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Scott Tracy

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Posts posted by Scott Tracy

  1. From the 26 September 2014 EASA has made it possible for airlines to allow passengers to use their PEDs throughout the flight, regardless of whether the device is transmitting or not, i.e. in ‘aeroplane mode’ or not. Of course, it is up to each airline to allow the use of PEDs or not. In order to do this, airlines will have to go through an assessment process, ensuring aircraft are not affected in any way by the transmission of signals from the PEDs.


    So, slope shoulders from the regulator, down to the airline. 

  2. 22 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    A regiment is brigade size. For the regiment to just disintegrate is a shocking military set back. That will mean thousands of Russia soldiers just too frightened and refused to fight and probably deserted. Contrasting morale with the Ukraine resolved to fight and Russia force to fight. Kind of like Vietnam. 

    If a regiment were brigade size, wouldn't be called a brigade?

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  3. 2 hours ago, HaoleBoy said:

    Imminent Domain" is to acquire land (not just any unused land) for public use - think land for freeways.  The owner must be compensated at fair market value.

    "the power of the government to take private property and convert it into public use"


    This is not the same as what Thailand (and Brasil) do.

    It's eminent domain...all countries do the same, just call it a different name...

  4. 3 minutes ago, Excel said:

    Possibly spending it on publicity telling people how good they think they are. Dogs are out of control in Thailand and these people getting them sterilized is a pointless exercise helping nobody as a sterile dog can still maim children and spread rabis.

    I guess I was lucky. No soi dogs where I was. Every house had at least one dog, sometimes many more. They all were housed. Any dog that stepped into another dog's perceived territory, without its human, was told in no uncertain terms to go away.

    One of my sisters in law had a female, another had a male, between them and other males in the village, she ended up with 12 dogs, all of which the wife and I paid to have sterilsed. I'd gladly have paid to have all the dogs sterilised, if that's what the humans wanted. But I made sure all the dogs in the village knew me, made sure they knew the pecking order. I have to admit, it was fun getting to know the dogs, as well as their humans.

    Would I eat dog? I don't know. I eat other meats...just never knowingly tried dog...

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  5. I read the article several times and can't see where the suspect agreed to fix the tyres 

    I do see where the suspect said he was afraid his car would be scratched, as he considered the victim parked too close to him.

    I also see that the victim is reported not to wish to press charges, but the suspect was fined B1000 for causing a nuisance.

    At what point does a suspect become a perpetrator?

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