking stupid and talking about elections and democracy in Thailand.

    It make us laugh.

    There is NO democracy in Thailand.

    Courts can throw out any PM.

    The courts were appointed by the Elite.

    Heck--they threw out one PM for doing a tv show. HAAAA HAAAAA

    This is not a democracy but again, keep saying it is so I can laugh some more.

  7. Hard to say, but there's people who wants to be in power all the time you know.

    Dont think it's possible for any miracle to happen.

    We can only hope.

    I like to compare this fight as if t were a heavy weight fight.

    We are only in the 3rd round now and the real damage is yet to come.

    Both fighters are already hurt but as the economy falters more and more, the fighters will become more desperate.

    The Yellows have their sponsor with all the money but the sponsor is getting on in age and could check out any time. When that happens the REAL fight will begin. There will be fighting in the streets and buildings burning.

    The Reds do have their leader in exile. He says he will never return to power but that is absolute nonsense. He just wants to make his people desperate so they beg him. He will return and take over again in just one or two years.

    Generals on the wrong side will be thrown out of the nation.

    A new Napoleon will take over.

    Thailand has no idea as to how to run a modern government. It really does not.

    The fighter man in Yellow will suffer a knock out punch and go down for the count. The Red man will dance with joy.

    No matter what happens you can be sure that Thais all will feel strong in saying their stereotypes about others.

    Farangs are dirty

    Farangs are mean

    Farangs did this and that

    Thailand has never been colonized HAAA HAAA (Japan)

    Thais are polite and nice ( HAAAA HAAAA)

    Thailand is what it is.

    It is easy to live here. But--Thais do not give a rats about what farangs think.

    They know they are idiots but they still are closed minded rednecks.



  8. When the next round of elections come in to view, they can campaign and canvas mightily, and try to get their chosen candidate(s) elected.

    Sounds great. So what happens when there's another coup, or the military appointed judiciary remove those elected MPs for whatever reason they can; hosting a cooking show or buying votes for example, or the other paramilitary mob that wears yellow takes over the airports again because they didn't like the results?

    Back to square one?

    Doesn't matter as they will vote for the one who gives them most money...

    So why it that the Yellows, and after all their backers are far richer than even Thaksin, cannot win an election up North?

    Just give money.

    Maybe there is more to it then that but I do like your negative view of the way things go here.

  9. Thaksin is sitting right in Singapore and that government laughs at the Thai government that wants him.

    I saw CNN interview him and he seems quite calm.

    Of course the government in Thailand blocked it and instead showed a replay of the sports report on CNN.

    Funny how much you hate him but really you hate the people who voted for him and then the next and the next.

    When the reds win the next election, and they will, will you throw out the next PM as well?

    How many coups has Thailand had in 100 years? Is it 17 or closer to 20?

    Just say it.

    You who run the Yellow want NO democracy in Thailand.

    Be honest and at least i could then respect you but now you act like dishonest little children hiding your real power behind nonsense.

    Just say it.

    You hate democracy in Thailand.

    Are you claiming that the Thai government cut and paste CNN boardcaste? This is not possible. I do not believe you. CNN comes from satelite dirrectly from Atlanta, and beam straight to the receiver in Thailand. How can Thai government intercept the signal, and boardcaste something else? Please support your claim with proof. I have seens Thaksin face before in CNN recently.

    No can not block CNN because they are AMERICAN (the police of the world). They may try to block signal from some of the other weaker countries (BBC, AZJ, CCTV, CNA, etc).


    Thailand turned off CNN completely in the past. You have us all laughing.

    About what I said. All the Thais know it is true and I read it at the CNN site.

    After announcing that the Thaksin interview will be aired in Thailand, now the satellite TV company, UBC, has given in to pressure and will not broadcast the interview after all. I do not know whether the interview will be available in Thailand via other sources.

    The following appears in the BANGKOK POST:


    UBC Bows to Military Pressure, Agrees to Censorship

    Bangkok Post reporters

    The Thaksin Shinawatra interview with CNN on its weekly Saturday Talk Asia show will not be seen in Thailand.

    Thailand's main pay-TV provider said yesterday it would block an interview with deposed prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra that CNN plans to run this evening. UBC spokeswoman Kantima Kunjara told the AFP news agency that they will not air it because of a request by the Council for National Security (CNS).

    "Since the CNS has asked for cooperation from the broadcasting media not to broadcast statements from former prime minister Thaksin, UBC will cooperate and will not broadcast his interview," she said.

    The Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand (FCCT) plans to replay the interview at the clubhouse on Monday.

    In a letter sent to members yesterday, the FCCT expressed "deep disappointment" with UBC's decision to block excerpts of the interview, made in Singapore on Jan 15.

    The FCCT decided to send a letter of concern to Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont on Jan 16 because it considered UBC's action "regardless of on whose direction it was taken," to be "unnecessary and improper interference".

    In the letter to Gen Surayud, FCCT president Ian Williams noted that the prime minister "made much of the importance of an open and responsible press" during an address to the FCCT on Nov 7.

    "We hope that you will take steps to uphold this position, and also do everything in your power to promote a balanced debate in all the media about Thailand and its present situation," he added.

    The FCCT president said the "attempt at censorship casts the Thai authorities in a poor light, and is in many ways pointless" as the interview had been reproduced in a number of publications and on several websites, and was available on YouTube.

    Media watchdog Reporters Without Borders said: "Censoring or blocking news or information carried by any media does not prevent the information's existence, and those who want to have access to it usually succeed."

  10. Sorry the Red don't speak good English. Unlike the yellow. Perhaps there are some interview, but the quality of their their bg English is so bad, the foreign news just refuse to air them.

    Just look at the Englsih of their leaders. Mark (even have an English name) vs Thaksin.

    Fluency in English has nothing to do with it... Besides, news agencies like BBC and CNN can afford a translator.

    Mark AKA: Oba-Mark... In light of recent events, some would refer to Thaksin as "ThugSIN"...

    Thaksin is sitting right in Singapore and that government laughs at the Thai government that wants him.

    I saw CNN interview him and he seems quite calm.

    Of course the government in Thailand blocked it and instead showed a replay of the sports report on CNN.

    Funny how much you hate him but really you hate the people who voted for him and then the next and the next.

    When the reds win the next election, and they will, will you throw out the next PM as well?

    How many coups has Thailand had in 100 years? Is it 17 or closer to 20?

    Just say it.

    You who run the Yellow want NO democracy in Thailand.

    Be honest and at least i could then respect you but now you act like dishonest little children hiding your real power behind nonsense.

    Just say it.

    You hate democracy in Thailand.

  11. At this juncture nobody knows who is doing what.

    Blue shirts dressed as Red creating trouble.

    Ex-Yellow dressed as Red creating trouble.

    Thugs and hooligans using Red for fun.

    Some Red shirts creating trouble.

    Its all a mess.

    Rewind time is needed. Get rid of all Blue shirts. Get the Army off the street, allow the police to take over, get the Reds back to government house and peaceful protest.

    This all went wrong when the Army were called on to the streets, and so they need to be taken off for things to calm down again.

    Can't someone do something about this monkey??? The reds are killing innocent people, CONFIRMED by various media sources, and this guys blaming it on the Blues, the army, and the yellows.....like its a joke and without any sources to back up his claims. I believed that was a rule here on Thai Visa.......you need to back up your claims. I'm sick of this guys bu#l sh$t!

    Maybe you should tell the media and Yahoo not to print this.


    Pictures are showing some truth.

  12. I'd love to know who his coaches and PR mentors are. I don't think its all CEO solo.

    It's not solo. Not sure who he's using right now, but he's employed these PR firms in the past.



    I guess my reaction is the same as many, having watched Thaksin and Abhisit last night -Abhisit came off the better by miles not only because of his excellent English but the reasonable tone, remarkable given the pressure he's under.There's something about Thaksin that turns the stomach.

    The Times agrees


    Endless propaganda even here being used by the powers who rule Thailand.

    Funny though, when another election is held, the same side that has NO support according to the yellows, will win again.

    The media is all Yellow in Thailand.

    The generals are bought and payed for by the ruling elite yellows.

    The Courts under the constitution put in by a coup government allows for the court to throw out PMs for cooking on TV shows. HAAA HAAAA

    I do not have to tell you how completely un-democratic it is to allow any court to throw out a nation's leader. That is not part of any democracy I know of. Only a Parliament or Congress can remove a leader in a democracy. Not a court and certainly not a court put in by a coup government. HAAA HAAA


    You do not want a democracy do you Yellows.

    At least be honest and say so instead of hiding and making up nonsense.

    It is too too funny.

  13. Protesters drive truck with gas cylinders into compound of Din Daeng flats

    Residents of Din Daeng flats were terrified when protesters drove a truck fueled by NGV gas into the compound.

    The truck uses several NGV cylinders and the protesters shouted that the flat residents should leave immediately, prompting speculation that the protesters would explode the gas tanks.

    The Nation

    My wife heard rumors of that at work on Friday...looks like those rumors were true.

    Just a point of fact here.

    While many people who have never been in Thailand think Thais are mellow easy going people the rest of us who have lived in Thailand can tell you all that simply is not so.

    Thai people have very explosive tempers.

    If this thing goes to far, it will break into a real FIGHT. There could be bombings on a daly basis along with assassinations and full out fire fights.

    I am sure many of you are aware of what happened in Lebanon to the city when the place broke into a fight. Total destruction

    Of course we have the army here but really? Do we?

    How long would the army stay unified if a real fight broke out? Lots of the men in the army are red Shits you know.

    I see today that we saw the Thai army fire upon Thais and kill and wound 5 dozen or more. Likely it was much worse. What happens when the boys in Red start attacking back in a serious way?

    City fighting takes away much of the advantage an army has.

    Fighters can hide among people. They can hit and run.

    They certainly can destroy the city.

    They do not have to win a fight.

    They just have to wreck the nation to win.

    Think about it.

    Also--the Thai government has to be under extreme international pressure now.

    If it starts shooting down its own people in the streets, this economy will totally collapse and the nation will be Burma like.

    Of course if I were betting, I would bet that we will have peace in a week or so. It will be like the last time and the last time and the last time.

    But--it could hit a breaking point and the whole think could blow.

  14. If Abhisit opens fire on civilians, he's gone. He's gone anyways, just faster that way.

    Funny. From your pic, your wife does not look like an Isaan person.

    Funny, but from what you probably thought was a joke, you actually threw a shaft of light onto the root cause of the present troubles, namely the total racism of the hi-so BKK elite who were PAD's financiers. Read carefully through the pages of TV, and a consistent theme is the degradation of any Northern or Isaan Thai, deemed uneducated, ignorant, stupid, not fit to vote, etc., etc.

    Probably why I detest PAD and everything they stand for.

    Could not agree more... It's sad really. It's also sad that farangs would be apart of this rasism towards area's of Thailand.

    Having said that the REDS are as wrong as can be as well... Both sides need to learn that their actions today will have nasty consequences in the future.

    Does this mean that the idiots throwing water from their trucks are not out this year?

    See--some good

  15. Thaksin and his successors won 4 consecutives elections and they will win any election
    I don't think Thaksin can win an election at this point. Even if his party obtained more MP seats than any other party, they haven't demonstrated that they can form a ruling coalition, which would be necessary in order for Thaksin to become PM.

    I agree.

    Or the yellow shirts would just turn up and the airport again, with the support of all and sundry, and the Government that was elected by the people would be porked again.


    "I love the lines from a couple of you guys.

    They should have taken the airport because it is safe there No gas.. "


    But seriously, what happened if the reds retaliate with shootings and bombs and this thing turns into a real war?

    Will farangs be open season for mobs?

    Will it be a wind sprint to all ways out of Thailand?

    Will the population of Laos and Cambodia suddenly find ten thousand or more former Thai farangs entering for a permanent stay?

    If a real war breaks out, Bangkok could end up looking like Lebanon did.

    The thing could easily escalate now that the first guns have been fired.

    If a real fight breaks out I would look for a new plan.

    If I were a rich farang, I sure as heck would go else where. If I were a beer drinking low class loser, I would too. HAAA HAAAA

  16. Henryalleman and Edwardmoulton...let me ask you something.Are you farangs here?Obviously-Henryalleman is yellow(or just a militant guy) and Edwardmoulton is red. :D

    So, to ask you why don't you mind your own business, instead to fight each other, if you are farangs.

    And to Edwardmoulton: this always happens here. If you are farangs and if you are doing this, even not your business at all, then why is so hard to understand clash between Thais?

    For operators,moderators here: i think you are sleeping if you allowed this to be posted here...I mean words of Edwardmoulton as"uncaring pig" and fascist...

    Do your homework moderator.


    And my final post on TV is to say to stepenwolf1958, who are you to tell anyone what to do? You are Thai, congratulations! You just joined the world's lowest IQ, most belligerent, small minded and racist club on earth. Remember that foreigners only come to LOS for one thing and it is not your culture, trust me... Now your mindless stupidity and lack of ability to do anything properly are know the world over by recent events.

    Work your problems out yourselves as you will be by yourselves - you have alienated all your tourists, all your business partners and even long time residents like me with the never ending rubbish you spout about telling us to get out of your business.

    Well stick to your business and culture what little of it you possess and never watch our sport or travel to our countries because we know you all for what you are now. Cretins of the first order and the most ungrateful race on earth. Don't worry you will be crying into your somtam soon when the country is empty, unemployed and poor...

    I hope this is your final post, and good riddance.  I have agreed with very few of yoru posts of which I have read, and that is OK. We are each entitled to our opinions.  But this last racist diatribe is simply too far beyond the ken.  We don't need that here.  You have the nerve to call the Thais the most "racist club on earth?"  What the heck do you think your post reveals about your racist beliefs?


    Did a lover here do you wrong?


    Thai people are alright. I quite like them. Yes--they have different rules but that is ok.

    Their government is a wreck but I never hold that against any people in any nation. it is not as if the majority of people can do anything about governments is it?

    Any way--There are thieves and jerks everywhere on earth and it is not a Nationalistic thing but instead it is a human thing.

    The jerks and thieves in my home nation are about as bad as any. They take trillions of dollars and then laugh.

    I really do think some woman got to you. Again, that woman could have been from any nation. Any nation you go to you can and will possible be wronged by a failed relationship. Such is life.

    I certainly think the Thai women have nice views.--when I look at them. HAA HAA

    But seriously. The Thais do a lot of things right. I am getting sick of all the endless Thai bashing here.

    A person living in Thailand is a heck of a lot more free than a person living in America, for example.

    No one bothers you much.

    So what the political things are broken.

    That is a majority of nations is it not?

    Thailand has not had major war after major war.

    It has not killed its young in its military for stupid reasons.

    And yeah---it is a little nationalistic and closed to foreigners joining the club but you can live here.

    Thailand is a good place with political problems.

    That is it.

  17. For those of you who get your views of Thai politics from your wives here's a little caveat!

    I tried to explain to mine why Abhisit was perfectly within his rights to refuse calls for a new election as his was a legitimate government of elected MPs. Was she interested in hearing this piece of news? Or even my explanation of the electoral processes?

    Not a bit of it - Her mother had told her that Abhisit is an unelected, undemocratic monster - so he must be.

    Where did mother get her views? From talking to some bloke in the village who had been to listen to a Thaksin rally.

    your wife is right - he is undemocratically PM! he got in by democratically elected 'leaders' changing sides - ok for temp thing UNTIL elections but current govt. are not saying they will hold new elections - Thai people are up in arms - and so they should be - let a new election happen and everything is difused... NO ONE has voted him PM! you don't get it???

    PS BTW no one voted Brown into British PM and we don't like that either!!! AND he will pay price at next election - you have to have a MANDATE!!!

    Well, obviously you don't have to, but I'm sure it makes things easier if you do...


    Is there anyone who believes Thailand is now or ever has been a democracy?



    Who rules Thailand?

    Who owns most of the land in Thailand?

    Who decides who the generals are in Thailand?

    Who gave the Court the right to kick out democratically elected governments?

    Wasn't this current constitution put in by a coup government?

    Does the ruling class benefits from the majority of people being put down? Oh yeah

    Now another question for farangs here?

    Why are you here?

    It is not for the great jobs you have is it? HAA HAA

    Is it to benefit from the majority of people being put down? Oh yeah.

    Do you think Ghandi would be wearing a yellow shirt?


    How about Nelson Mandela? Sure--he would love that yellow.

    If you are here to benefit from people being used and abused, you are in the right place--at least for a few more weeks.

    But I do sympathize with the ruling elite here in some ways. To give over power to an uneducated mob could certainly wreck the nation. I do understand the problems at least in some ways.

    Still, the change is coming and it would be better to be with the change and to influence it than to be run over by it.

    Just my small opinion

  18. I'm confused.

    As a fa-rang, I was supposed to hate Taksin when he was in office.

    Hate the army for the coup.

    Hate the yellow shirts for protesting and taking over the airport.

    Now am I supposed to hate the red shirts or the new group of blue shirts or both?

    Do I have to avoid wearing red, yellow, and blue shirts or risk attack? I'm running short of colors in my shirt closet.

    Dont for get Camouflage = army

    Military attire is already illegal. :o

    Of course you should avoid all talk of politics with Thais. It is not our fight is it.

    If things get ugly, farangs can and WILL all run home or to other nations. Thai people cannot do that.

    Good luck to Thailand and all Thais.

    I am for peace at almost any cost but that does not seem to be in the cards.

    Love my Thai friends and wish them all well.

  19. I am no Brit but I find it funny that anyone would defend the wreck in Thailand by attacking the UK.

    The UK is a functioning democracy and Thailand is not.

    Mad Maggie with Reaganism-lite destroyed that island long ago. Thailand is a developing nation and many things are still pretty much "under development". But at least Thailand has a trade surplus and healthy industrial base to build upon unlike stupid western countries, building their utopian shopping mall nirvanas with easy credit. Now it is all coming crashing down and we will see how functioning those democracies really are.

    It is easy to have a trade surplus when you rape the workers with slave pay.

    But back on topic.

    Thailand made itself look like a second rate clown country again did it not?


    By the way--Thailand's economy is also a wreck now. This likely will add to the political unrest.

    When people are making 3000 baht a month in the country side, and rich people who own the land live like pretend GODS, trouble is sure to follow.

    The new generation of Thais will no longer take this abuse.

    They system seems unable to change so i predict that the Thai system we see now will BREAK.


  20. Maybe you Brits should worry more about UK than Thailand, whether that foggy island will turn into mere Mad Max or even worse, "28 days later" barren wasteland, thanks to this global crisis. All those beautiful minds "with high IQ and low EQ or was it just high AQ" in London really screwed up this time...

    A beginning of a war always start with words`\

    I am no Brit but I find it funny that anyone would defend the wreck in Thailand by attacking the UK.

    The UK is a functioning democracy and Thailand is not.

    End of story

  21. OK, I will try again. Here's my new advice to you - assuming you are still in power as I write this, and assuming of course, that you are now ready to start listening to me :o

    1. Kasit must go (you now have another opportunity to do it, in the interests of reconciliation)

    2. You must agree to liaise with the opposition regarding the amnesty bill

    (basically the 111 banned politicians to have their political rights reinstated, draw a line in the sand and give blanket amnesty to all protest leaders except any who can be directly implicated in any criminal activity, and also to the pending LM & Computer crime cases)

    3. Initiate a complete round of political reform, including using the 1997 constitution as the starting point, but also including amendments to the LM and Computer Crime laws, looking at and concisely defining the role of the privy council, implementing a strict permit system for future protests (to put some rules in place as so that the never ending supply of gullible and bloody minded protesters can be kept in check otherwise no government will ever be able to do anything) - surely there are enough great unbiased minds in Thailand that can come up with something appropriate, but if there are still contentious items then they will need to go to a referendum

    4. Set a strict, but realistic timetable for the above political reform process, including a date for the next election to be held as soon as the new rules are in place.

    5. Request that all parties/sides/colors take a step back from protesting, and invite them to instead get involved in the political reform process.

    6. Strictly implement rule of law without fear or favour

    7. Thaksin???? - I'm thinking that he is a special case and a negotiated settlement needs to be reached with him, but who does the negotiating? Off the top of my head, the best solution I can come up with is a special act of parliament requiring say 75% approval.

    (it will mainly need to be a financial settlement, however the amount might depend on whether he enters binding commitments relating to the extent of his future political involvement).

    As usual, its just general rambling to get it off my chest, and the real experts would need to work out ways to facilitate the legalities.

    Actually LevelHead, we finally agree on something. Most of what you have posted on these various threads I disagree with. However, with this one post you have articulately stated a solution that I generally agree with. It is rather similar to something I posted yesterday. Here were my suggestions:

    Thoughts on Possible Solutions (Listed in Order)

    1) The current government agrees to step down after necessary 'bipartisan' business is completed.

    2) All members and leaders of protest groups are exonerated.

    3) The constitution is rewritten to abolish the party dissolution clauses, with all sides taking part in the process.

    4) Both sides agree to not pardon politicians previously found guilty of electoral fraud, but the ban is rescinded for leaders of banned parties who were not directly involved in the activities which led to party dissolution.

    5) Laws are enacted to ensure that any politician found guilty of vote buying in the next elections is jailed.

    6) Laws are put in place to severely criminalize public takeover of government facilities during protest movements.

    7) Thaksin's money is returned minus the tax that would have been withheld had the tax laws not been changed just prior to the sale of ShinCorp.

    8) Both sides agree to accept the victor or coalition party that wins.

    9) Both sides agree to not exonerate Thaksin for his criminal behavior.

    10) All agree that the Privy Council is an institution that is above politics as it functions directly for the monarchy.

    11) The military agrees not to meddle.

    12) Elections are held.


    You are in fantasy land. No chance.

    I noticed you left out the main power broker in your words.

    Hardly any hope of any peaceful compromise exists in a nation where an elite has ruled for so long.

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