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  1. There are always pros and cons with an airport close to a city center, like the aircraft noise and heavy traffic to and from the airport, but improved ease of travel is on the other side of the coin if it will ever happen! It will take decades to be completed, and by then, the high-speed trains might make the upgrading pointless?!
  2. Well, it started in Sweden, but they have bought up other companies around the globe so not that much Swedish! Here we have a Hitachi fridge and at home in Sweden, we have the simplest version of Samsung's fridges. No problem yet (the Hitachi is around 13 and the Samsung is 3-4 years!). The dishwasher here is dead, and the one at home is an excellent Bosch.
  3. I used to be an avid red wine drinker, but as my wife has stopped drinking I have just a couple of bottles of wine a year, but the last one was fairly cheap and very drinkable. It was the Australia-made Jacob's Creek. It does taste wine, and not alcohol mixed with juice like some cheap ones do, and it leaves no bad taste in the mouth afterwards. At home (back in Sweden) I usually drink Italian and Spanish wines.
  4. Then many years later I travelled by car and saw some bikers more banged up than I was all those years later, probably a goner, with the E1 turned off for quite a while. He had been travelling down the road at speed and lost the grip in a turn, had skidded off the road and had got one of his legs caught in the ARMCO rack, often a deadly combination! So I don't drive bikes in Thailand!
  5. I got run into in Glenfarg, Scotland, by a nurse in a Russian car, when I turned she hit the accelerator accidentally. My bike was a former Yamaha 500 and I was an ex-biker, and ex-out-door guy who loved trekking. After two years of operations spread out between Scotland and Sweden, some years of physio and job training (while still in a wheelchair) I was back at work almost exactly eight years later. But I haven't trekked one yard since then, not even started a motorbike. You definitely don't have to have more speed than I had (20 mph) to die if a rugged, old-fashioned car like that Lada pushes you sideways coming at around 70 mph straight into my left leg, and by the force I flew through the air and banged into a Volvo (no damage to the Volvo) after a short trip through the air. After 13 operations I lost count, and around seven years after the latest operation (there might be more planned) I was back driving 18-meter articulated buses, downtown. On the way up through Britain, we had been passed by a guy who knew what he was doing, taking the turns like a pure artist over the Borders. Half an hour later we found the remains of his motobike. He had driven straight into the side of a car that reversed out from a garden with high bushes, and the road made a slight sweep just there, so he had probably seen the car just too late. He hit the little car on the left side with a massive force (almost cutting the car in two, so the female car driver didn't die at once, but he was a goner, definitely. in the next major city a scooter had collided in a four-way crossing, and of the scooter, there was next to nothing left (all the plastic parts had exploded but the car looked repairable. The police wanted to send the kid to hospital, but he said that take her, I don't need any checkup! The scooter driver, a youngster, had followed traffic rules while the young lady hadn't. The kid was a walking wounded, while girl was a goner, mentally. this happened just south of Edinburgh, and then it was my turn!
  6. Trump has said he is in favor of Russia taking all the parts of Ukraine Russia has claimed, so I doubt he would be offended by the Russian operation (or whatever they call it).
  7. The problem with electric cars is their weight and lack of range. The infrastructure along the roads here isn't friendly for electric cars. The weight increases road and tire wear, increasing pollution a lot (and increasing the infrastructure costs, eventually increasing taxes). In countries with snow, the wear is, of course, is no problem during the the snowy months, but frozen batteries don't give any power and refuse to take charge, unless you preheat the battery packs, an energy-intensive procedure, increasing the charging time even further — and inflates electricity costs, of course. But the electricity is cheap in Norway, so why worry+1 But for short-distance travel say shopping a couple of days a week, where you charge from your home outlet (or home charger) that's a very simple life, but try to drive your electric car from Hua Hin to Chiang Mai. I bet it will be a great adventure sitting in your car while it charges from the Tesla charge station, somewhere along the way!
  8. Either the climate get drier, or wetter, it will get much hotter, and what technology can then cool the rice fields?! Outdoor ACs?! Cooled water? Powered with what?!
  9. One of the great moments in life is listening to Ella live! Wow! Fully gal, too!
  10. Sometimes you can mount the single-hose portable A/C on the outside, just screened (or otherwise protected) from rain, and just hose the cold air indoors you get a win-win. Our stands in a DIY plastic greenhouse, and has done so for many years now, and the hose passes through a small window. Condensation water is the only issue, but we pipe that down the side of the house. We had planned to use it for growing plants in the greenhouse, but we never got that far. Only used summertime, of course! Life goes on, and plants can be bought! And now we're in Thailand, in a house with A/C! Lots of A/C!
  11. Thailand has not always a peaceful country, but is nowadays.
  12. You need to know if the charge stations along the route on your car map are free, working, and possible to use with your car to be able to plan, as otherwise, you risk spending as long in queues to get access to charging (and charging) as your time spent on traveling to your goal. That is sadly what happens to many EV owners if they plan to travel a decent distance! Our local truck plant only makes heavy trucks, all powered by electrics, as they are designed for local delivery, and garbage collection (thus about 100 miles per day). They have given up making long distance trucks!
  13. I love Gin! Anyway, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyPQNsJsxjQ
  14. Even better would be if all two-wheelers stop using petrol, and there was an annual inspection of every car and motorbike that excluded every vehicle that did not follow US exhaust regulations!
  15. Toyota's new barebones pickup truck will cost €10,000 according to Mr. Toyoda (grandson of the founder), and be both a fuel miser and suitable for families and small businesses. And it runs on fuel, not electric supplies! I love EVs and electric tools (and aircraft), but only if you can charge them at home. If you need to go a fair distance, say 400 miles and back (including overnighting) electrics aren't the cheapest option, and even more so if you include depreciation. To go longer distances fuel is sadly the way forward, or sailing! At home we have hefty electric ferries that ply back and forth over the river, and out into the archipelago, but they never stray far from home, and get charged overnight with no problems. If the news is to be believed both Ford and GM are stalling their electric vehicles production, diverting their resources to other types of propulsion!
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