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Everything posted by TooMuchTime

  1. Damn those stupid freedoms. How lethal is polio compared to COVID?. What is the likelihood of surviving polio in comparison to COVID? False equivalence. A 4 year old died but 1000000's of others have lived. There will be deaths at all ages and it is better to look at population statistics instead of one data point.
  2. I stated starting to flatten and likely to drop down in a couple weeks.
  3. It is obvious the cases would start falling down. Nearly every country that is getting another "wave" is experiencing the same thing. The US wave is flat lining and is expected to drop back down. Same thing between states which all have varying mandates to strict mask wearing/closures to being 100% open. Cases are dropping because that is how viruses spread works. Seems like people forgot their highschool biology class. Basically nothing you can do once the cases start rapidly rising.
  4. US CDC stats show death rates are very low for non elderly. If the kids are the worry then something like this can be done: Elderly people take their own precautions such as taking the vaccine, minimizing close contact with children, exercise/supplement/medication to boost immune system. Everyone else, carry on. Stating that you have seen people under 40 die from covid doesn't mean anything. People over 80 have survived from covid, people died from vaccines, etc. What matters is the overall statistic, not one data point from a large sample/population. Filter by Age Group, Date, Death (Y/N). https://data.cdc.gov/Case-Surveillance/COVID-19-Case-Surveillance-Public-Use-Data/vbim-akqf https://data.cdc.gov/d/vbim-akqf/visualization
  5. It is also silly to compare different vaccines to this one. The childhood vaccines are lifetime immunity while these current COVID ones seem to show immunity for a few months before boosters are needed. You can see "leaky" vs "perfect" vaccines described in this article. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/tthis-chicken-vaccine-makes-virus-dangerous I posted earlier the stats on the survival rate on age groups and you really don't have any need to worry if under 50. Less so if you don't have any comorbitities. Solution is simple, follow what we do for the flu vaccine. Encourage elderly to get it and have it available for everyone else if you choose to. This isn't a very profitable solution but it seems to work for the flu.
  6. This has been a well known risk factor. The top comorbidities are also highly prevalent in the elderly population. CDC data shows it https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/covid19/mortality-overview.htm
  7. What % of people die from covid? Please give overall, by age group, and by comorbidities. Do you know your chance? A lot of talk and no numbers.
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