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Why Me

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Posts posted by Why Me

  1. Looks like the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter. Obviously, they'll keep us leashed till the end of the Songkran period, another week. Hopefully, after that the 10-4 curfew gets lifted and then the malls and shops start limping back to normal.


    Added: Maybe it's brighter everywhere. I believe Italy and Spain and NY are stabilizing. And here's news from where it all began


  2. Thanks all. I just like to have a supply of Dettol liquid for cuts and wounds emergencies and to disinfect stuff. 


    In any case, I finally found a supplier on Lazada who didn't cancel right after. Fingers crossed I'll get the bottle. I paid a stupid price but just don't feel safe without the stuff handy.

  3. 1 hour ago, tropo said:

    One would hope he knew what would happen. The other excuse would be he's a dumbass and it would better not to have such people in command of troops.

    I doubt he was dumb. The chain of command's effed up with the nut at the top but even they wouldn't put a captain who hasn't proven himself in charge of a nuclear-powered carrier.


    1 hour ago, tropo said:

    I doubt anything he said influenced (a).

    A captain's memo that appears in a national paper accusing the naval command of neglect? You bet it did.


    1 hour ago, tropo said:

    You do realise that young, healthy sailors are very unlikely to succumb to the virus. The way you're talking, they were all getting ready to die.

    Now, you are being silly. A captain's not going to sit back and watch a virus rage through his 4000 men and women trusting they'll all come through unscathed because they passed boot camp.


    My guess is that Crozier had got word that the brass was dallying because they were scared the bad press from an emergency evacuation of a carrier would upset Trump. And after some days of seeing the virus spread while being ignored he had had enough and to 'ell with the consequences.

    • Like 1
  4. Methinks Crozier knew exactly what he was doing writing the memo and what it would lead to:

    (a) It would light a fire in the Pentagon and the crew would finally get help.

    (b) He would be fired.


    He was fine with (b) if (a) happened and sailors were saved. He was also fine with (b) because looking up his chain of command all the way up to the C-in-C he wanted to throw up and get the 'ell back into civvies.

  5. 5 hours ago, madmen said:

    Including supermarkets and some essential services ?

    Supermarkets are open. Not sure about AIS offices. Have you tried calling their helpline? They would tell you.

  6. 8 minutes ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

    Current estimates for a vaccine are about 18 months from general availability

    My guess is that they will find an efficacious treatment regime long before. Right now they are throwing everything at this to see what sticks and there are a few drug combinations already showing promise. If I am not mistaken the validation trials for a drug are much shorter than for a vaccine, especially if they are derivatives of known ones.

  7. An extreme nuisance are the masks. Now don't get me wrong. I understand their need from a health point of view.


    But, dammit, they are denying us guys in these trying times the simple pleasure of dwelling on a pretty face. It's happened to me more than once recently that my eyes find a nice pair of legs, move up to dainty hips, then a colorful blouse promising what it hides and then, bang, a freakin' ugly green mask.


    How difficult would it be too invent transparent ones?

    • Haha 1
  8. I wouldn't worry too much. Look at China. They're limping back to normal after 3 months of draconian measures. Yea, yea, I get they lie but their factories are opening which is visible to the naked eye. And, forget which business paper, I saw their output numbers were surprisingly good given the shutdown, which indicates a fast bounce back, a good portent for other economies.


    So, I would say a couple more months, give or take, and most countries will have flattened the curve to the point that they say X infection/death rate is tolerable and go about business as usual.


    Sure there will still be hotspots popping up here and there but as long as the general population curve is flat enough, hospitals will be able to cope with localized events.


    In any case, I am learning to eat drink and be merry within exactly 67 sq. m.





    • Thanks 1
  9. 51 minutes ago, dabhand said:

    Yep, out of stock. I placed an order yesterday for a small bottle liquid Dettol for 300b. Order went through at first. Then 5mins. later canceled.

  10. Just now, Vigilante said:
    10 minutes ago, Why Me said:

    Does anyone know where to get Dettol in Bangkok?

    Are you serious?

    Absolutely. Disappeared everywhere, pharmacies, Tops (including their generic) and Lazada (unless you are willing to pay one price gouging seller 1,600b).

  11. Update:

    I just got back from my 4:30-5:30am run:

    Santiphab Park near VM closed with a sign re C-19 on the gate. 7-11s closed before 5.


    Pretty dumb decision to close the parks. Exercise is exactly what you want people to be getting now and it's not hard to walk or jog maintaining social distance. Ah, well, I run on the streets anyway.

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