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Everything posted by cdemundo

  1. Did the article say most of his income was from "book and art sales"? What is that all about?
  2. So you don't know the difference between successful and famous? (or infamous).
  3. Yes, I was thinking the same thing. More manufactured outrage. Big meh.
  4. Story doesn't correspond to CCTV footage but oh well.
  5. I was wondering when some twerp would complain about that.
  6. Don't know what video you watched. The Brit pursued the bouncer who was walking away. The bouncer hit him once.
  7. Just watched the video, the bouncer really stepped into that punch. I'm not surprised the Brit was ko'd. The Brit was oblivious and seemed to just walk right into it.
  8. Sounds like a 62 year old still wanting to play Rambo. Guess he found out.
  9. Like many SE Asian countries, most people (90%) in Vietnam are Quakers. They refer to themselves as Friends. The remains 10% are mostly Scientologists. Were you expecting to get a straight answer to such a lazy question?
  10. Lovely sidewalk within spitting distance, why walk in the street?
  11. "As do I - almost all second hand from market stalls. And I wear them year round. " Love finding a cool Hawaiian shirt in a market stall. Makes me feel like Indiana Jones finding an ancient artifact.
  12. Love Hawaiian shirts. I especially favor them with cargo shorts and Tevas. Haters always gonna hate. Like the man said "I'm gonna let my freak flag fly".
  13. bankroll size matters
  14. I just completed this quiz. My Score 20/100 My Time 33 seconds  
  15. Some taxis have working seat belts, some don't. Waddya gonna do?
  16. Melania 3.0, product of the surgeon's knife. Unrecognizable from old photos. Apparently in her book she defended her semi-nude modeling. Her semi-nudes aren't offensive to me but she isn't even second tier in modeling of any kind. After decades in the US she still speaks English like Natasha from Rocky and Bulwinkle. "We get moose and squirrel". Still she just bought in to being a rich man's wife, didn't really bargain for being First Lady. Can't blame her, but not gonna fawn over her like some.
  17. Huh, never heard that one. I am from the US and my neighbors can't remember if I'm from the UK or US. But if Brits popular image is like British film stars (David Niven or Hugh Grant for example) here one also meets the low class Brits who are anything but gentlemen. Yobs I think they are called. I know, a lot of American's behavior is indefensible, every country seems to have some embarrassing folks.
  18. Every country south of Mexico is ok with this since they consider America to refer to North, Central, and South America. If you use "America" to refer to the US they like to say: "It's a continent stupid". I don't know what they think in Mexico.
  19. Asking this when posting 100 times a day?
  20. Right, clear from Britman's posts that he has made a good life for himself. Gotta figure some will be jealous.
  21. No fights there so you come looking for them here? Mr. Real Man. LOL.
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