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Everything posted by Bruno123

  1. Yes, I understand. You are finally agreeing that Brexit is responsible for the delays, exacerbated by the fact that they were temporarily short staffed on Friday morning. Clear.
  2. You accused me of making up that there are increased transaction times and then immediately agree that there are increased transaction times? ???? Then you state that there should be enough French staff for it. Enough staff to deal with the problems that you caused by voting for Brexit? Now you are blaming them for Saturday's delays even though they were there and in enough number. It seems that you are unable to accept responsibility for anything. Could it just be that Brexit has a hand in it? ????
  3. ???? So a 75 minute delay on Friday caused seven hour wait on both Friday and Saturday is your contention. Nothing to do with the necessary increased checking caused by Brexit?
  4. You appear to be making it up again. The "half of the booths open" issue was resolved after 75 minutes, on Friday. So you are suggesting that caused two days of delays of up to seven hours each time? The French state that they increased their border staff from 120 to 200. The fact is that there are increased transaction times. To pretend that Brexit has nothing to do it with is disingenuous as best.
  5. Are you actually expecting help after insulting one member (scubascuba) and then going on to attack "so called experts"? Then insisting that you are sent nothing else other than what you demand ???? A suitable code was posted a while back. Though I cannot imagine anyone taking the time to find it for you, after your rather unpleasant post.
  6. Okay, so you are saying that French border staff being 75 minutes late caused people to have to wait six hours. But wasn't that on Friday? What about Saturday?
  7. Selective reading again? Are you suggesting that they are doing so because of that one incident? ????
  8. Really? I am suggesting that you cannot blame the French for the ongoing traffic problems in Kent.
  9. So your advice is going to a shop and letting them put a SIM in? Does that answer as to what might be good value for the OP?
  10. I answered a question from Mick Macmanus. It seems that you missed that. All back to normal? https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-kent-62338841
  11. We could ask or just you and transam? Were people free to travel the previous summer? This was the first real test since coming out of COVID restrictions.
  12. They weren't selling annual unlimited 10 Mbps SIM at that time last year. Their last annual offer was unlimited 8 Mbps. So it was either that or the Marathon SIM you had. Marathon SIM it is.
  13. Nope, there is no visa. You are just making it up as you go along. The figures to March 2022 do not show six million given pre-settled and settled status. Are you unable to comprehend what you are reading? I explained it earlier.
  14. The referendum went that way not because of what appeared like uncontrolled migration(Syrians etc at that point because of yet another war) and the lies perpetrated by the usual suspects. But it seems yourself and mick are struggling to point out any positive effect of Brexit beyond the migration issue and even with that....is it any less than it was?
  15. It wasn't a visa application. Do you have any knowledge of the process at all? I am guessing that you have none. If you had built a life in a country that might suddenly consider you persona non grata, why would you not rush to fill the form in? Some really idiotic statements posted within this thread.
  16. No, it shows that you have an inability to comprehend what you are reading. Those are applications received, not people who have been given a 'long term visa'. The other figures(other than Settled and Pre-settled) are for Refused, Withdrawn/Void and Invalid. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1078303/eu-settlement-scheme-quarterly-statistics-tables-28-august-2018-to-31-march-2022.ods Total Settled Pre-settled Total 6,271,240 3,200,980 2,576,360 251,860 122,800 118,970
  17. What an ignorant post. Do you imagine that the only Europeans living in the U.K take part in manual labour. How do you know about the working standards of millions of people? Poorer living conditions? Tell us about them. So sad that you make such a poor case for yourself.
  18. That's what the HO stated after their blunder was revealed. Not sure why you stopped reading after that: So why did they give him settled status if he "did not need to apply"? It was stressful for many.
  19. Nonsense. You are just making it up. https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/eu-settlement-scheme-quarterly-statistics-june-2021/eu-settlement-scheme-quarterly-statistics-june-2021 What long term visa would that be? There is pre-settled status if you can show that you lived in the UK for two years prior to Brexit and settled status if you could show you lived in the U.K. for five years or more. Once the pre-settled have lived in the U.K. for five years, they can apply for settled status. There is no "long term visa" as you put it. Just that those who failed to apply became 'illegals'.
  20. Not true. There was a lot of stress felt over the Settled Status scheme. https://news.sky.com/story/first-dates-star-fred-sirieix-ive-been-made-to-feel-like-a-second-class-citizen-11801072
  21. 7kg each?? Or did you pay an exceptionally high price for them?
  22. Currently: AIS: 5G NR Frequency Bands n28 (700 MHz) n41 (2500 MHz) n258 (26 GHz) DTAC: 5G NR Frequency Bands n28 (700 MHz) Truemove H: 5G NR Frequency Bands n28 (700 MHz) n41 (2500 MHz) DTAC use of 26 GHz was not for general public consumption.
  23. What do you see(SMS) when you use this USSD code? *121*32#
  24. So this post was a mistake? You are just describing the AIS Marathon SIM after you have utilised the 100 GB allowance for the month. You can get a new AIS SIM and apply an Unlimited 8 Mbps pack to it for 150 baht per month, comparable in price to the Marathon pack. Though obviously you still have a few months to go on the Marathon pack, if that is what you have. DTAC currently have 15 & 30 Mbps annual SIMs from 1400 and 1700 respectively.
  25. AIS: 4G LTE Frequency Bands B1 (2100 MHz) B3 (1800 MHz) B8 (900 MHz) B41 (2500 MHz) I don't know who is using LTE Band 26. Truemove H and AIS are using Band 41. No DTAC on your list. Surprising, since you recommend utilising them.
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