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rak sa_ngop

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Posts posted by rak sa_ngop

  1. Does anybody remember the story about the guy in Cambodia who had a fake press id on him? This was in the days of Pol Pot.

    I guess they believed it to be genuine because they took him for a journalist and murdered him.

  2. Is there an explosion of cats in Bangkok?

    I see loads of then in Lumphini park.

    I see heaps of them in the sois off Silom road.

    I even see mobs of them (sorry kangaroos) around my condo.

    What has happened? Is it due to a declining dog population (maybe because of the increased number of Vietnamese working in the area?)

    Any thoughts on this?

  3. No I do not.

    But I personally know of 2 friends who jointly bought a condo. When one friend passed away the second friend managed to transfer the whole ownership to his name.

    Or maybe he just managed to remove his joint owners name from the chanote.

    Or maybe a new FET was organised.

    I very much doubt if any money to the value of half the condo value was transferred into the country to affect the transfer of the half share.

    The reason I say this is because I know the person in question.

    But I can stand corrected.

  4. No I do not.

    But I personally know of 2 friends who jointly bought a condo. When one friend passed away the second friend managed to transfer the whole ownership to his name.

    Or maybe he just managed to remove his joint owners name from the chanote.

    I am not able to find out more details from the individual concerned. But would like to hear other peoples experiences as this may represent a legitimate way of bequeathing a property at minimal cost and trouble to the inheritor.

  5. I know it is possible to have 2 parties jointly purchase a condo so that if one party dies the second party can 'inherit' the first party's share. (assuming this was the intent of the partnership).

    I have seen this happen in my condo building and the formal transfer of the ownership was made about 4 years after the death of the first party (with the help of a newly discovered 'will'). Unfortunately I have no details of the cost involved

    I believe I have read somewhere that it is possible to add another name to the condo title deeds to allow joint ownership even after the purchase of a condo has been completed, and that this can be carried out at minimal cost (maybe about 50,000 baht if memory serves me) and does not require transfer in (and out) of funds.

    If adding an additional name to an existing chanote is really possible would this not be a valid and relatively cheap way of transferring the ownership of a condo upon one's death to a spouse, children, relative or even friend (of course they might want to move in with you as they would own part of the condo).

    Any comments on the above welcome.

  6. Where do you access the elevated walkway from Nana soi 4?

    Don't think you can now.

    Yes, no you can't.

    You can access from the Expressway (where the water pumping station is) or Sukhumvit Soi 10. Before there was a small track at the end of Suk Soi 8 that also allowed you to cut along to Soi 10 near the wooden bridge but I think this is no longer possible.

    I remember about 5 years ago there was a suggestion to develop the 'elevated' walkway route into a by-pass Suk road. Any news of this?

  7. See if you have an access hatch in the wall to the water pipes and water meter outside the condo. Maybe you can find a hidey-hole there.

    But what I do now is tape the keys to the inside back of my mail-box and leave the box unlocked. So far nobody has spotted it and it has come in useful many times. Mail box theft is not a problem in my condo and many owners do not lock their mail boxes.-

  8. The whole thing is less than 3km and built above ground. like a long walking bridge along a klong and once past the expressway it is built over the klong to wireless road. I walk it three or four times a week.

    Really ? So when I walk thru the gate at the Benjakiti Park entrance and have to walk down some steps then past a long row of houses before walking alongside a river for quite a while, none of that exists ?


    I think the bit with houses you are talking about is actually called A ROAD. You then enter the bit that it is called an elevated walkway because it is actually elevated above the stinky klong it runs alongside. Of course if you would actually prefer to walk at street level along the muddy klong that is up to you.

  9. It's a pink diamond you lucky guy 555555

    A large chunk of rough diamond weighing 813 ct (162 gm) sold last week for 63.1 million USD. But that was for a white (clear) diamond. Your rock is pink so classified as a fancy grade so worth even more per carat..

    Just don't drop it as it could shatter as even though diamonds are hard and difficult to scratch, they are not very tough.

    But of course it could be just rose quartz in which case it might be of small value to a collector, but of very little value to a gemstone cutter.

  10. So many older people in the west are trapped in their own homes:- poor health, too far to walk to the shops, cannot drive a car anymore, weather always too cold or too windy or too wet to go outside, too many 'steep' hills to climb etc etc.

    Living in Bangkok and many other Thai cities we will always be able to take a taxi to the nearest mall and sit it out or walk around the air-conditioned spaces with nice even floors. In fact a lot of the less 'posh' malls already have communities of elderly meeting daily in the food courts and some even put on events to entertain this age group.

    Having seen how my parents 'suffered' in their nice bungalow in a quiet suburb on the south coast of the UK I am happy to be growing old in Bangkok.

  11. Yesterday Sunday was pretty hot but I still managed a walk from Sala Daeng down to the river and River City, along the Chinatown Route and along to Jaowarat and then on to the Democracy monument and finally to the Gecko bar on Ram Butri near Khao San road. About 1 hour 45 mins starting about 3.15 pm.

    The beers in the Gecko bar tasted great (which is more than you can say about their toilets).

    Sunday is a great day for this type of walk, just do it!

  12. Foodland is the one supermarket I have difficulty checking. They are very fast at checkout and the receipt is all in Thai - and most items don't have price stickers. They could ring up hundreds extra and I would never know.

    That's strange because I like Foodland because it nearly always has price stickers on all its items. Unlike Tops and others where a lot of the time you are bending down and to check the label (usually in miniscule type or in Thai) on the shelf to see how much the item costs. And often it is not stacked in the correct location so you have to hunt down the correct label.

    This is in my local Foodland in Bangkok so maybe your one is run differently.

  13. This has got to be a wind-up. Bangkok is the WORST city in the world to walk around, bar none.

    I wonder whether you are on the same planet let alone in the same city as me. Bangkok is a GREAT place for walking.

    One of my favourite walks is from Silom to Asoke using the elevated cycle way. Beautiful parks at either end and you can walk for an hour without crossing a main road at street level or even see a 7-11 shop!

    Another fantastic walk is from Silom to Khao San road by way of River City and the Chinatown walking route. Fascinating scrap yard businesses, industrial hardware suppliers, gemstone shops etc etc to see on the way.

    I have lived in Kuala Lumpur, Saigon, Hanoi, Vientiane and Yangon, and I can honestly say that walking in Bangkok is far more enjoyable than walking in these other cities.

    Each to his own but I love living and walking in Bangkok!

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