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Henk Langeweg

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Everything posted by Henk Langeweg

  1. Do you mean you've found eps 6-7-8 but it has Hebrew subs? If so, where?
  2. Seroxat 20mg just at the Farmacy. Sometimes they have to order it but no prescription needed. Box (30) 2000 Baht.
  3. Found eps s0301-05 on PB in 5 separate torrents. 06-08 not found yet.
  4. Checked the usual. Where did you find Tehran S03? TIA
  5. Nobody likes to be manipuated ....
  6. In the serie it was mentioned that the workers, mexican even, made 180K a year. Realistic?
  7. So the 'victims' were volunterily recruited. Why not throw them in jail? Too much publicity?
  8. Deleted it after a few episodes. Annoying main characters and hard to believe.
  9. What's the rush? Afraid anything bad for Thailand will pop up? 7000! And all against their will. Get real ...
  10. The level of a country's civilization is determined by how they treat their prisoners, so ...
  11. I am into Benny Hill at the moment. Why are there never re-runs?
  12. I dreamed I had to piss, couldn't find a place, woke up and went to the toilet .... just in time.
  13. Looks like that IMDB gives only the US airing schedule. The original has 2 episodes of 90 min. which are in the US 4 episodes of 45 min. Confusing? YES. So no more Vienna Blood eps I guess.
  14. Looked for it but don't see it. It's from 8 june, no 3 and 4 then, just 1 and 2.
  15. No single files of those episode and the complete 1080 version only contains e01+02. E3+4 is released this month.
  16. Anyone seen Vienna Blood S04e03+e04 already on the T sites? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9179616/episodes/?season=4&ref_=ttep
  17. Pushpa 1 and 2 I liked these Indian movies very much https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9389998/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_3_tt_5_nm_3_in_0_q_Pushpa https://www.imdb.com/title/tt16539454/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_8_nm_0_in_0_q_push
  18. Time for you or too late maybe, to read something else then AN.
  19. Within the 1st 3 months and this site will do I guess as long it doesn't get hijacked by one or 2 people, would be better if they use PM.
  20. Time for a new, more serious Thread? But wait till the 2024 english Tax forms arrive.
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