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Everything posted by Alldar

  1. That doesn't make sense. VAT should be 7%. Maybe they used different value than declared value? Sometimes they might do this if the declared value doesn't seem real. Hard to say. You can try to ask them to provide an explanation.
  2. One thing is the import tax/custom duties and second thing is VAT which is now being collected irrespective of import tax/custom duties. 7% VAT is now applicable
  3. The part about the DTAs made me believe that it is something new because even if the country has DTA with Thailand you are usually paying difference of the taxes in the target country and exactly every DTA is different and different sources of income is treated differently as well. Why would official statement be misleading like this? But yeah probably it is nothing new. It will be interesting what would be the statement for 2025.
  4. Well this part is definitely new and it is not true for any type of visa: Also the wording about income from the same calendar year is a bit strange. Why they wouldn't say even now that income earned before 1st January 2024?
  5. You shouldn't report your stays in hotels. Hotels are obligated to do that, not you. You should make sure that you have a confirmation of TM30 report done in the province where you deal with immigration (extensions, 90-days reports). It is OK if this report is done just once after arrival to Thailand. If you travel inside Thailand then you don't need to report TM30 again. If you stay in your own condo then you do this report just once after arrival to Thailand. If you stay in a rented condo then landlord is supposed to do the report for you but they don't always do. And you will need to ask them for a printed confirmation because you will need that when you deal with immigration.
  6. How can you get FET form? Just go bank and ask one? Are they required to produce it for you? I believe it is not so easy to get.
  7. I have very good experience with flights booking through Agoda. I've booked an airline ticket with Agoda and the flight was later rescheduled by the airline to very late flight during the night, which wasn't suitable for me. If I had booked the flight with the airlines directly there would be no compensation possible, only changing the flight for a hefty fee. I contacted Agoda support and they contacted airlines and I got a different ticket with even better time than my originally booked ticket. All completely free. So from my side excellent support from Agoda side which wouldn't be possible if I had booked directly with the airlines.
  8. Well you are wrong too. I did my Thai driving license completely from scratch and I have never done such test! It seems all the tests depends on which DLT office you go to. That's why I was thinking there couldn't be any peripheral color blind test as 1) I have never done such test for my driving license, 2) never heard about that kind of test. In case it is really done in Thailand I would be wondering which DLT office is doing it.
  9. Ok, but that is just peripheral vision test. You don't need to call out colors during that test, do you?
  10. Lot more tests than I had. I had just traffic light and reaction test / brake test.
  11. No they are not doing peripheral color blind test. It is just a normal color blind test where you can look directly and you don't use your peripheral vision at all. No, you can move your eyes and you can look directly at the light. There was no instructions given for this. And the name is not incorrect, only people in this topic is calling it incorrectly. That's what I tried to point out. It depends on the DLT I suppose. In my case we had a light which was changing colors. No pictures. And no depth perception test as well.
  12. What do you mean by peripheral? You are able to look directly at the lights and just state the colors. They are not testing peripheral vision as far as I know. In my case I am also color blind. Green I could see with 100% certainty but red and yellow I am always guessing. So far I was lucky.
  13. Will be some sort of scam obviously. I don't know why it is so surprising.
  14. How do you know what is their intention in the end? So why don't you ask them where they have your number from?
  15. So you just confirmed that many different people know your number. Not only 3 people in Thailand. So that's how they have your number and can write you. Problem solved.
  16. You are not receiving spam calls? They call me almost every other day. How can they know my number? Same thing.
  17. My temporary virtual debit card which I have used only on two shops (Lazada and Aliexpress) was also misused. Someone made multiple unathorized transactions with the card. I am happy that the bank accepted my dispute and returned all the money.
  18. What category are these visa anyway? Learning Muay Thai or cooking Thai food sounds like Non-ED visa. But what category is a visa for 'digital nomads, remote workers, freelancers'? It couldn't possibly be Non-ED, right?
  19. I was there just one week ago and they said I needed a new TM30 every time I enter Thailand from abroad while on 5-year multiple entry elite visa. They even said next time they will give me a fine of 1600 baht. Great service.
  20. Well I have very good door and they are isolating the music quite well, but the neighbour is from the next room and he is complaining that he hears it through the wall. I have just regular Samsung soundbar with 360W. But my question is can I have some problems if I listen the music too loud during the day?
  21. Does anyone know what are the regulations in Thailand regarding noise? I also have problem with my neighbour who is complaining that my music is 'too loud'. I am never listening the music during the night time and I never have any kind of parties. I just like to listen music on my soundbar. And I never put it too loud in my opinion - 80% max volume. Can I have some problems? I am really annoyed by him telling me I cannot use my property as I would like.
  22. Well, when I was registering myself at immigration they asked for a copy of Chanote as well. It would be nice if Chanote is not needed, but I am a bit sceptical. Your wife is probably listed in the blue book but I am not there since only Thai people could be in the blue book. If someone has actual experience what documents were needed for a registration of a foreigner and in which step, please let me know.
  23. If I want to register myself as a foreigner who owns a condo in Thailand, what kind of documents are needed except my passport? I don't have yellow book since I understand it is very difficult to get. I have blue book for my condo and Chanote (title deed). Can someone tell me if these documents are enough and if I need to upload them during registration or during filling of TM30 report? Thanks.
  24. I didn't quite understand this part. Is it a difference if I renew the license before expiration date and after? My temporary driving license is expiring on 7th March, should I let it expire and renew after?
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