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Posts posted by CrunchWrapSupreme

  1. Good thing I held onto my US PayPal all these years. I did eBay selling many years ago, then upon coming to the LOS, online teaching. Teaching money goes into the US PayPal, then to my US bank, then sent to my Thai bank via Wise. No prob. Many teachers doing as I do.


    My suggestion to those in this current debacle would be to dig up their old home country PP accts, or set one up.

  2. On 11/10/2021 at 2:27 AM, Lemsta69 said:

    the bar owner insisted that I don't walk up to the main road like I used to do all the time. there were no win motosai around at the time so he insisted on riding me up himself. 

    Mmm, you brought back a memory. Many years ago, after drinking at a bar out in the far Northeast, paying and getting up to leave, a lovely barmaid insisted she take me back to my place on her motosai. At the time I thought she was worried about security or me being too tipsy. But when we got to my place there was an awkward pause and goodbye. Later I realized she was waiting to be invited in. It wouldn't have been free, but not expensive, and would've been great. I was a moron.

  3. Sorry to go off topic. I'm not even sure which country the OP is in, haha.


    But my point to everyone would be, give your LOS teaching adventure a few years, then eventually return home, bringing your experience with you, to enjoy a higher salary and retirement. Just be sure to choose an area back home with a low cost of living. It might not be your original home, and thus, it'd be a good idea to start talking to fam in other places.

  4. 13 hours ago, Chad3000 said:

    State? Praxis? California? I'd be surprised there's a pile of qualifications for scant money.


    That's it? One exam and they hand you a license?






    Midwestern state, take your pick. Not a coastal state. DEFINITELY not California.


    Many states require the Praxis. CA instead requires the CBEST. They did however recently scrap this requirement, as they can't get any teachers. As they can't pay the CA rent. Haven't you seen the encampments? It looks like Manila.


    Scant salary? $60K is great in the Midwest, especially if you sort out accommodation with family. You'll also get retirement and other benefits, which I'll never see in Thailand. Expect big things to be happening with US K-12 ESL given the various refugee situations. UT particularly has pledged to take the Afghans.


    Note the attached pic. Note the neat trick your out of country license does in skipping the other stuff. Heh. You will however also need: 1) Passing the Praxis, 2) Letter of rec from your current school, 3) Degree in your area, 4) No felonies.


    The Praxis is tough. Go to ets.org/praxis and find the study guide for your area. Then eventually book a test at one of their centers in BKK. Then send it to your state of choice with the other stuff, and get ready to go home. That is, if/when you've had enough of the LOS. Heh. Cheers.


    • Like 1
  5. On 11/2/2021 at 12:04 PM, Walker88 said:

    I don't know if any venues there actually have a restaurant license

    A mate tells me a former booze only place near NP has now set up little tables inside and become a sports bar, serving the usual sports bar edible fare. I'd expect to see more of this. Next step is pushing this 9 pm nonsense to midnight. That'd get me down for a BKK visit. Though the wife wouldn't want us going to Nana heh. You'd be seeing me at O'Shea's or Buddy's further up the road.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, mokwit said:

    They have yet to perfect the "stay at home and send the money visa", but are sure with enough effort they can crack this one.

    I've actually heard that story, here or another Thailand site.


    Some farang had some business. He complained about always having trouble finding good employees. They'd come late, leave early, then quit showing up altogether. Finally he just started calling them only when he needed something, with a flat rate upon completion.


    He had a debt to be collected, something only like 1000 baht. He was more concerned with the principle of it and being screwed over by the customer, than the money. He told this young lady, off/on employee, that if she were to go collect the debt it was hers to keep. Her reply? "Can't you just send me the money, then get it from him yourself?" ????


    Oh, why are we troubling these poor Thais in their country? Let's just send them money and stay out of their hair.

    • Haha 1
  7. You're in luck. STEM's been in demand here for some time.


    I have a Master's. Upon mentioning this, eyes lit up and then they always asked "Really? Science, Math?" Nope, just this lowly English language unfortunately.


    Many possibilities. Even if it's just bio, they could put you in bio, chem, or general science. They need teachers given the situation.


    Yes, after a few years of your Thailand adventure, get your state licence and teach K-12. Rather than 60k baht a month, $60k a year plus retirement. Just don't go to a coastal state. The state I'm going to will recognize the Thai teaching license, then upon taking the Praxis exam, convert it to the state license. That's my plan. Good luck.

  8. Same here in Issan. One school recently opened, and oh man you should've seen the town come back to life. Many businesses and shutters I had seen closed for months were open again. All the streets were buzzing with cars, motorbikes, tuk tuks, songthaews carrying students. The kids spend their pocket money, their parents who come drop them off and pick them up do their shopping and dining. The schools are an unbelievable driving force behind the local economy. Then Covid cases were reported, the school was shut, and now the town's back to how it was before. Terrible.

    • Sad 1
  9. Avenue, Villa? So Patts has one like Bangna, BKK? The one there just completed an expansion.


    Their Villa is kept buzzing with all the expats at the nearby pricey intl schools, who can't live without their pricey imports.


    "I daresay, are we out of the Cumberwumpton pudding again? Dispatch Noi the maid, forthwith."

    • Haha 1
  10. 1 hour ago, ArcticFox said:

    This is a tribute to the power of Big Agriculture which pays minuscule sums of money

    Harvest time here in Issan. Wife just sent me this pic. The family members all come in to help. Can't hire extra help given the thin margins. She says they could many years ago, when margins weren't so thin. What Big Ag keeps for itself has increased since. This goes along with my orig post, about why the bar girls can't simply all go work on the farms.


    • Like 1
  11. Heavens no, not unlicensed Doraemon.


    Out here in the Issan sticks Doraemon is quite popular with the kids. Stuffed toys, backpacks, t-shirts. None of it's officially licensed. It's the same stuff seized here, commonly found in the night markets.


    The only officially licensed Doraemon I know of is at the Miniso in Central Khon Kaen, hundreds of kms away, and costing several times more. 99% of these kids can't and won't get it.

  12. On 11/1/2021 at 6:50 PM, Kadilo said:

    The children at the schools I am familiar with in Northern  Isaan have all returned today, some vaccinated, some not but due some time this week. 

    The younger toddler classes go back Wednesday. 

    In my Issan province it's the opposite. Primary kids are back, secondary kids won't be back for another two weeks. Go figure.

  13. On 11/1/2021 at 11:24 AM, Harveyboy said:

    went to Nongnooch gardens brilliant day out ..just to add alcohol on sale there

    Hah, really? My first Thai GF dragged me to Nongnooch and was a total <bleep>. Real depressing as all the romanic flowers and decorations made me think how lovely it would be with someone special, which she def turned out not to be. Sure wish I had found that alcohol on sale there.

  14. 1) Upon arriving in Thailand, make an appt with the US Embassy in BKK for notary services.

    2) Fill out an affidavit form, it's on their website. Write something to the effect of "I possess a legitimate degree in....from..."

    3) On your appt day, stand in front of the officer and sware to this. They don't actually want to see the degree. Pay something like 40 bucks.

    4) Take the signed and stamped affidavit to the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Khlong Toei MRT. There they'll give you the stamps Thai authorities will be satisfied with. Pay another fee for this. Agencies outside will offer to help for an addl small fee, wouldn't hurt to save you some pain.

    5) Yes, only the "strict" provinces in and around BKK want this nonsense. They may also want you to get fingerprinted at the BKK police headquarters. Don't do anything until your school tells you to. The police HQ will want to see a letter from your school. Out here in Issan, there's none of this. Cheers.


    • Thanks 1
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