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Henk Langeweg

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Everything posted by Henk Langeweg

  1. You mean this one? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt30970587/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_8_tt_6_nm_2_in_0_q_Papillon
  2. Watched Red One for 15 minutes then deleted it.
  3. I thought that part of the Deal that allowed him to come back to Thailand is NOT getting actively involved in politics?
  4. I had the same, moved the modem a few meters => ok Btw. In the modem you can set the strenght of the signal ...
  5. Remember the Farm Bro who got shot a week ago or so? This 2013 movie is a simular story. Great Movie. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2368553/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_5_tt_8_nm_0_in_0_q_assau
  6. The bibi Files Docu over a family who are in the news a lot. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt33338697/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_1_nm_0_in_0_q_The%20Bibi%20Files%20
  7. Must be, almost everyone wants to become it ...
  8. There out of the Bar but the Bar is still in them ... also who wants to live in the $$#$# village they come from? They've have learned from the experience ... That the world doesn't evolve around their Village, not even around Thailand ...
  9. 2 Stone you meant instead of pounds?
  10. 'Vimtim' lucky day, can sue for the big notes ... or is it a setup?
  11. LIVE Pattaya FIREWORK! https://www.facebook.com/Tourism.Pattaya.Office/videos/945224413660250
  12. So, she's double lucky then .. Sorry about your Gf ...
  13. Chose the wrong religion, has to move to Rome.
  14. .... and not even a politician, what's wrong here?
  15. But he still got a new passport when the old one expires?
  16. Can you be specific? Picture or a link? please.
  17. Yes, it worked. Just choose the newest version, I took the second in the list. Btw. My VPN landed in the US when I installed it. Not sure if that does matter ... on request i can send the .exe ... cannot place it here i think ..
  18. This works when cannot download/install from M store. PC Manager may be downloaded through Microsoft Store - Generation Project (v1.2.3) [by @rgadguard & mkuba50] 1. Click the above link in your browser. 2. Select "PackageFamilyName" on the search bar's left side drop menu. 3. Copy "Microsoft.MicrosoftPCManager_8wekyb3d8bbwe" into the search field. 4. Click on the right side ✔ symbol. For some reason, adguard.net will sometimes not find this App. Probably because some of its servers are not located in the US. Keep clicking the ✔ symbol a few times until you see a result. 5. When presented with a list of files, click the link for: Microsoft.MicrosoftPCManager_3.9.3.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle Your browser might block the download for security reasons. The provided link goes to a legitimate MS server. 6. From File Explorer, click on the Microsoft.MicrosoftPCManager file and Windows will install it for you.
  19. Thx. Followed the link and got the PC Manager screen => details => The 'get' button is not highlighted but it says that the App should work on my Laptop. ????

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