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Posts posted by mgjackson69

  1. Does anyone have any ideas's on setting up the plough hitch on our Kubota M105S, the problem i have is heavy fuel consumption due to our driver not setting up the plough correctly, its been snaping the right hand link chain & i've just repaired the left ram seal, we have reduced it to a 6 disc harrow from its original 7 which this alone as taken some pressure off the tractor, but were still snaping the link chain,even though we have fitted the biggest we could find,i need to get through to my driver but he think's he know's best.

    My understanding is that he as set it up to plough deep for 180 baht a rai :D but no one even kubota engineer seems to be able to help i've managed to get an english manuel but this give's no advise on set up of the plough i'll post some photo's of the set up as it was.

    Thanks Shaun

    If your disc set has adjustable attack angle,lessening the angle will make it easier to pull, this may require that you close up the disc spacing to get a good furrow rollover.

    you will get a slightly narrower cut ,but it should take the pressure off your motive power a bit and be less strain on components.

    Hi ozzydom

    So do you think adding back the 7th disc with its smaller spacer's would achive this, or do you mean stay with the six disc's but with smaller spacer's?

    Also i did not fully explain about the set up that i meant, in the photo's you see the main raise & lower bar that as a thread on there this was turned out as fair as it could go what does this do?? i'm of the understanding that it sets the plough into the soil deeper thus giving great strain on all componants,also both bars have 2 hole's to choose from in the main attachment arms, what is there purpose because when i put it back in the forward most hole the link chain stopped snapping, but Kubota on its 600 hour service have but it back to the rear most hole :o this must give more leverage therefore more pressure again.

    Now i'm very confused with comments that this is not a plough attachment, but a finishing disc attachment, can someone explain the main difference? It looks the same as all the many fords i see have attached all over issarn & its part of the package that Kubota/Siam sell for the purpose of ploughing.

    Thanks for your advise so far Shaun.

    The top link of the three-point is what you are referring to as the "threaded part"...adjusting that thread levels the implement front to back. Raising and lowering the three-point control, along with adjusting that "wheel" on the rear of the implement, will set the depth of the disk.

    If you are snapping the right-hand "chain link" it would seem that your implement is pulling too hard to the left, not pulling directly aft of the tractor. That "chain link" is not made to be bearing the load of the working implement, which is appears to be doing.

    Try this...with your tractor and implement on a level paved road, such as where you took the photos, slowly lower the implement until the lowest disk blade is just a hair from touching the ground. Now take a look and see how level the disk is...I believe that all blades should be the same distance from the ground, or close to it.

    I have been off the farm for quite a few years, but have not forgotten everything...yet. Somewhere I still have have my personal notebooks from operating the combines.

  2. 1) Yes, you can leave Thailand and return the same day. And if you do it on the day before your "enter before" date, you will get permission to stay for 90 days, effectively getting 15 months from your 12 month visa. You will have to get a visa for Laos, you can do it there at the Laos entry point. Bring a photo and some bahts...although my wife talked them into letting me do it without the photo....maybe 100 THB extra, something like that.

    2) You need a certified income statement from your embassy to "guarantee" your income. The combined income of you and your wife must be >= 40000 THB/month. For USA, it takes about an hour...you really are just filling out a form testifying to your income, and the embassy is notarizing your signature. I took my "paystubs" (computer printouts) for the last 18 months, but did not offer them and was not asked for them, either at the US Embassy or at Thai Immigration. Do the same if you have them. Better to have and not need, than to need and not have.

    3) You can apply for the Extension of Stay based on marriage to a Thai national within the last 30 days of your permission to stay. If they decide to consider your application for stay, they will put a stamp with words to that effect in your passport, extending your permission to stay for 30 days from that day (when you apply for extension). I suppose theoretically you could go on the second to last day of your permission to stay, but I think the nice officer might take offense at that...I would go with perhaps 3 weeks left.

    For example...if you do as in item (1) above, go to Laos, stamp back in to Thailand on 29 October 2008. Now you should have a "Admitted until" stamp of 27 JAN 2009.

    Now, between 29 December 2008 and 27 January 2009 you can apply for the Extension of Stay. Again, I think earlier is better. You can push it a bit to get a few "free" days, but I got a bit of a frown 19 days to go...not much, but the nice gentleman did ask my wife why we did not come in earlier.

    Look here for a narrative of both of my visits...it is all documented: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Extension-St...ml&hl=korat

    Good luck

  3. you are in thailand and 5000 baht no problem for you just make a new BC thats all

    It's interesting to hear how so many westerners will take this stance and chalk it up to being a guest in Thailand. I dont think it's the right attitude ,but might save a future heart attack if every time something doen't go your way , you get angry. better to say mai pen rai and forget it.

    Well it is probably the easiest way to just move on, but not the most sense able, because when you display this attitude like the thai's do; then you just show that yes its ok I'm farang and i can afford the extra100$. Well, I am rich and mai pen rai.

    What if it happened to a local, would they take that stance if they had to shell out half a months salary or more in order to make a copy of a delicate document, hel_l no! they would demand satisfaction and more then likely get some satisfaction in the end.

    If we keep this attitude that is expected of us then when you come into a serious problem of your own, you will start demanding justice, and don't think it wont happen long timers of the old days the way the government keeps changing shirts and thai's there is a possibility you will feel the same bad helplessness as others that post here.

    God willing we all can enjoy the LOS and all it has to offer, but it doesn't mean we cant question something here we would naturally question at home.

    Like I read in these posts before; We all have a common goal as people, maybe with different cultural backgrounds but we are still vying for a common goal that is to live peacefully and happily with our loved ones..

    Maybe it's a farce, well and good for those with sorted lives living the dream, but there are others not so fortunate.

    Keep that in mind


    What utter rubbish the above post is.


    yep....it must be interesting to live up in that ivory tower

  4. Better to pay a high priced fake taxi meter than get run over by a time share condo tout on a motorbike.

    Now I see how the conspiracy comes together....

    The fake taximeters make the farangs angry, so the they will walk rather than take a taxi.

    This makes them more susceptible to the timeshare scam touts on the motorbikes.

  5. Which country is she applying to?

    If the UK then it may not be a problem. Many Thais have successfully obtained UK visit visas when they have had no concrete reason to return.

    The visa officer has to be satisfied that, on the balance of probabilities, the applicant is a genuine visitor with a genuine reason to visit and so can be reasonably expected to leave the UK at the appropriate time. If the purpose is to visit someone in the UK with whom they have a long term relationship, especially if this relationship could develop into a permanent one, then this is very often sufficient.

    The thinking being that the applicant would not want to jeopardise a future settlement application by overstaying a visit visa.

    So, provide plenty of evidence a pertaining to the length and strength of the relationship. In his sponsors letter he should say why she is visiting the UK at this time and what their future plans together are.

    Good point....applying for USA, forget it!

  6. Have a Mitsubichi strada pick up and i want to cover the back of it to make it more useful. I´ve seen the back can be covered with a "hood" made of glass. Or at least alot of glas and some parts in metal. Where do i buy this thing? Preferable in Bangkok if possible. And approx. how much will it cost me?


    Here they are typically called a "carryboy", which is the brand name of one of the major suppliers of such (the other is Sammitr). Others might refer to them as a "canopy". In USA they are usually called a "topper" or "shell".

    They are for sale everywhere...just cruise around and look for them.

    Cost, I have no idea. I bought a "cover" for my Vigo...like a trunk lid, that can also raise up (electrically) and lock into place to create a "sunshade" for the bed...about 24.000 THB for that installed.

  7. You used the words "hit one". It take it that you considered it to be your fault..otherwise I would expect you to use the words "hit me".

    So turn it around...if someone hit you, would you expect them to stop? Would you be upset if they did not?

    And would it matter what type of vehicles are involved?

  8. Was it the Education Minister who said, a week or 10 days ago, that the students should keep out of political affairs, and had no right to hold or show an opinion on current events ? Such a staunch defender of democracy ! :o
    Fine...do not want to go to class,go back to the farm and grow rice

    Would they then magically regain their democratic rights, as poor farmers, I wonder ? :D

    I would maintain that, until these children have worked, earned a living for themselves, paid taxes, been "out in the world", they do not have much of a basis for their opinion mattering.

  9. SPF 30 ??? wow...

    You must sunburn in what, about 10 minutes?

    Seriously, I would ask how much time are you in the sun? As a rough rule of thumb, the SPF number is a multiple of how long you can be exposed to the sun without burning, compared to unprotected skin (SPF 1).

    So if you would burn unprotected in 30 minutes, then SPF 30 should let you stay in the sun for 900 minutes, or 15 hours.

    Your money, up to you...but I would say that you are paying for a product that you do not need...plus ruining shirts in the bargain.

  10. When I installed Office 2007, I set the "save" defaults in Excel and Word to .xls and .doc (97 - 2003) formats, respectively. It makes no difference to me what format I save them in, and my company has not made 2007 "the standard" as of yet.

    <pet peeve on> :o

    "2K7"? &lt;deleted&gt; is that? Buzzword-itis? Easier than typing "2007"?

    Sheesh....just type what you mean

    <pet peeve off> :D

  11. Be sure to change the password on your admin user to something other than the default. Seems simple, but it is amazing how many people do not.

    In my ex-wife's neighborhood, there are four wireless networks visible. Hers is the only one that is secured. Of the others, I was someone might be able to connect to all three and log in to the admin GUIs.

    Depending upon the capabilities of your router, you might also be able to set up a list of allowed or disallowed computers.

  12. Yes, sir....it just seems like quality/coverage is so spotty that it is impossible to say, "XYZ has the best service in Thailand".

    Ask locally for sure...I notice the OP did mention Chiang Mai.

    Regardless of the service, a backup plan is always good...for my case, I have TT&T ADSL, then GPRS/EDGE as a second option.

  13. Regarding the GPS, it needs an internet connection to download the maps, the maps aren't the same as maps.google.com though (they use thai AND roman letters, which maps on iphone 3g don't, so it only uses thai script) if anyone knows how to change this, please advise.

    I use GoogleMaps on my phone also, although it is not an iPhone. The internet connection (Wifi or GPRS/EDGE) is needed to determine your rough location (via cell tower registration/location almanac) and to download the map of your current location. The GPS functionality is used to fine-tune your current location.

    As you mentioned, the maps appear in Thai language only. I *think* GoogleMaps is smart enough to load language-appropriate maps depending upon your current location.

    I will be traveling to Nigeria at the end of the week, so I will see what GoogleMaps comes up with while I am there.

    Edit: did some "field research"

    For fun, fire up GoogleMaps on your phone. Now zoom out almost to the limit, then scroll over to China, for example. Place names are in Chinese script.

    I see in Poland, the place names use the Pole spelling. In Russia, the place names are in "Russian" (Cyrillic). Mexico, Spanish.

    Looks like the maps are made that way. Probably no way to change them.

  14. I have 26sm bedroom on ground floor with shaded roof above and only need 9k unit for full cooling day and night. As this Panasonic unit was installed to be a backup for 18k unit when it fails was quite surprised. Since install (hot season) have not turned the 18k on. Expect it might not get the supermarket cool that some like but for normal 25c comfort level I enjoy it is fully adequate and does not seem to operate more than the 18k unit. Has also saved 2,000 baht per month in electric charges.

    a good example as far as efficiency of smaller units is concerned. the average 'layman' is however fed completely different and misleading information such as "big is better, a big unit doesn't have to work as hard, it will last longer as wear and tear is less and because the big unit runs a much shorter time is saves energy" and similar kind of rubbish. when you try that to explain that this is rubbish you get the answer "that's just common sense!"

    by the way, i haven't met anybody in the aircon business [in Thailand] who was aware how high latent cooling capacity by dehumidification ranks which is achieved by smaller units running longer cycles and how dehumidification lowers the electricity bill (if one is not a fan of cross ventilation for hours a day).

    "Too much" air conditioner is not good...unless you like living in a walk-in freezer.

    My former father-in-law had a similar problem with a house he had in USA. The previous owner had been sold a new AC unit which was almost twice what the house needed. In order for the AC to run enough to keep the air suitably dehumidified, he had to keep the house around 60F all the time. And the thing ran all the time = large electric bills.

  15. Uh No one mentions and I'm assuming from the attacks whenever feminist ideals pop up side that most of the members of Thai Visa are boys, (and highly chauvanistic boys, ) but as of yet on this thread no one acknowledges that just perhaps the reason they stay on - despite the pitfalls is because of ...

    Thai women.

    C'mon boys, admit it .

    Totally trained to serve, cook ,clean bear children , AND can hold property and business registrations

    The totally aquiescent, smiling Thai Woman.

    I wish I had one.

    One cannot deny that very thing is one of the strong attractions.

  16. Just common sense on the taxi. The business transaction is not done until your luggage is unloaded, so why pay first?

    Think about it...how many fares do these guys have in a day? And most do not have luggage or anything else. So the common scenario is, pay, get out, taxi drives away.

    Paying first, then the fare gets out, it would be very easy for the "automatic response" on the part of the taxi driver to kick in....drive away.

    I would suggest that nearly all instances of "driving away with the luggage" are accidental, not the cabbie trying to steal anything.

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