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Everything posted by torturedsole

  1. Their parents either remortgage the house or set up a Go Fund Me page. The problem with GFM is that after the initial media interest, the donations invariably dry up after a few days. A good travel insurance policy and adherence to the T&Cs will negate all the aforementioned.
  2. Even the rats wipe their feet when they leave.
  3. I'm not arguing but happy to accept something lost in translation. Take care.
  4. No need to apportion blame when an appropriate level of travel insurance coverage is in place and the conditions of the policy followed. It's not difficult.
  5. What about if you got drunk and nicked a car or motorbike? Insurance won't cover it. There's no one system that can cover all eventualities so insurance it is.
  6. But you'll be treated on the NHS free of charge. The onus is on the traveller and always will be.
  7. I've been perfectly reasonable but I'm not slow so ignore list it is.
  8. I'm struggling with your point here. Yes, insurance is required for entry to the EU for a Thai but if your wife suddenly decides to go skiing and breaks her leg, then her insurance is invalid. Unless she's purchased dangerous sports insurance, of course.
  9. My wife and I regularly visit Europe for short breaks but there has never been a requirement to evidence adequate travel insurance coverage for each and every eventuality. It's the same the world over, the onus of responsibility is on the traveller to have a backup plan(s), otherwise we're on our own. If people want to take unnecessary risks, so be it, although Go Fund Me make a lot of money from irresponsible travellers.
  10. Nobody would ever purchase travel insurance again for LoS if that were the case. It's the same for dangerous sports, either you've got the correct insurance coverage, or you haven't, and just coming to Thailand is a dangerous enough sport for me. It's unworkable and rum logic. My travel insurance is solid as long as I'm not an idiot and stick to the terms of the contract.
  11. I believe the confusion arises from there being two girlfriends. One has been located and one is still missing.
  12. I've not much experience riding motorbikes and unlicenced in UK and LoS so don't bother but I could pick up my wife's Honda Dream keys right this second and go for a joyride round the streets of PHS. My travel insurance covers me to ride pillion (subject to conditions), but I'm not insured to operate a motorbike. If I crash and have to go to a Thai hospital, then I'm liable to cover the cost of treatment and this is fair as it's entirely my own responsibility not to get on the bike in the first place. I wouldn't be happy to support an endless pot of money model to bail foreigners out of their own stupidity.
  13. I hope they name one of the dogs Lassie. I loved that programme.
  14. I feel your pain, brother. I was going to ask if anyone knew how to install a roller disco in the back of my Toyota Vellfire to keep the kids entertained, but I won't bother now. ????
  15. Whatever you say.
  16. A few fines were handed out and back to normal. Lovely.
  17. I lived in a SE London tower block in my youth and one night saw what happens when someone decides to end it all. Very messy and something that I've never forgotten about (early 90s). RIP.
  18. Since about 4pm today here in PHS, lovely grey sky and occasional strong breeze has cooled things down nicely. No storm as yet but it will be welcome.
  19. We didn't like it as not good feeling for outsiders and we won't be going back.
  20. You'll be disappointed. Forget about your Western values and enjoy your time in LoS but don't bother trying to understand Thai politics. I do wonder why foreigners think they have all the answers to an alien nation. Actually, mind-boggling.
  21. Horrible place but each to their own.
  22. RIP, Ben. I'm absolutely certain there's more to this story than simple robbery.
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