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Posts posted by mgjackson69

  1. I agree, do not volunteer anything.

    If you are too well-prepared/eager, that can very likely raise a flag, no matter how minor. And your goal is to get through the process and be granted the extension, *not* to impress the nice gentleman/lady with how smart and thorough you are. Remember, "preparedness" is not considered to be especially important with our hosts. "Go and see what you need" is more the modus operandi here.

    They very often want some other piece of paper, just because. Photocopy of ATM card in my case <shrug>

    Go well-prepared, offer what is asked for, only if/when it is asked for.

    Good luck.

  2. In your netgear router, how are you getting DNS, auto-discover or user-discovered? (That is the nomenclature that my TT&T Hatari modem/router uses, yours might be different).

    I am guessing that in copying the config to your new router, you might have inadvertantly hard-coded a DNS server that is not reachable.

    If you do not get some satisfaction from TT&T...

    You can try opendns.com....for your DNS, configure, if there is a spot for a secondary put

    Might take care of your problem.

  3. Last week I got my 1 year extension :o .

    They did not ask for pictures in and around the house , or

    anything in that matter . [ no bankbooks or money in bank required ]

    The only additional thing they asked my wife was a small written

    statement telling what kind of business she does ..... She is taking care of me ..

    For a first time extension they will take 60 days time to consider , no

    interview whatsoever , perhaps having a child does make it a lot easier ,

    they also told us that .

    Just make sure you have everything ready and sorted out for them .

    My first extension on the current visa took 30 days...I am not sure where you got the 60 days from. And there was an interview.

  4. It's Old El Paso as in the West Texas town of El Paso. Not passo. As the commercial says, the rest may have been made in NYC. Pace Picante Medium is a better quality if you can find it.

    As I recall, it was the advertisement for *Pace Picante* that implied the "others" are made in "New York City".

    And correct...it is Old El Paso

  5. I have the 16 gig 3G US version with a turbosim or whatever.

    The GPS works in Thailand. You don't need an internet/edge/wifi/gprs connection for the GPS to work. It helps download maps faster if you have it though.

    Depending upon the GPS application that you are using, you may or may not need an internet connection.

    GoogleMaps requires an internet connection.

  6. lots of leather and chrome,
    ........ to seduce the unwary into buying a lemon.

    those fords are from the dark ages..... with a bit of chrome slapped on every now and again to tart 'em up a bit.

    toyotas and isuzus sell in vast amounts for a good reason.

    I think you have been here long enough to know the "that good reason"...because Thais are followers, not leaders.

    Toyotas are good because "everyone else has one, so they must be good".

    Isuzus are good because "not use so much oil".

    Having said that, my recent truck purchase was a Toyota. I really did not care all that much about brand, the Toyota is a good truck, and my wife is Thai.

  7. In the way the OP suggests, the object is implied, not the verb. It can mean "enjoy yourself" or "enjoy the movie." I also do not recall Americans saying that much.

    I also joke about whilst, amongst, bonnet, boot, etc, but it is amusement, not disgust. But I can be as arrogant as most Brits when I choose to be.

    I do get tired of the British English vs. American English competition and debates. I think this point is on-topic and related to the OP.

    English is an international language. 3/4 English speakers are not native English speakers.

    Correct...and the vast majority are speaking neither "Queen's English" nor "American English", but rather a combination of the two.

  8. All of us to some degree or another tend to pick up words, usages, and even pronunciations from those around us, be it jargon related to our profession, or different languages that we hear, or from people who speak a different language than us as their first language. Some (sales/marketing types :( ) will do this in a more obvious, pretentious manner so as to fit in (buzzwords mainly). Others of us (the cool technical types :D ) will do so in a more casual manner, almost through osmosis.

    I grew up on the Great Plains (please do not say "Midwest", that is over by Michigan somewhere :o ) of USA, where the people speak in what is likely the most "accent-neutral" manner that you will find amongst (<-dammit, there's one!) those who speak English as their first language. But I am constantly being asked, "Where are you from? I cannot place your accent." I believe that is due to my travels, and having done long-term assignments in several different countries, my manner of speaking has been influenced.

    All in all, good fun..let's keep it that way.

    Combining a bit of Thai and British slang..."I think I will go outside now and smoke a fag" :D :D :D :D

  9. If I´m not mistaken, the verb "to enjoy" requires an object...i.e. you enjoy something. It is incorrect to wish that someone "enjoy".


    Can you provide an example of someone using "enjoy" as you state above?

    I'm from the US and I've never said, nor heard anyone use the expression or word "enjoy" as you have described.

    1st person : "Ok, we are leaving now for lunch...see you later"

    2nd person (not going): "Enjoy!"

  10. If it's any comfort most Americans who spend any time in Thailand end up using alot more British expressions. Out dam_n spot on! Which means we can no longer run for political office in the US because we sound too poofy.

    I LOVE calling people "wanke_rs"! :o


    That is one that I have adopted.

    One of my favorite phrases, used by an Aussie co-worker: "...pretentious wanke_r"

  11. I was wondering more about the British habit of giving every place a "cutesy" name...Bangers (Bangkok) and Patters (Pattaya) come immediately to mind.

    As far as "enjoy", the verb is implied. Hence, "enjoy (whatever it is that you enjoy)".

    As far as the irritation factor, both of these pale when one considers the use of buzzwords and ancronyms.

  12. mgjackson69, the last possible day to use the visa is the day before the date stamped after the text “this visa must be utilized before”. In the case of the OP this is 29 OCT 2008? Do you agree with that?



    Yes, I would take that to mean he should make his last entry no later than 29 OCT 2008.

    I see on my older Thai visas, it reads "DATE OF EXPIRY"...in my latest visa, that spot now reads "ENTER BEFORE"

  13. i for one hope it dont happen .i pay a fortune for my niece to get her education,will be calling her to tell her not to ,or i might just pull her allowance ,and she can go home to a paddy field

    A very short sighted view. These are the people that in the future will vote. Fortunately for Thailand they have a mind of their own and won't vote for the party who gives them the most money. ie the most corrupt.

    I have seen it stated on this forum 'my wife votes for whoever gives her the most money'. Why do people 'buy votes'..because they know that they will get it back many times over from backhanders. And who are the loosers?

    It seems that only the educated understand this. Even if these future voters accept money they will have the sence to vote with their brains. Not like some areas of Thailand! No one has ever offered my wife money for her vote..they know that she would take it and then vote for whoever she wants..........

    Going to University does not mean that a person is "enlightened".

    And if you are talking about "the educated"...the aforementioned group is not it.

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