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Scott Tracy

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Posts posted by Scott Tracy

  1. Edited, as I read the Phuket News full story.


    it appears the machine is on someone else's land in front of the land she owns. I suggest she moves the driveway.


    Cannot access your property across someone else's land, without an easement or some form of agreement, which, I suggest, would include not installing stuff to prevent access...


    • Thanks 1
  2. Solar lights affecting the rice crops, no water in the irrigation canal. 2km long 'embankment'...


    Blimey. How do else lights affect rice crops, do they make the crop grow at night?

    It doesn't look like there needs to water in the irrigation canal, plenty of water in the fields. Rice is cut now, anyway.

    Nobody knows how a 2km long road was built, along an embankment? Dang, someone do that here. Just dirt and mud on the way to the wife's 3 rai of empty fields.


    Ps... How was the picture taken? Drone?

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  3. 34 minutes ago, The Hammer2021 said:

    Very worthy legal point BUT not fair on the people who run the restaurants. It's only entitled foreigners who won't work with the informal system.

    There we have the nub of the problem. Laws don't apply in the 'informal' system, when it suits whoever is breaking them. Block the highway, block the footpath, the proprietors don't care. Nor do the punters. Double parking is de riguer. And, regretably, people who advocate 'informal' systems only tend to make things worse.

  4. Rare? Depending on what sort of bottlenose dolphin it was. Least Concern or Near Threatened. Interesting concept, near threatened. Next on the list to least concern and vulnerable.


    Anyways, I digress. Rare my backside. Might be rare in the sea around Chonburi, but that is probably because the pods have learned to stay away.

  5. Ah, but it could be the truck and trailer driver's fault, for failing to stop legally while breaking down.


    I was under the impression that if a vehicle decides to break down, it doesn't always do so on the hard shoulder. 


    Failing to use his hazard lights, failing to rope off his trailer, ahh yes, failing to put the obligatory tree branch down on the road. Failing to get out and walk down the road 30 meters and signal a broken  down truck trailer.


    For goodness sake. Really? 

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