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Posts posted by mgjackson69

  1. It looks like the hanger bearing bolts came loose, so then the shaft was flopping around, and the universal joint failed.

    I believe that the large piece almost at the end of the front section of the driveshaft is the hanger bearing...should be bolted to the frame of the truck.

    I had a hanger bearing fail on a pickup truck once...it was noisy as hel_l, but I was able to limp it home about two miles.

    Edit: Kant spel

  2. The threaded portion on the "right-hand bar" is for setting the angle of the implement side-to-side.

    The upper bar is NOT for controlling the depth of the implement, it is for setting the angle of the implement fore-and-aft.

    The depth is set on this implement by a combination of how far you lower the three-point hitch and the adjustment of the trailing wheel.

    For most implements, at working depth you want level side-to-side and front-to-back.

    NONE of the theaded adjustments on the three-point hitch are for setting depth.

    You need to get everything working properly on the disk. Disassemble that rear wheel and clean it, oil it, get it working freely.

    You say the trailing wheel is set at its lowest position? And the upper link was threaded all the way out? There is your problem.

    The trailing wheel is holding the implement out of the ground. Rather than fix it, Somchai tried to compensate by adjusting the third link "longer", trying to use that pressure to force the rear of the plow down...hence your breakage.

    You need to get everything cleaned up and working freely, everything repaired, then start over with your adjustments. Lower the implement until it is just off the ground, then adjust the threaded parts on the 3-point hitch to get it level side-to-side and front-to-back.

    Then tell Somchai to NOT adjust anything else.

    And grease the disk on a daily basis when it is being used. You have a grease gun, yes?

  3. It is sad that these sorts of things happen, and I feel for someone's loss.

    At the same time, I am not going to lie awake tonight thinking about the people that died in that bus crash.

    Or worrying that someone joked about it.

    If you can honestly state that you have never laughed at the misfortune of others, you are a better man than I.

    So far, nobody has come forward to say that they lost a friend or relative on that bus. If someone reads this who has done so, you have my sympathies.

    I am not going to offer my sympathies to the general audience as a way to make my self "feel" better...doesn't work that way.

  4. Tambon Pa Chan and Amphoe Phlapphla Chai show clearly on my map, in the place that Nomad97 stated...but no reference to Ban Phoonsuk.

    But then, some of the villages are only known by a particular name to the (very) locals.

  5. Thanks, Hanno. See my recent post on the Korat bus crash. I am becoming very tired of 'trollers' and will soon unsubscribe to TV unless the bulk of contributors take more responsibility for the content of their postings. Many times I find myself ashamed of what members say here. They do, of course, have every right to say it, but with every freedom there comes a responsibility.

    ...so long as "responsibility" fits your worldview...

  6. Neither whiny, liberal platitudes nor callous remarks will make one bit of difference to anything.

    If your normal mode of operation is to sit around wringing your hands, feeling bad because somewhere in the world, right now, someone died...feel free.

    If your normal mode is to make what some might consider callous comments, go right ahead.

  7. I do believe that many dog owners, here and back home, consider their pet to be human and other people to be less than an animal. But right after I was bitten by that dog that was improperly muzzled, I told him that the Lord Buddha hated him and his owner. The next day on the beach, some tiny poodle run up unleashed and started barking at me. If he had bitten me, I had every intention of bashing its brains out on the seawall, while its owner shrieked in terror.


  8. I do not quite understand the part about the shifter.

    I worked properly when you took the truck in, and did not work properly when you picked up the truck?

    Then some other things broke?

    What were they doing to break all of these things?

    To get to the leak they had to take apart the dashboard in the process they didn't re-connect all the wiring. I'm guessing the shifter is connected electrically with the brake pedal so you need to depress it before shifting into gear. Same with the wiring for the steering column that operates the stereo and on board computer. basically they did a piss poor job of putting it back together.

    Ok, the original post did not mention the extent of the work done inside the vehicle.

    Seems like they left some wiring disconnected...or did some poor splices after they cut the wiring, rather than using the connectors :o

  9. My last flight from BKK -> NRT, someone did exactly that. Had a mini-tower with some of that "plastic ribbon" tied around it so as to form a handle, and an LCD monitor (with the base removed) sandwiched between two pieces of cardboard.

    I am assuming the miscellaneous pieces were either in a carryon or checked bag.

    He went through security ahead of me, I noticed no problems.

  10. A few years ago I was asked to pick a nickname for a nephew.

    I called him Chek, that is what he is called, 2.5 years later. I have no idea what his given name is.

    Only my wife knows how I picked the nickname.

    Chek: short for "check condom"...because the mother did not do so.

  11. I do not quite understand the part about the shifter.

    I worked properly when you took the truck in, and did not work properly when you picked up the truck?

    Then some other things broke?

    What were they doing to break all of these things?

    he didnt break it ,the garage broke it.........

    I did not think the customer broke anything, I am just wondering what was happening for all of this to stop working while in the shop...

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