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Posts posted by cdemundo

  1. On 3/7/2021 at 9:17 PM, Masterton said:


     The wall may not have been finished yet, but hundreds of miles were built. And despite what you may have heard on CNN, areas where the new wall was built resulted in a 95% drop in illegal crossings according to the US Border patrols. 


    Biden and his party only care about future Democrat voters. If the overwhelming majority of people illegally crossing the border were future Republican voters, the wall would have 100% Democrat support, be double the height and twice as long, with turrets containing automated machine guns, and an alligator filled moat running below it. 




    "The Trump administration say they've completed more than 400 miles of border wall since then. 

    It's 452 miles (727 km) in total, according to the latest US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) information (4 January 2021). 


    However, only 80 miles of new barriers have been built where there were none before - that includes 47 miles of primary wall, and 33 miles of secondary wall built to reinforce the initial barrier. 


    The vast majority of the 452 miles is replacing existing structures at the border that had been built by previous US administrations.


    President Trump has argued that this should be regarded as new wall, because it's replacing what he called "old and worthless barriers."


    • Like 1
  2. 12 hours ago, Pib said:

    the difference between "efficacy" and "effectiveness"  which are two different animals.   

    It is also true that efficacy is not what it appears to be at first glance.

    It is derived from the ratio of events (usually symptomatic infections) in the vaccinated group vs. the placebo group in the trials.

    So a 75% efficacy does not mean you have a 25% chance of getting sick, it means that your risk (as predicted in the trial conditions) is reduced by 75%.

    Knowing this, it can be seen that a 50% efficacy vaccine reduces your chance of symptomatic infection by half.

    Annual flu vaccines are often in the 50% range, we are spoiled with the remarkable success in trials of several of these vaccines and have begun to think of 90% as an expected efficacy.

    • Like 2
  3. On 3/17/2021 at 8:00 PM, Lacessit said:

    Muscle is heavier than fat.

    Really?  If you are going to hold forth on scientific subjects you should at least demonstrate a grasp of middle school physical science.  Understanding basic concepts is the basis for understanding complex ones.  Is lead heavier than feathers?  Mass per unit volume is the definition of density.  No doubt you will consider this nitpicking, it is not, because understanding basic concepts is ... Nevermind.

    • Sad 1
  4. 3 hours ago, robblok said:
    5 hours ago, cdemundo said:

    Can't argue with that.

    Indeed cant argue with facts only the facts the crazies use are not real facts but misinformation. Too bad those crazies benefit from vaccination and not die off. I mean that would be the perfect solution of human evolution. The crazies die of covid because they dont believe in it. Problem solved. (sorry my respect becomes less and less of those village idiots.


    I mean first they talk about sider effects of the vaccine it gets rolled out and almost no deaths side effects and people are still afraid because they think that there are more deaths and they are hidden. Its just crazy to think all doctors work together to keep data secret. 


    I thought that people would see the light after the vaccinations started on large scale (and they did) and the results are not a mass death rate. Now that they are not people are doubting the figures because they don't confirm with what they thought.


    Its scary the lack of intelligence of people.

    Irony deficiency.

    • Haha 1
  5. 7 hours ago, meltonpie said:


    China doesn't really need a vaccine, because with a population of one and half billion they only get 10 new cases per day.

    Same as Thailand really - if there isn't a spread of infection why bother giving the vaccine?

    There is a clear logic to vaccinating all the countries at the top of the league table for new infections and deaths before moving onto offering it to countries with relatively few new cases and deaths.

    Thailand can wait until everyone else has had it, without fear. ????


    I think you are correct.  The problems seem to be:  Hard to predict "imported" infections for two reasons, inability to control movement of people into a nation, strong need/desire to resume international travel in both directions for economic regions.  Additionally, the potential for exponential growth of current low number of infections with emerging variants.  I recall a certain ex-president of the US saying "we only have x number of infections, nothing to worry about" or words to that effect.  Even still your point is good, triage, the worst hit nations should vaccinate first if an international perspective is possible.

  6. On 2/22/2021 at 12:38 AM, PGSan said:
    On 2/21/2021 at 5:28 PM, clokwise said:

    the Sinovac vaccine has proven to be 50.4% effective in Brazil, and not much better in other countries.

    Which is quite good by general vaccine standards.  So why complain about it?

    You are correct.  Flu vaccines are often comparable to this.

    I think the medical establishment and the media have failed in reporting the performance of the vaccines.


    Sinovac has proved to be 100% effective in preventing hospitalizations and death, as have all the 1st seven vaccines: 


    "All seven COVID-19 vaccines that have completed large efficacy trials — Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, Novavax, AstraZeneca, Sputnik V and Sinovac — appear to be 100% effective for serious complications. Not one vaccinated person has gotten sick enough to require hospitalization. Not a single vaccinated person has died of COVID-19."


    Also, the term efficacy has not been well explained.

    An efficacy of 50% means that half as many people came down with symptomatic COVID compared to the number of people who became symptomatic in the placebo group.

    This means a vaccinated person's chance of coming down with symptomatic COVID is cut in half compared to the unvaccinated.

    What it does not mean is that 50% of the vaccinated group became symptomatic; which I think many people have wrongly concluded.


  7. On 2/21/2021 at 7:57 PM, BadSpottedDog said:

    Gardasil and chicken pox vax. Apparently there is a common ingredient in all vaccines that she is most likely allergic to. According to the doctor. Her injuries are permanent (she still has episodes) .... so no more.

    There are several nasal and oral vaccines for Covid in development.  Would she be able to take those?  So sorry to hear about her bad results from previous vaccinations.

    • Like 1
  8. Several "Viral Vector Vaccines" that are in early testing phase are not administered by injection.



    1)  Vaxart in PHASE 1 testing:  While many vaccines are given as injections, some vaccines can be taken as a pill. Oral vaccines have been approved for diseases including polio, cholera, and typhoid fever. The small San Francisco company Vaxart specializes in developing oral vaccines. They have created and tested pills for influenza and other diseases. Last spring Vaxart began work on an oral vaccine for Covid-19. It contains an adenovirus called Ad5 (the same viral vector in CanSinoBio’s vaccine and in Russia’s Sputnik V).


    2) In phase1 testing:  In 2019, researchers at the University of Hong Kong and Xiamen University created a nasal-spray vaccine for the flu based on a genetically weakened form of the influenza virus. Earlier this year, they engineered the vaccine to produce part of the coronavirus spike protein as well. On Sept. 9, they received approval to start clinical trials in partnership with Beijing Wantai Biological Pharmacy.


    3) The California-based company ImmunityBio created a vaccine using the Ad5 adenovirus, the same one used by CanSinBio and the Gamaleya Institute in Russia. ImmunityBio engineered the Ad5 virus to carry genes for two genes from the coronavirus. In addition to the spike protein, it also carries the gene for a protein called nucleocapsid. The company hopes that this combination will provoke a strong immune response. The company found that the vaccine protects monkeys from the coronavirus. ImmunityBio launched a Phase 1 trial of a Covid-19 vaccine in October in the United States and another in South Africa in January. In February the company registered a Phase 1 trial of an oral version of the vaccine.


    There may be others as well.

    I was speaking to a vaccine reluctant person who had been hopeful that the Merck "swish and swallow" vaccine would come to market but it was abandoned due to poor results.

    Are non-injection vaccines more easily accepted by vaccine skeptics?

    If so these vaccines might be very useful in reaching a significant number of people who don't want injected vaccines.

    • Thanks 1
  9. On 2/20/2021 at 5:33 AM, Freeduhdum said:

    Likely not enough have been vaccinated to achieve vaccinated acquired herd immunity and current estimates are that the covid vaccine provides about 3 months of protection, maybe up to one year. Thus any declines in covid cases occurring this month would have to be due to Natural immunity.

    Seems likely that the number of vaccinations is too few as you say.

    In the states they are saying perhaps due to behavioral changes, more mask-wearing and social distancing and hand washing.

    I wonder if there have really been behavioral changes at this point, seems like plenty of people who reject that advice and are not changing behavior.

    I hope it is naturally acquired immunity as that does not require compliance by a large part of the population.

    Good news is good news whatever the cause/explanation.

    • Thanks 1
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