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Posts posted by P100

  1. As if I can go complain in a store to have yesterday bought banana to the regular price when today it is reduced... <deleted> happens... That is not the point at all.


    But who buys a new car should be able to relay on manufacturer`s service which is part of the deal, maintenance in manufacturer`s shops, warranty etc... If they close down and run without providing a service for existing cars, then there is a reason for complaining. But they will most likely find a partner to take over the servicing of new cars...

  2. On 2/14/2020 at 2:03 PM, murraynz said:

    I've had idiots do similar to that, but I've had Thai Imm go back many pages, to find the last small space for their stamp. Very good of Thai Imm. 

    Not very good. Just normal, that is what they are supposed to do. No immigration needs a completely empty page if only stamping. An empty page is required if putting in a visa sticker which is a large one. and where the empty space is does not matter as long as you have some. Thai immigration already stamped my passport randomly in the middle. Chinese and Indonesians too. Lazy to look, just open and stamp. Disrespectful but not of bigger consequence...

    Next Immigration officer has to look longer until he finds a space, so they just give trouble/work to each other...

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  3. The hot weather has already blown away, not the virus, but the minister`s mind...

    Prepare for a full year of virus decimated tourism. This pandemic is the worst of our times, unfortunately.

    Stop telling lies and face the truth even if you are a Thai and even if it goes against your nature !

    Facing truth and accept reality is the first step, you don`t go there, you will never be able to solve a problem.

    What this government is doing, is just talking nicely and waiting that the storm goes away...

    That`s not a proper reaction to a pandemic...


  4. 23 hours ago, shadowofacloud said:

    No worries. Beach sport championships, marching band festivals, mass Indian weddings, hordes of Russian millionaires, Thai families (actually families from around the whole world) are all coming to rescue!


    Time to start building more hotels, more condos, more malls - more of everything.

    you forgot the to be expected airport congestion problem in April, we were reported about recently...

  5. Prayuth has ordered Thailand to be virus free. Health officials have reached that. The numbers are evidence... A story of great success...


    90% drop in Chinese coming to Thailand is a good thing but it happens only now after 3 months of unlimited virus spread. Thailand now does not need Chinese to further spread it. All visiting foreigners and all Thais do that. Even to Saudi Arabia, Iran and other places. Chinese do not go to those places but Iranians and Arabs come to... guess...Pattaya... and take home the Corona...


    And Thais, they were cheap labourers in China, even in Wuhan, took home the Chinese gift so that now all Thais can enjoy it... They don't need Chinese to spread it further any more, they can do it alone...


    I want to know what happened to the hundreds of suspicious cases? Did they ever do blood testing or just test for fever? 


    As long as you are afraid of bad numbers you don't take action to get them...

  6. The health minister said, if there is an outbreak, they can do nothing about it.  


    Prayut said just days before that, he has the corona problem under his personal care and people don't need to worry.


    Then the corona case figures stopped to increase and the narrative was out that those previously reported infected recovered and went home...


    Phuket is the number one place where Chinese went when running away from Corona. 


    Phuket airport has not screened arriving people, included my self, many weeks into the crisis  at a time where other countries not only screened but barred Chinese from entering.


    40million Chinese arrive to Thailand per year. Due to Chinese new year hoidays and the outbreak of Corona, Chinese ran away into neighboring countries, much more than other years have travelled in that time. The Chinese flight ban came late and there were millions of Chinese out already, especially in Thailand.


    Do you seriously believe there is only a handful cases in Thailand when millions of Chinese seek refuge here? 


    Government numbers in China are lies. The known cases are estimated to be 4 times higher, the unknown cases are probable very much higher.


    Government numbers in Thailand are always a lie. With Corona or without. Remember? Military dictator Prayut won the elections...


    So mister Tourism Minister, you expect heavily overcrowded airports in April/Songkran? Don't lie to us. No foreigner person will come and no Thai (only the really stupid ones) will go back home to risk to get infected and killed.


    Dishonest information about the sickness spread and xenophobic  rhetoric against farang who does not accept a dirty face mask out of a Thai minister's sweaty fingers in front of cameras and his statement, he will never apologize to a foreigner, will not help to crowd  the airports.......


    Good idea. To make up for losses extend Songkran to watch empty streets.

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  7. To me it is at this point enough to read such b.s. here. It's not a smart car that get immigration violators. Stop talking respectively reporting in this childish way. A car that has internet? My phone has internet too. My car too. Every time I sit there I even can use my laptop with intetnet inside my old Citroen smart car. What is the exact contribution of that overpaid car to these type of arrests. What's the name of the car? Let me guess! Kid?

    One more immigration BMW smart car report here and I stop reading this forum.

    • Like 1
  8. 23 hours ago, CGW said:

    Which village is missing it's idiot today? April, he is kidding himself at best! somehow I doubt the first thought for the Chinese, after being in quarantine for months and surviving will be a holiday in Thailand!

    Forcing Chinese into extended coronavirus holidays on New Year means they all will have to recuperatethe missing working hours so no more holidays to contest airports in April. Stupid minister.

    • Like 1
  9. How about taking serious steps to make long stay people NOT LEAVE? Instead of pushing them out?


    What impact will have to extend bar closing times to 4a.m.? Is that the solution for Thailand's tourism problem? I never looked up bar opening times before decided for a country to go for holiday...


    These government guys seem to live in a different word where reality has no impact on them...


    Fix problems that are not real or at least not really big and important but leave unanswered the basic questions that require balls to be tackled...

    • Like 2
  10. I don't get it. He said the tourism dropped to half and Chinese tourism even to almost nothing? Then he goes on to say April will be good again and he even need to discuss measures to reduce airport congestion?? What b.s. is that? Want to make people believe that in April the airport will be incredible congested and all will be good again? Again lying to the people. Thai style to make hopes and then slowly slowly admit that they were false. How can govern a country based on lies and total disregard of the real situation...

    • Like 2
  11. He was not at fault but police ordered to pay compensation?


    Thailand pure. Who is the police to arrest him because civil claims?


    To be learned: Do not rent a bike without insurance even.if 99.99% have none. You always can buy a private one for no money! Especially a long stayer for 4 months. 


    Ask any insurance broker (and not the motor bike shop). Even if u come only for some days, leave and return later that year. Just take out a contract for a year, it's so cheap...


    • Like 1
  12. 22 hours ago, madmen said:

    Nothing to do with the military as it's not just Thailand effected 

    it has to do with the military government. It's members are talking bad about farang, spread racist statements, mishandled every single situation being incredible incompetent in doing government business, communicating, assessing and solving problems. If you follow you see a long string of wrongdoings and I don't know even one case they have handled well. There are ministers who simply want to be celebrated in the focus of media but do not deliver anything positive. And its not just the PM. 


    A competent government would have been prepared for what comes. They would have acted a month earlier. Would have sealed off the country instead selling it out. Would have informed the public with honest numbers instead of lies that even increase fear (who believes ever changing and contradicting positive numbers of Prayut or his useless ministers??)


    The problem is not only Corona  It started way before with systematically alienating foreigners. Corona is just the catalyst, it speeds up the fall in which the country is since a few years..


    Do you remember why Prayut is PM?


    First was the military coup. Then Prayut, after long delays, finally hold elections and won them...with ballot boxes of all Isaan being "lost" (falling out of the truck...) but then were hours later "found again"...or shoukd I say, not found but replaced. Isaan hates Prayut and still all Isaan vote for him? He is to scared to even visit Isaan and if he has to, he goes with a private army of guards...

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  13. 10 hours ago, Moonlover said:

    Why would they give a murder victim a life jacket?


    I was a bit confused by this at first. A rock tied to his neck and a life jacket by his feet. How puzzling.


    Then the penny dropped. Float the rock out to sea in the life jacket, throw the rock overboard and down you go. I'll go for suicide. Very sad and somewhat disturbing that there are so many here.

    If u can float that rock on a life jacket it is not heavy enough to pull your entire body down. But you could present your theory to the police they will jump on it...


    And why a phone charger? Underwater calls use too much battery?

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