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Posts posted by mgjackson69

  1. I am going to assume that your current router is the "standard" modem/router combo provided by the ISPs here. One connection for phone line in and out connection for LAN out, where your computer plugs in.

    There are a several approaches that you can take.

    1) The simplest would be to buy a WiFi access point and plug it in to the modem/router in place of your computer. Then use your laptop wireless to connect to the access point.

    2) To expand this further, you could also buy a hub or switch. One cable between the hub and the router, another cable between the hub and the access point. Now you can connect wired or wireless without having to swap any cables around. This is the setup that I am using in my home.

    3) Next, you could buy a wireless router, connect that to your existing modem. Now you have the option of wired or wireless as in option 2 above. There is a bit more configuration to do, but it is not difficult.

    4) You can buy a modem/wireless router combo. This would replace your existing modem/router, thus the modem/WAN side would need to be configured the same as your existing. Now you have the same connectivity options as option 2 or option 3 above, with the added simplicity of only having one network component.

    You can also do as nidge suggested, get the Apple airport. I have not seen that one yet, but one of my colleagues really likes his. This would be similar to my option 1, with a couple additional neat features, such as a print server.

    I would suggest that you either do 1 or 2 above. Those would be the simplest for you to set up, and likely the least cost as well.

    Good luck.

    Edit: had to correct an assumption re: features of Airport Express

  2. Cuban, Your post was polite, comprehensive, factual & informative.

    Not a lot more to be said, though if it was me I'd be saying Many Thanks.

    I could not agree more with you! It seems a great pity that people who come on to the TV site can't take the trouble to phrase the real questions that they want to ask before slagging others off who have spent time and effort in replying with what to me would appear to be sound responses. If the OP wants specifics about 'a specific vehicle' then why the heck don't they say so. I feel sure that the OP will get 'specific' responses here on this sight if they can have the patience to wait!

    Isn't that the truth?

    "What is the best <something>?"

    "Is <item/action> worth it?"

    Asking vague, highly subjective questions, then bitching when someone calls them on it, or does not tell them exactly what they want to hear.

    Like children who want to be told exactly what to do, so long as it matches what they want to do.

  3. Fair enough...amend my previous comment to read "that you have chosen to follow the way that nature programmed you".

    You do realize that my comment re: "motorcycle advice" was made with tongue planted firmly in cheek, yes?

    Hi :D

    Yeah, i did indeed. I just wanted to tell you that... because usually gays have that kind of image like.... can cook and do makeup but helpless with machines... well, i'm a queen but a power queen, my heart is a two stroke engine and i've got oil in my veins, maybe i WAS born with a wrench in my hand :D

    However, back to the "pickup" topic, if it's all about the longer gearbox then i don't understand why they (yup,Toyota themselves!) offer to "jack it up"..... of course, voiding the guarantee in the process, but nevertheless it is possible! And, what is the difference (regarding the gearbox!) between a two-door and a four-door - as the four-door IS available in raised form, from Toyota as well as Isuzu. As the engine in both versions sits at the same place, as does the gearbox, as does the axle - so why the heck "auto, raised suspension" only in four-door, if not for simple marketing purpose? "Four-door = sedan-like, can have automatic". BS.

    Anyway, decision is made - Isuzu D-Max it is, SLX, Space Cab. They DO have turbos, just not that new VGS turbo (which, again, comes in connection with auto only in a four-door). 25 horses less, screw it - still got more than enough :D Maybe we'll put the 16" wheels on it from the "Highlander" series, but not sure - the stock ones also look ok, and outright nice if compared to the standard Vigo :D

    Best regards......


    Kewl...any chick who can wrench is fine in my book :o

    It probably does just come down to the marketing, seeing as how you are dealing with the same wheelbase...my family is in the auto business in USA (Chevrolet, Buick, Pontiac, Ford); I saw plenty of strangeness in the marketing/packaging when I worked there. In USA everything is based on "packages", buy this set of equipment, get something free (usually air con or automatic trans). To where you almost cannot find a plain-jane "work truck", if you were looking for such a thing...they end up costing almost the same as a very nicely equipped one. The dealers do not want to stock the plain-janes..harder to sell initially and they do not want them back on trade.

    It is getting difficult to buy anything with a manual transmission in USA anymore. Something like an SUV, forget it, in many cases it is not even offered. Even when a manual is an option, many dealers do not want to order a vehicle so equipped...my stepfather is one of them. He does not like manual transmissions, so he does not like to sell them. Even the low-end, "first cars" for teenagers are more often than not ordered with automatics...the spoiled brats don't want them.

    I think you will be happy with the D-Max. If you want to do some 16" aftermarket wheels that would dress it up nicely.

    And we are completely in agreement, the "standard" Vigo looks really, really, really stupid with those large wheelwells and the 15" wheels, coupled with the cheap-ass small tires.

  4. I am not sure of the proper forum, but here goes anyway....

    Under what circumstances would a foreigner be obligated to pay income tax in Thailand.

    I know about the obvious, of being under a work permit.

    How about a situation where a person is working outside of Thailand, payroll is outside, income tax etc is paid outside, and the person is in Thailand when not working?

    There seems to be some conflicting information around in this regard.

    Any advice, experience, anecdotal evidence appreciated.

  5. Just to clarify:

    Being gay is NOT a "personal choice", nobody ever came up and asked me "do you want to become gay or straight". It's the way it is, full stop. And i'm pretty comfortable with the way nature has programmed me.

    And yes, i AM a mechanic so if i give motorcycle advise you can follow it. I used to fix motorcycles in Germany, commercially, it was my job. Here i just can't do too much for lack of quality tools.



    Fair enough...amend my previous comment to read "that you have chosen to follow the way that nature programmed you".

    You do realize that my comment re: "motorcycle advice" was made with tongue planted firmly in cheek, yes?

  6. With Toyota 3l diesels mated to 2wd - when they raise the suspension, they can't use the autobox anymore. I don't know exactly why, but it doesn't sound too strange to me.

    They have never had that kind of autobox, since pre Vigo days.

    My personal opinion is that they'd have to redesign the transmission and that is done in Japan, not here, so no can do.

    Even in the car market, Toyota gear boxes are ten years behind the curve. They work ok, but you don't get CVT or five speed or paddle shifters (only top Camry has a more or less modern gearbox).

    I'm not sure you can get 3l engine, 2wd with auto gear from other makers, too. Not from Nissan, not Triton, apparently not Dmax, perhaps only Ford.

    It *might* have to do with driveline angles...as an automatic transmission is usually longer than a manual, it might make the universal joints run at more of an angle than the engineers are happy with.

  7. When my wife wants to send money to Mom, I ask, "What does Mom need?" Usually Mom does not ask for anything, my wife wants to do to "take care". If a reasonable answer is not forthcoming, end of discussion.

    I also bring up the fact that she (my wife) is #9 of 11 children, all are still around and working...it is not all up to she and me to take care of everything.

  8. No mention of the incident in any online media so far. I am constantly checking the news feeds.

    I live next door and my massage lady arrived just after 12. She was shaking as she told me about it but she said there was an explosion and around 50 were dead or trapped. Apparently many survivors ran onto the beach where she was at the time and most were Cambodian and Burmese workers she said. I can see the area from here as a condo blocks my view but amazingly the condo under construction at the rear of this one (same company) is still full steam ahead in construction.

    Why "amazingly"?

    Why would construction stop on another site, even if it is the same company?

  9. I had an LG phone several years ago in USA, it was pretty basic but worked well.

    I did end up buying the extended/high-capacity battery, after the first one sh_t the bed fairly early on.

    The interface was mostly good, a couple of things were a bit funky, but nothing that I would consider a show-stopper.

    One of my co-workers has an LG smartphone/PDA of some flavor, he really likes it.

  10. There are still some dual-band clunkers being sold.

    You are correct though, most phones now are at least tri-band (900/1800/1900 AsiaPac/Europe spec -or- 850/1800/1900 USA spec), if not quad-band.

    I have used my tri-band AsiaPac spec phone is USA with fairly good results. USA uses 850 & 1800, so the AsiaPac spec limits you a bit.

    My advice would be to push quad-band towards the top of your requirements list if you anticipate using the phone in North America.

  11. Tut tut Torrenova, didn't the rainbow flag give you a clue?

    How the hel_l would I know a rainbow flag signified gay ?

    It could just as easily have been Greenpeace for all I know.

    I consider myself re-educated :D

    O M G !!!!!!!!!

    I have been getting motorcycle advice from a GAY MAN ?!?!?!?!!?!?!!? :o:D :D :D

    Just joking Thanh - your personal choices make absolutely no difference to me. Plus, I was already aware....

  12. I certainly am no economist either, but to understand what is happening in currencies you need to consider whether currency A (Euro in your case) is getting weaker or currency B (THB) is getting stronger.

    So it sometimes helps to compare currency A and B to other currencies, as well as each other.

    And of course commodities come into play also, most notably oil, which is pegged to the US dollar.

  13. It really is "up to you".

    If you ask your wife, she will tell you "pay for all". Thus she is doing her duty to Mom and family by taking care, plus she gets the "good feel" by doing so, as well as getting to show off a bit.

    *You* need to set the rules as far as what you are willing to do, knowing that doing so may cause problems with your wife.

    My situation: I will help Mom out a bit, and other family members on an "as needed" basis, that being determined by me.

    At first my wife thought it was good to give her late-teens/early 20's nephews 100 THB here and there, as far as I am concerned it is strictly for show on her part, to be a "big shot". That crap ended as soon as she asked me for money for something extraneous that she wanted to buy...my response was, "You must not need any money, since I saw you give away nnn baht today."

    Nobody is going to go hungry on my watch, but I do not feel any obligation to provide "holiday".

  14. Exactly, just send them the money and let them choose. It really depends on the woman not the phone?

    If she is a reasonably intelligent person and knows her requirements then she may ask for technical help in choosing but that should be all. If she is some fashion conscious half wit or worse still a bg then all common sense is non negotiable anyway and she will blow her entire budget on the whim of the moment and probably loose it next week anyway?

    Lose it...or give it to her mom/sister/brother/nephew... because "they need"

  15. Never voted in my life. I will vote this year to defeat nobama.

    McLame is a jerk too. Demos horsed up our primary.

    Yes...once again, I will be voting against a candidate instead of having one that I want to vote for :o

    The Republican party has not fielded a candidate that I have voted for since Ronald Reagan in 1984.

    I have voted in all six presidential elections that have taken place since I was eligible to vote...2 votes "for", 4 "against"

  16. Thanks for the usefull feedback. Like you said I could go shopping and spend a day talking to all the thai female sales staff who dont know anything about there products or I could ask about gps phones in this forum and see if anyone who has one could recommend one.

    Well, your first question was "...what phones are available in Thailand and have GPS."

    By "go shopping" I did not necessarily mean "spend a day talking to all the thai female sales staff who dont know anything". As much as I like the Thai ladies, that would be enough to make anyone crazy. All of the info that you need is on the internet.

    A lot really depends upon what your GPS needs are. If you are going to get into some heavy-duty usage such as hiking, etc...you might want to go ahead and get a standalone GPS unit. One thing to keep in mind, with a GPS-capable phone...when the GPS unit is active you will have more drain on the battery, plus if you are actively using the GPS the LCD backlight will be on more as well.

    For my phone, I consider the GPS capability a nice bonus. I was really after the connectivity options (Bluetooth, WiFi, GPRS/EDGE, quad-band phone), the large display, and the QWERTY keyboard. Also the fact that the OS is Windows-based is a plus for me...having "Office Lite" apps such as Word and Excel is handy.

    My phone is the HTC TyTNII...expensive here though, I have seen it in the shops for around 34000 THB. I got mine in USA through AT&T for about 250 USD or so after the discount etc...I am a current customer with AT&T, had to extend 2 years.

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