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Everything posted by TooMuchTime

  1. Pretty much. I find it odd how trusting of Pharma companies and FDA/CDC people in the US have become. Past 10 years they hated everything about them from pesticides, Monsanto, depression meds, opiods, Pharma execs being in positions of power on FDA/CDC. Now they worship them. Odd.
  2. That the data you presented is useless.. Google what a high pvalue means in regards to stats. The data says they used a 95% CI, if their hypothesis were to be proven true, the pvalue would be <.05. Essentially, you posted statistically false information.
  3. This has nothing to do with survival which I posted about. You also didn't post any numbers of the rates... Did you just google this and read the headline? Looking at the study in the link. Not that much of a difference and if you have ever taken a stats class a pvalue of .82 basically means the numbers are useless. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(21)00475-8/fulltext
  4. CLAIM: No virus has ever mutated to become more lethal. As viruses mutate, they become less lethal. Notice the wording they used. The claim is it never happens. Yes it happens, but for the most part, they become less deadly as the deadly strains don't last long. Also you will see a completely different tone and less bias when searching for results before 2020.
  5. Holds true to the idea that as viruses mutate they become more transmissible but less lethal. It makes sense that a virus will have mutations that do not quickly kill their host become the dominant strain. Survival rates of below 50 have always been high because young people never had much of an issue with corona. Older people survivability has become higher over time due to less deadly strains, weak subset of elderly population dying early, knowledge on how to treat patients, and vaccines. Just like with the flu, younger people are generally safe while older people are recommended to take the vaccine and take precautions. Even in news reporting they have been harping on case count while ignoring death rate.
  6. Bring down by how much and at the cost of what? Define with a #. 10% vaccinated and people still roaming the streets and packed BTS/MRT. Late vaccination so not even reflective of the downtrend. Trends across countries don't lie.
  7. Bro we need more weed smoke!! We can cure cancer and all disease if we just inhale some burning hot ash!
  8. Are you suggesting government agencies will accept money to favor one corporation over another at the expense of the safety of the people? Lay off the conspiracy theories bud.
  9. If you read the text it says boosters are recommended every ten years. The initial shots in the beginning are not considered boosters, just like how the 2 pfizer shots are not boosters.
  10. With covid vaccines they are thinking of boosters in terms of months while tetanus is 10 years. Quite a difference.
  11. 1% death rate for Thailand. Anyone have a break down of the 1% by age and comorbidity? I think we can learn a lot from that data.
  12. About time. Good on him for doing this. Would donate to his campaign.
  13. You're the one who initially used Joe Rogan as your argument... I just posted what he said about himself going through it. You then bring on a personal attack because you have no argument. I have posted CDC data about how for those under 50 you have >99.5% chance of surviving COVID. It goes into the high 80 for those above 80. If an individual is not obese, not have hypertension or diabetes, their chances of survival are greatly increased. I use facts and not logical fallacies.
  14. Healthy and young people are getting covid but have a >99.5% survival rate. Joe Brogan also said he only felt bad for 1 day then felt normal after 3 days. It is also a pathetic argument to say "well this guy got it, so that means I am right!". https://www.instagram.com/p/CTSsA8wAR2-/ So I guess by your logic of appealing to Joe Brogran, we don't need vaxxx!
  15. 0 sources for your claim. Look at this CDC data set and you will see the past few months compared to 2020 is identical for those under 50. Elderly now have a higher chance of survival. Learn to post facts from data, not hearsay. Making dramatic emotional statements is pathetic. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#demographics Dataset https://data.cdc.gov/d/vbim-akqf/visualization https://data.cdc.gov/Case-Surveillance/COVID-19-Case-Surveillance-Public-Use-Data/vbim-akqf Putting in excel. DeathN/DeathYN filtered by Age and Date
  16. 0.97% overall death rate is good in comparison to the US with around 1.65%. Wonder what it looks like if you break it down in age groups.
  17. 99.75% is filtered date from when delta was the dominant strain in the US. Delta actually has a lower death rate for the elderly (nearly identical for <50) when looking at CDC data . "long covid" is very general and I don't see any sources saying it is highly prevalent with life altering disability. "Long" also isn't defined very well since COVID hasn't even been around for 2 years yet... My calculations don't protect me, it only tells me my risk. My protection comes from my age and healthy lifestyle which has been statistically proven to allow me to be better off. The reality is much different than fearmongering articles you may be reading.
  18. Expect to see a large downtrend for the next month reaching to around Jun13 levels.
  19. Very minimal risk. Using CDC data I have a >99.75% chance of survival from covid in my age group. It is likely greater than that number since I am not overweight, don't have diabetes or hypertension which are the top commodities from people who die from covid. I have a greater chance of dying in a motorbike accident. Risk is very minimal and I will continue on as normal.
  20. I am not denying covid. I am advocate of knowing your risk and acting appropriately. None of my actions include closing everything down as a blanket approach. I propose at risk take the vaccine and take other precautions to protect themselves that does not hinder the rest of the population. Everyone else, continue on as normal. I base actions off of data, not histrionic one liners.
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