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Everything posted by LomSak27

  1. Declare Victory and move on. Just like that, a year of Thai vaccine missteps; production faculty screw ups, slow vaccine procurement, infighting over who can even order it, is officially swept under the carpet. Ominously, Anutin's crowing & preening, comes as another variant wave forms up, and TAT announces tourist arrivals fall because of Omicron. This guy is a jinx.
  2. The tornadoes were stronger and more irregular because of a break down in the gulf stream caused by climate change. This is readily accessible and peer reviewed research. It is called SARCASM. If unfamiliar with the word, then look it up.
  3. Christmas Eve. The Dukes have the Christmas day, buffet, as stated above reservations needed. They also have a Christmas eve set piece dinner. Reservations not needed, unless a "large group".
  4. Spot on. Although, this years 49.4 C in Lytton British Columbia & Friday night's eighty plus tornado cluster, one growler touching down, moving, for over 300 km were strange anomalies. climate change is looking more fraudulent than ever.
  5. Getting threatened by tooled up, wrench/pipe welding cycle shop cronies, for "damages" is typical?! Good thing I do not rent bikes anymore. BTW planning for hot season on a beach; KP bottle beach, Krabi & Koh Lipe are being considered; Isla de la muerte, not so much.
  6. Strange he didn't mouth the usual ' extradition' platitude put off. Instead he immediately deflected with. That has never stopped them before. Looks like people might actually want an 'extradition' and follow up on it - Shock! Horror!
  7. Great picture of pre pandemic local tourists to go with the article, meh.
  8. It's been pushed by the government, associated followers and media ever since Anutin made his famous comment. Why they decided to use it like this is, starting back then is debatable, but yes you see the side effects of it. The blame game is a popular method here. The early, national stadium boxing spreader event was blamed by a Thai doctor, who received national media coverage, on the "Italian variant". At that time there were no variants, and all Thai cases from those early outbreaks linked back to China. Today, the outbreaks and surge initially were driven by migrant workers. As they are allowed into the country to work in various industries, for the rich and powerful, courtesy of the border patrol & bib, they were not given any screening, quarantine etc. Perhaps that is a reason a convenient and very visible deflection comes in handy now.
  9. Moving on down No my daddy don't live in thatNew York City no more, no moreHe can't get tight every nightPass out on the barroom floorNo, daddy can't get no fine cigarBut we know you're smokingWherever you areDaddy don't live in thatNew York City no moreNo more
  10. Explaining for a friend. How he gave up on Thai islands in the aughts. His story. Koh Tao had a bad reputation, even back then, because of a motorcycle scam. You know the jet ski scam. Same thing with a motorcycle. It was so bad on Koh Tao, the rap was, it isn’t which cycle shops practice this extortion racket, it was which shops did not. Nothing that happened afterwards surprises him. In the Andaman seas. Jill St. Onge, 27, of Seattle, Washington, and Julie Bergheim, 22, of Drammen, Norway, May 2009 deaths on Phi Phi island due to an unknown gas. Kudos to Canadian forensic medical team who proved it was aluminum phosphide used for Bed Bug extermination as the lethal agent. This in an examination of the Belanger sisters from Quebec’s remains. After the aughts, it was Indonesian islands for beaching. BTW, he subscribes to that Facebook site “A Drink to Die From” about methanol poisoning in Indo.
  11. Group of disgruntled pensioners who want to attack Thailand because of the new insurance rule. People are angry, still angry, about events that happen(ed) on that island, s and get an official cover up or air brushing. That site has been running for years, why the Powers That Be got their knickers in a twist, now, is anyone's guess. Although, Koh Tao does have a a lot of pull with the BiB, but everyone knows that. I would guess the person who runs the site most definitely does not live in Thailand. If they live in Thailand, they would face a series of unfortunate events, ???? starting with a defamation suit
  12. With all the evidence about enclosed spaces, you would have expected all windows open. You would be wrong.
  13. Recent research from both Euro and US, natural immunity from infection and immunity from vaccination, is not one hundred hundred per cent. Also both wane over time. The idea that "herd immunity" would be an answer, is being shelved. Scientists and researchers are having to discard old ideas and realize herd immunity with this virus likely will never happen. Still it was a cool idea for the last two years. Moving on.
  14. Have to agree, These, ... these snowflakes, must behave in a personally responsible manner and not expect the social group, to foot the bill for their feckless, irresponsible, life style.
  15. Marry it up with this Decathalon hydration package, filled with jungle juice on ice, water, under the jacket. There you go.
  16. You should talk to the Thai military about that. I understand they are very receptive to non Thai nationals thoughts & concerns.
  17. This sounds like a December, January's surge, ready made. Bars set to open in January was it? Hmmmm
  18. And when has Thailand been in a serious regional conflict?! They make perfect sense if what you re doing is patrolling borders, seacoasts, interdicting unwanted border crossers, Rohingya boats, and fighting a low level insurgency. All of which Thailand is doing.
  19. Six or three. I bought two high backed chairs for the bar in the rec room & one desk chair. The other three are replacing the condo owners riky-tiky table chairs, which as might be expected, are as cheap & uncomfortable as to be useless. I would do the same with the cheap and uncomfortable sofa but have nowhere I can store it, unlike the riky-tiky chair set.
  20. Just one of the reasons, Pattaya is a family friendly resort.
  21. I filled out the online form submitted it. When I caught the flight at Don Muang I found I could just take a picture of one Air Asia had conveniently posted by the check in counter. So I had two. And they did check in CM but what it all meant, meh. They did check my vaccination form though.
  22. Moonlover wins Bartender might mix one real one, then will cut the tequila for her drinks, yours regular strength and of course, you pay full price for the bottle. Hey, she needs to be semi sober, while they booze you up, drain your wallet, then short time you. The Bar & Bar Girl win. Meat on the hoof, yep, that be you. Getting nostalgic for that wam bam thank you sir, bar girl, racking and stacking customers, as this pandemic drags on forever.
  23. I was under the impression, the tradition of 'bonded prostitution', brothels, was not made illegal until 95. That due to HIV/AIDs. The brothels out on Kampangdin Rd Chiang Mai were officially closed at or around that time. They certainly were there and in every province in the country before that date. However as senility is creeping in, dementia soon to follow. Who in the west did they 'sop' and any dates on that BTW? Thanks
  24. Ah Thailand, back to their favorite sport, trying to blame 'embarrassing aspects' of their own culture & history, on something or someone else.
  25. It never will arrive. At least that is what is being said by Duckworths aides. Likely Thailand cannot accept any free Pfizer from the USA, especially if they are not buying any more Sinovac. ???? The Celestial Empire is going to be unhappy. Dr Anutin has to make the best of a bad situation so that last Pfizer gift must be buried, never mentioned. Ah the tangled webs PooYais weave when they must bend in the wind.
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