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Everything posted by torturedsole

  1. Poor lad didn't stand a chance against the size and power of this guy.
  2. I give up with the sense of entitlement these days. Every god darn untoward event is expected to be personally absolved and paid for by others. I don't think so.
  3. Agreed, and legislation for every eventuality is totally unworkable. Again, we come back to personal responsibility. We're in LoS at the moment and our single trip comprehensive travel insurance policy, including motorbikes (subject to conditions), was about £40. If we get mowed down tomorrow and survive, we'll be afforded the best care and there'll be no requirement for nurse to root about in my wallet.
  4. I generally avoid bacon in LoS (if that's what you can call it) and save it until I'm back in UK along with decent black pudding.
  5. Probably not, but if seatbelts were secured then subsequent damage to the car could have resulted in the mountings becoming detached. Unless I'm missing something, the car must have spun at high speed and basically reversed into the pole. Little damage to the front and roof of car clearly evidences this.
  6. Do you think Putin intends to continue with the current state of play forever? I don't think so, and a further mobilisation will be along shortly. Brute force and numbers.
  7. Let's be real, withdrawal isn't going to happen. Near defeat is possible, but total defeat of the Russians isn't going to happen. So we're still left with what to do in the current stalemate.
  8. Please explain how you intend to remove the Russians from Ukraine?
  9. But they're still attacking Ukraine. I would love to tell you what you want to hear but I can't foresee Russia being defeated. They are seriously evil and sometimes in life, it's easier to make a deal with the devil.
  10. This is getting boring. I've made my point, it stands, and my name isn't Terry Waite.
  11. I've no vested interest in Russia but irrespective of not achieving their earlier ridiculous timeline, doesn't mean they won't prevail in the longer term. Museum pieces still represent armoury/weaponry and there's no way that Russia will accept defeat. We can debate it all day, but Russia holds all the cards.
  12. What else can be done? Just before jetting off to exotic destinations, purchase an online travel insurance policy with an appropriate level of coverage commensurate to the activities the insured will participate. It saves a lot of aggravation.
  13. Because it's the only rational and logical answer to bring a close to the war. Anyway, I foresee Russia eventually prevailing through sheer brute force and numbers, then there'll be nothing left to negotiate so why wait?
  14. Agreed and hospitals aren't going to pay for it.
  15. Yes, in an ideal world Russia should pack up and go home, but that's not going to happen so the war will continue unabated. The only option is to negotiate with the enemy. I understand your point, Phoenix Rising, but hoping the Russians withdraw right this instant isn't going to break the deadlock. Not now and not ever.
  16. I already told you, negotiation. It's that or, ultimately, all out global war.
  17. Yes, I took risks in my youth but never expected to be bailed out when it all went south.
  18. I've forgotten about the rights and wrongs because it doesn't make any difference to what's coming. Please peruse my posts with care as it's all there.
  19. What do you suggest we do? Even if Putin is bumped off, who's going to replace him? Russia is itching for confrontation and so is the West (supplying munitions to Ukraine is latent confirmation of that point). Don't get me wrong, I don't judge and not taking sides, I'm only looking at the bigger picture. I'd love to be able to predict the outcome of this special military operation, but I can't, and the possible outcome shouldn't be ignored.
  20. Don't worry about that. Russia will get the better of Ukraine either way but it's what happens thereafter. Personally, I've no idea but I know it won't be nice. I'm convinced the majority of people either aren't interested or don't understand the Ukraine situation and I don't blame them. Soon enough it's going to kick right off and the Russians aren't without the support of China and a few other crappy countries but China is the biggie. The US/UK/EU should be at the forefront of negotiations with these loons but there's nothing. Well, what goes around comes around.
  21. Agreed. I had visions of the Glocks being drawn.
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