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Posts posted by CrunchWrapSupreme

  1. I applaud those returned bar girls in our village who retreat to their rooms early in the evening, not to be seen until the next day. Whatever it is they do in there, it then results in them heading into town, and coming back with bags of groceries.


    In contrast, others stomp around scowling all day, complaining that they tried to sell meatballs for a few hours in the morning, and only got a few baht. Though they're not putting their hands out, they do this knowing full well it results in their 70 year old grandparents digging into their pockets.

    • Like 2
  2. On 11/14/2021 at 3:22 PM, Chris.B said:

    None of this is the private hospitals fault.

    The Thonburi CEO tried to put his order directly into Moderna quite early on, and got a swift smackdown by the govt. They obviously didn't fancy that. They'd much rather prefer a more prolonged, convoluted process, though which more could feast at the trough.

  3. Here in my empty classroom now in Issan. Got my Line Messenger open, waiting for my first period to wake up. ????


    Later classes are usually more enthusiatic, though they are getting tired of online learning. They tell me they miss school. They say they miss their friends, and even the food. They're tired of staying home in the villages.


    The town misses it too. The nearby primary school tried opening a few weeks ago, and the town came to life again with activity. More traffic, people and vehicles, more street vendors, shops were reopened. The schools are an incredible driving force behind the local economies. But then some cases were reported, the school shut down again, and thus the town is quiet again.


    We hit our 80% vaxx target for our school, but some cases have been reported amongst them, so I heard our opening's getting pushed back into December. ????

  4. 17 minutes ago, chaihot said:


    A Thai asking for outside help.  That is the funnies thing I have ever heard.


    Millions of Native speaking English visitors combined with expats and NO ONE asks them to review street or building signs because they speak "good enough English" to translate.

    I taught English at a municipal school, and was occasionally asked to go down to the thesaban (municipal office) to help with translations. Most often there'd be complaint letters from farangs, usually noise complaints, as they were near bars and parks with performances. Heh. I wrote them some amusing replies, mostly to the effect of "you're in Thailand now, mate".


    They wanted to double check my responses by translating them into Thai. I later found they were rewriting them, infusing them with more of their bad English, and removing most of my charming wit. ????

    • Like 1
  5. 16 hours ago, Will B Good said:

    True.....my Isan wife left school for work at 11 years old......leaving her 'uneducated', though still intelligent (clever enough to marry me). 


    She speaks four languages. 

    My Issan wife left school after completing primary, then went to BKK to work in factories, then hotels and restaurants. It was over the course of a few years there that she picked up English, much better than she could've done in school. Now I teach adults online, mostly Chinese, Japanese, South American, and they love hearing this story, gives them hope and motivation.


    With just the right exposure to the language, and creating the motivation, it can be done. These unfortunately are lacking in the Thai school system.


    My students ask me, don't they learn English in Thailand? I said oh yeah, from kindergarten they get ABC's, nursery rhymes, greetings. Why don't they learn then? I tell them there's just a general lack of interest, on the part of both students and teachers.

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  6. On 11/13/2021 at 10:27 AM, bkk_bwana said:

    So it's OK for Editor of The Pattaya Golfer, Thai Golf News on line, Principal at Big Mango Productions and Executive Producer at Tee Off TV show as a foreigner, doing business in a host country to comment on foreign involvement of sport clubs in the UK.

    Does he build skyscrapers and stadiums with what's essentially slave labor? Withholding passports, wages, and forcing them to work, often to death?


    Does he enforce strict dress codes, jail and fines for a little too much skin? In 40 degree weather? And the same for perhaps a little too much public display of romance? Yet he wants his countries to be international tourist destinations?


    Does he still consider women second class citizens, with many job opportunities denied, and domestic violence often condoned?

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    • Confused 2
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  7. How young and attractive is the wife? I'm serious. I remember a post on here from a guy who's tried bringing a few different ladies over many years, wives and GFs. He said the difficulties he encountered were proportional to how young and attractive they were, as this supposedly increases their likelihood of doing a runner once they get stateside.


    My buddy's ex whom he'd brought from the Phils did exactly this. Didn't take her long to get the GC, benefits, and the kindness of strangers on her own.


    I doubt you'd have this problem with two kids now between you, but immigration officers tend not to be as optimistic. I'm looking to bring my wife over in a few more years and am wondering how it'll go. Good luck.

    • Confused 1
  8. On 11/12/2021 at 2:00 PM, kingstonkid said:

    Her understanding was that if one of the other shops saw me and complained the authorities could shut her down. 

    Yeah, that's the beef. That she essentially gets a free worker, whereas if they want tables cleared they'd have to hire another hand.


    On the other hand, I once tried to hoe the rows of sugar cane apart, I dunno the proper agricultural term. You have to keep spreading the rows of dirt into piles so that water can flow between them. Half a dozen of the farmers from nearby were quite curious as to how the farang would fare. They all had a good laugh when I couldn't last 5 minutes. I was certainly no threat to their livelyhoods.

    • Haha 1
  9. On 11/10/2021 at 7:02 PM, Golden Triangle said:

    Just to add, I was hoping for Nov 15th.

    Same here. As a MURCUN, I was hoping to bring the wife down to BKK to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner with turkey and mashed potatoes, not to mention plenty of requisite BOOZE, at a particular pub.

  10. Just got my 2nd jab out here at an Issan govt hospital. They had a stack of yellow books sitting there. Had me sign my name in it, said to make it match the signature in my passport. Paid 50 baht. Then they said check back in about a month. The "big doctor" has to go through and sign all of them. Heh.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 10 hours ago, Nojohndoe said:

    Were there not  pre- pandemic utterances of the desire to remodel Pattaya as a "family friendly" location?

    Many seem to forget they had tried "family friendly" in BKK years ago: Dinosaur Park! It was an utter failure. Who wants to come to Thailand for such a thing, when I'm sure something like it exists in their home countries? It seems now this is what they want to bulldoze Patts for.


    Patts is well known for one thing in particular, and short of creating something on the scale of Jurassic Park, I doubt that'll ever change.

    • Haha 1
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