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Posts posted by CrunchWrapSupreme

  1. 27 minutes ago, roo860 said:

    Boring, not at all, my mother in law is a wonderful lady, nearly 90yrs old, fit as a butcher's dog, a great character, chews beetle nut from dawn till dusk, never asked for anything, love her to bits, even though I can't understand a word she says. 


    Wow, fit and active for 90. My in-laws look about the same at their mid 70's. I'm surprised at how active they've remained, still doing house and farm work. My mom back in the states at 71 is mostly a couch potato, with some occasional gardening.


    Yes, I'm also fortunate to have good natured in-laws who seem happy to see me around, and appreciate my attempts at speaking limited Thai with them. Much of this forum seems to loathe their in-laws, and considers having to live with them a death sentence.

    • Like 2
  2. I've got a fetish for sexy dresses. Many are only 100-200 baht on Lazada. Got a box full of em now.


    Seeing as how the nightclubs have been closed, the missus and I turn on the LED disco ball, put on some house music, and open a club in our bedroom. The dancing soon leads to the inevitable, which you can't very well do in the club.


    Fellas, if your bedroom action's been lacking, it's highly recommended. ????????????

  3. 3 hours ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

    style...its the reality of teens learning online with little to no parental supervision....oh, and its English as well so.....

    I know what you mean. Just had 5 of my class of 30 show up this afternoon. A decent turnout I suppose. Not to mention they were 35 minutes late. Better than not showing up at all I guess. Heh.


    This left us with 15 minutes to review for the midterm exam, after which they were quick to tell me, "Teacher, we have a lab activity." They certainly don't want to be late for that.


    Dunno how they're doing it online, but whatever it is it's more engaging than whatever I'm doing. And after all, what I do is just English. ????

  4. So, what's the word fellow teachers? Will we be back in the classroom? The word here around central Issan is the end of this month.


    Further out east I heard they've got it worse. Strict lockdowns, curfews. Schools closed indefinitely, not even online teaching.


    Harvest time here in Issan. Teaching from my phone. The farm is my classroom. Wife is behind me cutting the sugar cane. Walking around doing a livestream makes for a more interesting lesson. The kids tell me they'd like a field trip someday. Though unfortunately, I'm only getting about 20% participation.


    • Like 1
  5. 18 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    Off topic,

    I've never viewed the Thai climate as harsh.

    I's not as if the country is covered in snow and ice for 4 months of the year.

    Er. Several provinces get routinely covered in water.


    It's on topic. They soldier on, particularly the women. In the West, they take to Twitter to whine about the lack of avocado in their burritos.


    • Like 1
  6. Indeed, I commend and admire the tremendous resiliency of Thai women, particularly Issan women. They've developed it well as they've had to contend with:


    1) Often ineffectual Thai men.

    2) Difficult children of any gender.

    3) The ridiculousness of their government.

    4) Extreme poverty, having to make do with very little.

    5) The main contributing factor to most of Thai culture, their natural environment. The harshness of extreme heat, then extreme rains, droughts, floods, and the challenges these bring.


    Plans are always being canceled and changed. Things are usually up in the air. It's why I believe they've handled Covid better than other countries. They're used to this sort of thing. Oh, we can't do it this way? We'll do it this other way. It'll get done eventually. Might not be perfect, but oh well. Westerners tend to get extremely annoyed by this sort of thing, yet they just go with it. Heh.


    Unfortunately, this leads to a bit too much permissiveness when it comes to members of the family, whom they want to continue helping no matter the laziness and bad attitudes. So when it comes down to the money from my modest teacher's salary, I have to put my foot down and say no, that abled body young person isn't getting anything from us, not when I know there's jobs available in town.

    • Like 2
  7. On 1/10/2022 at 3:01 PM, mvdf said:

    All these disrespectful comments. Not funny at all. One day you will all age and go through a similar ordeal with dementia and Alzheimer's.

    Been there, waking to the front door opening at 2 am, then having to chase my grandpa who thought he still had to get to work.


    I've also been where this lady was, though managed to keep my clothes on. I'll bet many of us here have, though won't care to admit it.


    Soon after arriving in Thailand, I took a taxi home one night totally blitzed, and on this occasion without a female companion. Upon exiting the taxi I took the wrong way down the main road, away from rather toward my condo. I walked and walked down into an industrial area on the outskirts of BKK. I was blacked out. I have vague memories of traffic whizzing past. I thought it was a dream.


    I eventually awoke to the sound of big trucks just a few feet from me on the side of the dirt road, and the sun coming up in my eyes. Took sometime to get back, I couldn't believe how far I was out there. A greater power had definitely been on my side that night.


    I then learned to give it a rest well before last call. Also what's helped since is having a wife telling me when it's time to go, and no longer being able to drink like I could 10 years ago.

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  8. 17 hours ago, billd766 said:

    Then a few locals saw what he was doing and started pig farms for themselves using cheaper food, undercutting him with costs and producing cheaper but inferior pork.

    I don't like CP as much as the next guy, but in my experience the grades of pork have been:

    1) CP Fresh Mart

    2) The big open fresh market in the center of town

    3) The truck that drives by every morning going "moo ma laew, moo ma laew"

    4) Locals selling near the farms


    My poor farmer sister-in-law tries to help out once in awhile, with what little money she has, and occasionally gets us #4. Sometimes we get lucky, but usually, it gives everyone the runs.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

    I have never travelled to Isaan, but I have heard many good things about this place.

    Harvest time on the na (farm), out here in Issan (the Northeast). Last month was the khao (rice), now it's the namta (sugar). Many ma (dogs) running about, supervising the harvest. They're otherwise not of much help.


    Similarly, many returned bargirls from BKK/Patts could be doing this work, instead of leaving it up to their 50-something parents and 70-something grandparents. Alas, they're ki-kiet (lazy) and glued to the torasap (phone).


    • Like 1
  10. I realized I had to start learning Thai from day one. First was with pricing. T-shirts, street food. Few of such vendors speak English. You know what I've seen many farangs do? Hand over some bills and hope that's the correct amount. And they wonder what they get ripped off.


    Next was with my soi name/number, address number, and left or right. Coming home at 4 am totally blitzed, the last thing you want is the taxi driver dumping you in the middle of nowhere. I quickly learned I'd better be able to give him some idea of where I stayed. I didn't come home with someone to help me every night. ????


    Then when I soon found that special lady, seeing how receptive she was to my learning Thai was key. I've seen the many farangs with their ladies who absolutely don't care, or make an effort at them not learning Thai. Then if you marry her as I did, see how her parents are with speaking to you. Can you practice Thai with them, and are they happy to see you trying? Or do they just ignore you? That's a big part of the deal.

    • Like 2
  11. Hah, I remember the "swirly face" guy. What a tool. There was another in California selling pics of his own daughter. They started as "child modeling", then he customers cajoled him into taking it further, so he obliged. He was then nabbed by shooting photos in his backyard, and catching the name of his disposal company on his garbage cans.


    I know many are annoyed by the PornHub ban, but at one of my first schools, I found students as low as P4 watching it in class. I was shocked and reported to this admins. I was even more shocked by their response, they were more upset with me about bringing it up. Heh. That taught me an important lesson about Thai education.


    I later saw pics of M2 girls at nightclubs taking selfies with uni-aged farangs. Nobody gets carded at the clubs, at least not the customers. They get started early. Then I've seen M5 and M6 girls hopping into some nice cars after school, with older men I doubt are their Issan farmer fathers. Then I've seen others as I walk past looking at their phones in class, with banking apps open, looking at transfers.


    Schools need to be more involved. Parents need to be more involved, not to mention not contributing to it themselves. And most of all, as a sociology prof said to us on our first day of class, "I'll tell you right now. Fix poverty, then you fix most of these problems".

    • Thanks 1
  12. On 1/4/2022 at 12:31 PM, ikke1959 said:

    And the week after.... kids are more vulnerable to Omicron apparently and more sick than adults

    Some of my students have tested positive. They're in the hospital now. In spite of this, some are still joining my online classes. Aww.


    Thus, we got word that next week will continue to be online, and possibly the rest of the month.


    I also teach intl adults online, so this would explain the rest of this month's available bookings suddenly disappearing on that platform. Many other teachers in Thailand are doing as I, and now grabbing the opportunity to make more extra cash.

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