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Posts posted by kmart

  1. Giving the military something like that is akin to giving a diamond to a monkey. The sheer wastage of these people; one General per one tank?!?!? :o An Aircraft carrier moored in Sattahip that is just collecting barnacles, they can't even afford to launch it? Anybody remember what happened to Banharn's submarines? :D

    With Thaksin out of the way, the military seem to be ramping up their demands, chest-beating on about "security" and the like.....? Wonder what the next manufactured crisis will be? :D

  2. Maptaphut is my locale, and I'll guess that this time will be like the last in that foreign-owned companies will be targeted for environmental shakedown money, whilst the real Thai-owned filth factories will be left to go about their usual carte-blanche merry way.

    They set up their pollution-measuring instruments directly opposite foreign companies to measure the <deleted> blowing over from the Thai companies directly behind. I sh*t you not. :o

  3. It was rigged before using marked balls *snigger*. Now there is a stunningly bizarre and byzantine routine about drawing the numbers to show that now all is fair. I still don't believe it though. The only time a lot of Thais show any lateral thinking or originality is when cheating / subverting something. :o

  4. Perhaps its her friend yabba who's making all the noise?

    Yep. Sounds like drug psychosis to me too. :o

    Next time she turns up at your open door, just let her know that she is up against a real head-case by frantically masturbating into still-steaming pig's entrails, and making pig noises at the same time, whilst covered in its blood.

    Trust me, she will never complain to you again. :D

    And if she does, bludgeon her to death with a hammer, and bury her in a forest. Hope this helps. :D

  5. The Japanese police already know who all the senior members are and what they do, plus where they live, right there in Japan.

    The trouble is:

    1. proving what they know legally, and

    2. doing anything about it without having members of their family assassinated.

    I still wonder why they would have requested any action by the Thai government for this particular gangster. It sounds like they must have some particularly big grudge against him or perhaps they have found some particularly solid piece of evidence to trap him.

    They are here to do business with the Thai mafia. This is a wide interest group; police; military; politicians and even government. Only a conflict of business will lead to an arrest.

  6. The Thai Police could fall into a bucket of tits and still come out sucking their thumbs.

    The "bombs" were just fireworks by terrorist standards. Any terrorist organisation claiming responsibility for those would be laughed at.

    Its just some recently disenfranchised members of the military / police / business groups spitting the dummy about not getting their slice of pie from the new new government carve-up.

    I guess a few months back in the south of Thailand where a series of I believe 14 bombs set off in an almost simultaneously, injuring many and killing just two were fireworks also. They weren't powerful bombs and weren't made to take down an entire block but to cause damage, and more importantly "terror"

    The whole purpose is to cause fear, injuries are certainly an effect of the bombs but not the main purpose. So will you laugh at those who set off those bombs?

    Probably. So who is your money on then, Sherlock?

  7. Language is a dynamic entity with words and expressions being added all the time........ :D

    This is true.

    But I watched some news programme this morning and there are two Thai fellas discussing the latest issues with wonderful insights like "Oh ho", "mae!" and my own personal favourite; "urr" (can be used in different tones to indicate many meanings).

    these two giants of broadcasting sound like a couple of labourers on the piss together.

    I would urge the Ministry of Correct Language / Culture to make a start with these oafs. :o

  8. The Thai Police could fall into a bucket of tits and still come out sucking their thumbs.

    The "bombs" were just fireworks by terrorist standards. Any terrorist organisation claiming responsibility for those would be laughed at.

    Its just some recently disenfranchised members of the military / police / business groups spitting the dummy about not getting their slice of pie from the new new government carve-up.

  9. So inteligence agencies say it was southerners/islamists

    while intelligence sources say it was Thaksin cronies.

    Anybody else got any theories ?


    Could be the work of the tooth fairy.

    What a crock of absolute and utter b*llocks.

    The words "Thai"; "intelligence" and "report" do not belong in the same sentence.

    Unlike say, "pissup" and "brewery?"

  10. Seems like the Giant Panda should have been earmarked for extinction eons ago. It only eats bamboo, and needs about 15 hectares a day to get any nourishment. It has a very low sex-drive. Oh, and it lives in China, where they eat anything and everything. :o

    I think it lives on just because of the "eats shoots and leaves" joke? :D

  11. Just tried to get my Limewire Pro (yes, its paid for...) prog working and it seems to be unable to connect to the network through my ISP (TOT High Speed). :o

    Are there any other (maybe lesser known) P2P apps can be used here? :D

  12. The little white lies such as diplomatically answering "does my bum look big in this" are part of the glue that bonds marriages; but the important stuff is where total honesty is required.

    Saving face be damned as far as outright lying goes. If the missus can't accept that's part of the Western mindset, then imho, the marriage is on the rocky road already.

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