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  1. So why keep on Jawboning or Trolling Give me a break, .until it happens
  2. FWIW From my memory approx 6 yrs ago, the Libs through the then Social Minster, the one who adores behind,s????????????attempted to make changes to our Portable Pension,s but was BLOCKED in the Senate by LABOUR full stop. And status quao remains, to this point of time, IMO,with Labour in power, the runs are on the board, that no change is immediately forth coming and from my observation, have seen no valid Govt, link to immediate change ????????????
  3. And may i asked, what are the Behavioral Norms, to gain the right to sit in a bar.
  4. More scare mongering opinion,s, from u???????????? Without any valid proof, to back your crazy assumption,s up, All P#ss and Wind????????????
  5. Doe,s anyone know, when i will, Kick the Bucket.??? In my case , i shall cross my Bridge,s as i come to them, instead of reading your scare mongering opinions, {without any valid proof, what,s so ever )that Aussie Portable Old Pension,s may change in the near future.????????????
  6. FWIW Went to Mae Taeng DLT to morning for 5 yr renewal of my drivers licience. And was told NO CAN DO for Falang due to no video room being availabe for Falang Was told must go to Handong DLT for renewal as they have a Falang video room and watch a 1 hour video before given a new 5 yr licience All new news to me
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