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Posts posted by kmart

  1. I've noticed that my life has not changed one bit, from the previous regime to the current one. So, the question I ask is, "Does any of this really matter?"

    Is it going to matter 5 years from now, 10? Thailand will still be here. Thai people will still be "sabai sabai, mai pen rai, jai dee" I can still eat Tom Yum Koong.

    I think that 90% of the things we worry about never happen anyway, so I think I'll stop worrying so much, lol

    Pass the bowl dude!

    LOL :o

  2. Wether its a twisted offshoot of their religion (Which it seems to be), or the way they are bought up its hard to imagine such crimes against another human being. My opinion, and if I get gunned down for this then so be it, is they are the most barbaric and primative of all races

    Religion is just used to inflame the ignorant. This is no more about religion than the troubles in Northern Ireland were.

    Yep. Its usually more about turf / territory than religion. But it seems that ignorance and religion cannot survive without each other.

  3. Never mind thinking about shoot-outs and running gun battles with locals; maybe moving away from these insects might be a much better and safer idea? You so much as "wing" a local with a firearm, and they will be back in force and make it their miserable life's work to get revenge on you.

    A gun is okay for protection, and I enjoy going to the shooting ranges; but I couldn't buy 80k's worth of fireworks and not let them off. :o

    My Grandad once told me; "never bring anything into a fight that you wouldn't want stuffed up your a*se" which was always a reminder of mine. :D

  4. I love Thailand's trains, especially the overnight sleepers. Freshly laundered cotton sheet, clean pillow and still-warm snuggly cotton blanket wrapped in plastic from the laundry. OK, the toilets are bad but at least there are toilets. Relax, eat yum food from station stalls and party with new friends. Smoke between cars. Had a few delays in my time, but always take the nighter and never more than a couple hours late, which is still early morning.

    Buses are horror shows in themselves, never mind the blaring music/tv. Toilet stops at driver's discretion. Chaotic driving. Mind you, the price is way cheap.

    That was my experience of rail travel overnight to Khon Kaen several years ago. A few beers on the train and some tasty food and I slept like a baby in clean sheets. It was a great way to travel. :o

    Agreed about the bus experience too. :D

  5. I can walk out of my front door and it's a fairly safe bet that I can see an under-16 riding a motorbike. Preventative rules are not enforced here. If there is an accident, you pay. If one of the parties involved are not poor and not well-connected, as European tourists are, then there is a good chance the police will try to shift any blame in that direction for their own profit.

    This is true and is another profitable grey area for the scumbags in uniform to extort money from.

    Preventative rules basically do not exist here. Seemingly no-one can work out that irresponsible actions = tragic consequences. Its like when you see 3 young kids wiped out in a motorcycle crash, and the parents (who bought the bike for them and allowed them to ride around without helmets) are crying hysterically and trying to blame anyone but themselves for the tragedy... :o

  6. Pol Gen Kowit denied an accusation raised by activist Chanaphan na Nakhon that more than 10 police from Immigration Bureau were involved in the nine bombings.

    Apparently I must have missed something along the way. What would grievance would the Immigrations Police have such that they would do something like these bombings? Is Immigrations upset that they now have to add up all of the days stayed on thirty-day entry stamps within a 180 day period? :o

    Somebody's snout got pushed out of the trough after the coup.

  7. Gambling has always been massive here. Thailand is always in denial about it, but a lot of Thais are degenerate gamblers and take billions out of the country every year to fritter away in casinos over the border.

    Thai soaps are bloody awful, but having just returned from holiday in the UK; I can safely say that our equivalent dramas are just as crap. :D The UK has the biggest teen pregnancy problem of any EU country just now. Maybe shagging beats having to watch <deleted> on the box? Or at least watch a decent porn dvd.

    As for teen sex here, I don't think Thailand has ever had any sex education programmes in schools ever? But a lot of girls of my acquaintance seem to be happily quite proficient in this area, so no worries. :o

  8. Its not too dificult just thought i'd post something, but I wont bother in future as your all a bunch of useless c*nts!

    Bunch of c*nts? The correct collective noun in this situation is "PACK of c*nts". :D

    I think you'll find thats its a "pride" of c*nts as a collective noun.

    Its a "pack" of bastards.

    Oh, and a "gaggle" of <deleted>.

    Has Einstein found his gym yet? :o

  9. "Hypocritical farang sex addicts" and "pompous cockroaches" will be my phrases for today. Thank you. :D

    Btw, apart from your excellent English, your opinions sound like those of some shirtless, Beer Chang swilling labourer.

    didnt u say in another thread that u will be glad to be out of thailand and ´back to civilisation´? quite the hypocrite arnt u?

    How so? I said "after my contract finishes here I will be glad to go back to civilisation",.... mmm'kay????? :D

    I believe everything I read on here, don't you? :o

  10. Most (not all) of those stores are a waste of time. They stock so little merchandise. As for myself, I won't mind seeing most of them go. As for the 'allure' of the markets, from what I see there are more people in the big shopping malls than in the markets.

    I see your point but when every city in the world looks the same, won't it be boring? One big homogenized lump of multi-national-dominated blandness with blanket 24 hr cctv.

    Any biologist would tell you that any species without diversity is a species in decline... :o

  11. I would echo the sentiments of those above by saying that there is a lot of things that put me off Cambodia.

    Infrastructure is still not very good, someone mentioned hospitals are bad; which I can believe, corruption is apparently rampant, and life seems very cheap there, even by Thai standards;- the violence that they perpetrated on their own people not 30 years ago is still simmering under the surface.

    Anyone sick of Thailand should just take a break from the place and get a sense of perspective back. I wouldn't jump ship for any of its neighbours, but I like to visit occasionally, and thats all.

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