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Posts posted by P100

  1. Don't worry is the wrong statement. She was lucky to be in the group of survivors. She probably got a good care too. But because she recovered (like most infected people) it does not mean to believe it can be fixed. The infection still kills and there is still no vaccine or cure. Clean your hands, wear mask and try to avoid infectious people.


    Are you are playing lottery ? The chance for a big win is much much lower than the chance to die of corona.

  2. I can fully understand the restaurant. We have an emergency and need to use emergency measures. It`s not about discrimination it`s about the duty to protect of all who are not sick. As they write, there is no difference to governments who block Chinese to enter the country which I personally totally support. If I have that shop, I will want to decide who I want to service and who not. And I would bear responsibility towards my other guests to not risk to infect them !

  3. I wonder what they will do if the Chinese show up at immigration block all lines discussing because they don`t have the certificate. Thais will never ever turn them back to China !!!!!!

    So they will perform a fever check as an alibi to let them pass.

    At least they should do blood test and hold them in the airport until lab results are there, and make them pay the expenses. But such thing won`t happen, of course.

    Much better to follow a clear policy, no entering in any case if no certificate. By strictly implementing this, China Immigration and airlines will have to check the certificate before flying to Thailand, just like visas too.


    Many argue incubation time 14 days, the certificate is useless. I do partly agree. But while it is not safe to assume they are at the time of entry still free of the virus, it is still much better than a fever check at airport. And they need to make sure the certificate is not old.


    But I guess nobody from the Thai government has yet thought about how to implement this. So, dear buffaloes, when you discover your first questions, just ask me, I can teach you even if you and this despite I am only a farang.

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  4. 8 hours ago, smedly said:

    you know what is funny 


    Chinese are not well travelled people - they are brought here on very well fine tuned packages - plane - bus - hotel - bus - eating - bus - hotel - rinse repeat, being ripped off at every opportunity possible - they think it is all normal because they don't know any better - they are herded everywhere - charged a fortune and after 10 days shipped off home thinking - well that is what a holiday is...……..they have no concept of travel 


    we from the west are always well travelled - it is very hard for us to understand what exactly is going on with these Chinese (so called) tourists - they just don't know any better and are being taken advantage of - very sad really and is just massive exploitation of people that don't know any better or different


    and no it isn't really funny at I do not agree. They are not well travelled but we'll connected and well informed. And they pay ridiculously low money for their trips including food and room. No other tourist can travel that cheap - And is that cheap. They are no victims. 

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Dumbastheycome said:

    So if those  being monitored have similar symptoms but are diagnosed with a variant of influenza which also can and does kill  why are people less concerned about that? A single sneeze can infect a small room full of people.

    Wearing a mask is no real protection if you do not add goggles anyway.



    Let's be clear: a mask is no real protection. viruses and even bacteria can easily penetrate a mask because so small impossible to filter them out. Sneeze or not sneeze. They are in the air someone exhaled and in the air you breath in. Just as simple.

    • Like 1
  6. Idiot car driver just turn without looking. Take away the cars from every Thai who has not been visiting a professional drivers school for at least a half year. They believe to be able to drive the car their prostitute girl has bought but they hardly can operate the pedals and steering wheel. Papa mama need caaaar I go find falangs because mama of friend in same village has already car and my mama not haaaab.

  7. Absolutely disgusting and shameful action of these immigration officers. And that they even let themselves be celebrated in the media speaks for their desire to be famous 

    celebrities instead of doing their jobs ... Sick people. Nothing to be proud of...


    Too bad, now the greedy Thai company needs to find Thai who work for the same bad salary, but lazy Thais tend to let others do the hard work while they drink Thai whisky and make babies ...


    They might have to try it with Cambodians now...

  8. "there had been no cases of local transmission in Thailand."

    Thai authorities are simply unbelievably clever. Can someone tell them about the 2 weeks of symptomless incubation period, while contagious since day number 1 or 2.... How can these officials talk such endless nonsense without losing their stupid face? They should face immediate consequences for misleading the public!


    And buffalo Prayut demonstrated how safe the airport is but had around his useless head a face mask despite closed down airport by his guards.


    Btw they say online Prayut has now fever and has visited a hospital.... hopefully true...we pray all

    • Like 2
  9. 8 hours ago, Lemonltr said:

    If Thailand is No. 1 risk it should be No. 1 ahead of the world in prevention. As isolation seems to be the main answer they should stop all arrivals from China. The economic effect eventually will be much greater if they do not

    too late. the outbreak was ( what many don't know) already in Nov 2019 but was kept secret for 2 months. many are infected now.


    8 hours ago, Traubert said:

    Sounds highly scientific I must say.


  10. Buffalo Prayut has always everything under control and don't worry he personally will be in charge of the virus.


    Maybe he should find some competent guys instead of himself!


    Now you in deed need to worry!!


    How he even dare to say everything with the virus is under control. No country has it under control. But he will prove us how small the new cases and death numbers will be in Thailand. For Prayut numbers have no meaning and can be altered to make him look like Thailand's health emergency hero!

    • Like 1
  11. China is once again covering up the real scale, just as it has done it with SARS.


    They claim to have about 80 deaths. It seems however, near Wuhan city an entire village was found dead, these are thousands of people!


    Thai people who returned from Wuhan reported and put online videos how Chinese authorities go from house to house and remove the dead bodies.


    Just wait, the true scale will become viewable soon.


    And Thailand will be the country with second most deaths thanks to Chinese who seek refuge from the virus in Thailand.


    It was reported that some shop owners in Phuket have closed down their shops and have left Phuket running away from the Chinese who now are all over Phuket with no health checks at Phuket airport...


    Next hotspot is Pattaya. Walking street maybe...

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