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Everything posted by GrandPapillon

  1. please stop using logic in your arguments, it's just beginning to be embarrassing ????
  2. seeing me hiding under your bed now, I should feel honored I guess ????
  3. of course, thanks for clarifying and will go to coinbase ASAP and buy a sh*t load of them like a good lemming that I am ????
  4. because they live in a bubble and are in completely denial over what's going on, they still think the old "normal" will be back with 80% of international flights down, it's going to take a few years to get back to that level and the price of oil is going up, air tickers going up, inflation etc... don't see a return to "normal" anytime soon
  5. I guess they thought the view from the food court couldn't get any worse ????
  6. nothing like a good headline for good PR for old banks :)
  7. Tulum Mexico is the new hot place to be for young travelers, nice condos and houses for sale, cheap, and you can own land
  8. don't think the view was nice before, that place looks awful, the tables alone gives me a bad vibe ????
  9. here we go again ???? what are you going to promote this time? ????
  10. of course not, he is the clown in chief to entertain us all in boring Thailand ????
  11. still they didn't get the memo and why people in Thailand don't want to get tested unless they have serious symptoms their whole operating logic is flawed, and since they can't question their own mistakes or flaws, they will keep doing the same stupid things over and over ????
  12. that doesn't sound like an issue with your hard drive, but your internet browser with the security settings set on default,
  13. nice article, but not going to happen Thais like to keep doing things wrong, it makes them feel safer in their mistakes ????
  14. he was probably right though ???? but calling out customers, no matter how stupid, or Americans ???? they are, is really uncalled for a restaurant business just swallow the cr*p you get from customers, that comes with the job, and the costs you put up with in the final bill
  15. semantics is exactly why the wrong decisions are made, when "stop" doesn't mean stop, and "slow down" actually means postponing the infection. The virus is going to contaminate X % of the population and it will, lockdowns or no lockdowns. The only question is should it be over 3 months or 18 months? Thank god we have the vaccine, or else, useless lockdowns would be back on the menu.
  16. yeah, much more effective than the hammer, without getting your hand full of blood problem solved, good job ????
  17. no they don't, they simply delayed it, it's impossible to stop that transmission, nature always win
  18. you have a very short memory, even a shorter attention span. The original lockdowns were for a "zero-covid" policy to stop the "virus", just go read the different world leaders speech back then. Eventually when they realized that didn't work, and to "appease" the population in their silly solution, they use a better and more valid reason, the ICU beds, but that was back in late 2020 and early 2021. We had already 3 months of hard lockdowns and a new "underlying" wave rising that we thought was impossible because of the hard lockdown. How that failed!!! again. Only silly Australia and NZ still didn't get the memo ???? What lockdowns didn't do was to stop the overflow of patients in ICUs, it was too late. Studies are trying to determine if lockdowns did slow down the ICUs overload, but even that it's not clear in the stats, the ways they were collected and calculated, we think now the virus might have a natural cycle of ups and downs when circulating in a moving population. Ramdom dots simulation in tech labs for virus spread re-created that "phenomenon". Buying time was to "put the population" on hold when they tried to figure out what to do next. If it wasn't for the vaccine, world leaders would have use seasonal "lockdowns" as the only solutions, like in the middle age. That just speaks volume about our capacity to face a natural disaster of that amplitude. Our stupid politics and our knee jerks reactions means we can't. Lockdowns failed on every level, and they were buying political time for leaders, not the virus or the population, and at a very high cost for small businesses and poor people. Like we see now in Thailand.
  19. how patient of you, looks like they walked all over you, I think the hammer on his car would have been more effective :)
  20. bullies only understand violence, take a hammer and break his knees, he will respect you afterward ????
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