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Posts posted by Maizefarmer

  1. SAMRAN - yes it is from the 2535 Act - but its not on the net - its printed matter and its Thai, which my other half was sent in late 2005 (when she was discussing with our oldest what he wanted to do regards citizenship for the rest of his life - as he is off to study overseas - so she was sent a copy of the whole Act - Thai.

    If you wish, and can hang on a few days I can get it scanned in and sent to you by email - at least the relivant pages, on this topic, and in all fairness (i.e. to make it clear to all who have an interest in this subject - there quite a few suttle differances between what is on the website, what is written in English and what is written in Thai) I do see where your comments are coming from, and in that sense - mine ar eno better than yours.

    Which means as often is the case in Thailand - it can be very difficult to know what is correct and how the matter would be handled - untill you actually go about the process and have to answer to the officials dealing with it at the time.

    AS for 3 nationalities - nope, I had no idea - thank you for that - though in my case (and the kids) I think we'll all settle on 2. Hate to say it, but in this modern world you are more a marked card with a USA passport than you are with a THai or UK passport (though with a UK passport you are not far behind).


  2. Do the septics allow dual citizenship?

    I seem to recall a certain newspaper magnate that had to renounce his citizenship.

    Sorry - lost you there BRONCO- "septics" (?), and which country are we referring to Thailand and one other or 2 different countries?

  3. I am a dual UK/USA citizen - and 2 years ago (in prep for my oldest to go to Uni in America next year) the desicion had to be made wether or not he would decide to take up UK or USA citizenship as his 2nd nationality.


    Why did you have to decide between US and UK? Is there some rule that only 2 citizenships are allowed?

    I think your kid is eligible for all 3...

    I didnt have to decide - UK from my father - American from my mother, but as far as the kids go tri- citizenship? - is it possible, I didnt know that - can someone clarify that beyound any doubt (i.e. it is possible to be a citizen of all 3 countries?? ) - what about 4 or 5 countries?? - where is th eline drawn?

    In response to SAMRAN's response - yes, he has quoted the law correctly and in detail - I was trying to keep it simple: i.e. if mom is Thai then junior will be as well by default.

    In the case of the child born overseas and only dad is Thai - NO it is not default the child will be Thai i.e. at some stage an applicantion will have to be made for "consideration" (for lack of a better word) and if its not done by the age of 18 (according to the Thai literature I am reading - dated Nov 2002 - in which it may since have changed as samaram yes he has read 20 to 21 years of age- so yes samran - I have read the "book") it is not automatic , inpractise however I cant see any reason why they would not be issued with a Thai passport/citizenship - whereas in the case of the mother been Thai, in practise the applicant could be 25 or even 30 or even older, and they will be issued with a Thai passport (which is what this conversation is all about I think).

    In summary if your mom is a Thai citizen, immaterial of how old you are and where you were born or have lived - apply for a Thai passport and the chances are you are going to get it, whereas if you are born overseas and mom is not a Thai citizen but Dad is, you can exercise the option up to the age of 18 - 20 -21 (depending on what you read and when it was written - most recently literature indicating application option between the age of 20 - 21).

    Fair comment - and I did say I stand to be corrected on the fine detail regards that


  4. So what if you make no tax contribution ?

    Anyway, dont think it suits my situation just yet, sounds like most of the things you still have to do, except leave the country every 90 days and I already dont do that.

    Can someone tell me, that if you get citizenship and you get a passport etc, can you then own land....dont want to harp on this and I am just curious to it, I have various ways to own land securily and have no real problem in it, but interested to know if the citizen route allows this or not.

    NAWTILAS - yes, if you become a Thai citizen you will be able to own land just as any other Thai citizen is able to - but as I said earlier in my posting, and you quite correctly observe, there are ways to land quite securely without having citizenship.



    What are you saying - I know a lot of Eueopean and USA PR's and they say the same thing: been here 10 years and not been able to speak, read and write the language and with no investment made in home or business - while there are a load of applicants who can speak, read and write the language and do have long term business connittements - just who do you think is going to get the PR.?

    I am sorry - I do not think think you know what you are talking about - other than for been a PR myself and having been through the process twice - ALL PR's I know speak Thai fluently, can read Thai well enough to read a newThai newspaper - and can write - at least faultingly. Those who are still working (ie not retired) all are committed to their own businesses or demonstrate long term business committments to Thai companies.

    And as for your "rambling" comment - go jump mate, I am as entitled to express on on this forum as you are - if you dont like someones style or contribution dont read it, and as for what I said been inaccurate - let me put it this way: for every one PR you can show me or trhe forum that does not display at least some of the above characteristics I'll name and show the forum 5 who demonstrate ALL the above characteristcs.

    Just by way of interest - have you been through the process and or how many PR's do you know?

    And ..........a quick phone around to a few fellow PR's - the shortest time any of them had been here before they applied for PR was 6years 4moths with most of them not bothering untill they had been here 9 year or more.


  6. Okay - cows milked, milk in the cooling tank - everything washed down, I'm off to get a cup of coffe and back to bed for a few hours.

    Thanks fo the postings - will catch up with all later in the morning.

    Oh Khun Jean - I am dead serious on this Bio diesel idea - I have great big diesel bill which is between Baht 20K - 43K per month (dpedning on time of year) - if a can reduce that by 40% (baring in mind the amount of time I would need to spemd prodcuing that fuel) , I am interested in all ideas.


  7. If I could get hold of of 1 ton coconut oil at Bhat 13 per/kg - you bet, as you said even after cleaning it up and adding your methanol ect ect.........it would come in at less than Baht20 per liter (I reckon around Baht 16 - 17) - yes, thats around 40% saving - yup, I'd go for that - would save a ton in tractor diesel bills.

    ???? This is what i was trying to make clear. You DON'T need methanol,etc.. etc.. You can use it like it is! You might mix it with diesel if you live in the north and temperatures drop below 22 celsius.

    Just make sure your oil is not been hydrogenated. Use the raw product. The oil is clear as waterand when the right process is used only a simple filter will be sufficient. Again NO chemicals needed.

    But note - I said coconut oil - what I dont want to find myself with is enough coconuts for a ton of oil. That means I then have to spend the time and labour taking the husks off, crushing the pods, filtering and then having to bin all that waste - in that case, I would nt want to spend more than around Baht 7 - 9 (possible 10 per liter) because that is what I can get cooking oil for locally.

    There is NO waste. Everything can be used. It can be sold!, to lower the price of the final product you need! If you have live stock you can lower the food bill, the white coconut meat is very nutritious and high in fiber, an excellent product. Even the coconut water is a healthy drink, also for humans. If you don't have animals, maybe your neighbour has. You can probably make a deal and he will save on animal food.

    If you need charcoal or other fuel for burning you would save on that too. Don't throw it in the bin, for other products it is a valuable source. You can find people who pay you for it and pick it up.

    You might also find people who can do the process for you. You buy the coconuts, they extract the oil and get a little money per liter, and they keep the rest of the coconut to sell. It can work out profitable for both parties. If there are local coconut orchards, you can probably buy the oil from them and let them worry about the by products.

    Use this for a small reference of what can be done with a coconut.

    A Versatile Commodity

    Coconut is a very useful resource, not only for producing oil. The coconut fibre from the nut, known as coir, can be processed into mats, rope, fabrics, brushes and a biodegradable packaging material as an alternative to expanded polystyrene, as well as an environmentally friendly alternative to peat for potting and bedding plants. The coconut shell is good for making charcoal for fuel, and activated charcoal for purifying water and other liquids and gases.

    The residue from the pressing of the oil makes a good animal feed. The oil itself can be used for cooking. It can also be used as fuel for lamps.

    I had fun making small amounts for my personal use. I am very interested in results if you go for it.

    ADMIN - depedning on where you are in LOS its around Baht 26 to 27 per litre

    KHUN JEAN - I cant argue with your obsevations - they are correct and I note your comments with respect to the by products.

    My point is this: I dont want the "hassle" of having to get tied up with the waste products. Why?

    Firstly, althought in theory the white flesh can be used as a feed additive, in all practicality the amount of coconuts I would have to process to include the white flesh as feed additive of any significant contribution to the rations would be so much that the amount of time I would have to spend crushing that qauntity of coconuts to get that flesh volume, would mean I'd have to spend all my time crushing coconuts - and I can assure you, that unless I was running a biodeisel plant on a commercial basis, I would then be loosing money - as this is a cattle farm - not a biodeisel farm.

    In theory you are right, but once again I come back to the old practicality theme to a lot of what I say: it has to be looked at in context, and in the context that I have described to you (i.e. this is dairy and beef farm), I would need to be producing around 500kg - 1000 kg of flesh per day which means I wouldnt be running a farm - I owuld be crushing coconuts all day.

    Secondly, I cant justify the time of having to collect or have delivered to me coconuts that have to be processed. No sense in that Khun Jene, because if I am (as you sugest is a possible option) going to have to find someone to process them for me - and then return the oil or I collect it myself, I am effectively back in square one i.e. I am now having to go through all these steps to obtain the oil - which is all I need. Baring in mind the above paragraph - I am better off not having to worry about all of this, but to just get the oil in the first place.

    Yes you are right, the husk material can be used for mats, for fire fuel ect..... but again - if looked at in terms of the amount I owuld need to produce to justify it as a "business" versus what I need, is quite different - and when I say to justify it as a business, I mean I will land up having to spend all my time dealing with coconuts.

    I see where you are coming from - as a commercial exercise that is setup to derive an income from biodeseil, then yes, what you are sdaying rings true. But as an exercise that is setup to reduce as much as possible the fuel bill associated with the business I conduct (farming), the added logistics and time associated with the methodolgy you suggest (i.e. starting off with the whole coconut), would outweigh the financial return when compared with what else can be done with that time on a commercial farm.

    I would still have a lower fuel bill, but the differance when compared with just having to worry about the oil as opposed to the the whole coconut would actually mean a slightly higher cost than just having to deal with the oil. The problem lies not in the value of the added benefits of the waste material (flesh and husk) but in the time asscoaited with that waste material versus its value aginst the amount I need and what can otherwise be done with that time.

    Different story if it was a commercial exercise - but then there are lots of things that make more money than farming, its just that I am a farmer,

    Do you see where I am coming from on this - the only thing that is good to me in my circumstances would be the oil I need (wether its cocnut oil or used cooking oil or whatever).

    The methanol side of it - yes you are correct it is not absolutely essential, but bare in mind that temperatures in Loei get down to 5degree Celsuis in winter - and that is not unusual. Also Meth does improve combustion and reduce residue, and while you are correct in stating it is not needed, I am inclined to consider the additonal extra cost as been a justifiable additive to get the slight benefits it offers. Thats a personal choice issue.

    In summary - the theory sounds good but in practise the figures will not add up using your methodolgy when looked at aginst the background of the quantity need versus the time having to be spent producing it, aginst what that time cab spent doing (and earning additional income) on a farm this size.


  8. Thats what happens when you think with your heart and not your head

    Just how did he miss all the warning signs, you just had to watch half of the first video to realise what was coming - the red flags were flying high from about 4 minutes onwards - as somone said, its like watching a car crash in slow motion - you know whats coming.


  9. Khutan is correct:

    The short answer is: if you are not earning an income in Thailand the tax authorities are not interested in you - its as simple as that, the only exception to this that I can think of (that another forum member mentioned on another threaad) was the possibility that some types of bank accounts may be subject to tax on the interest earned on the capital in the account.

    Other than that - its a non-issue for you.


  10. Soory guys - I kind'a repeated mnyself a few times above - am in the middle of milking my cows at the moment - trying to squeeze in sentances and paragraphs while squeezing a 150 tits full of milk!!!

    I think its clear enough though.

    31 cows left to "squeze" then I'm back to bed - so if there is a question and I dont answer now - will do so later.

    I hope the above helps anyone who is interested in going about seting up s sole propreitership - it is for all inteents and pruposes the cheapest way to go about setting up a company for yourself, but it requires an expert to help you get things setup and structered properly and in the correct order. I am fairly confident that the above is a dnkum acurate description of those requirements and steps - but please correct me you know for a fatc that I am completly wrong on any particular step/point.


  11. Again Kudroz. with respect to al those who have advised you "no - not poossible", I must disagree - it can be done - but I emphasize, you wil need to meet the criteria - and exactly what those criteria are is where/why you are getting a "no" answer, i.e. I think the "criteria" you are seeking to meet or are representative of your particular circumstances are not been understood in the context of how you'd like to structure your WP.

    Can you decribe what you circumstances are.

    Look I am not expert on this, but let me try and share with you a scenario that I am told qaulifies an/the applicant to apply for a Sole Prprietyship WP.

    An applicant comes to Thailand armed with a set of letters which demonstrate that he or she has been appointed as the sole represnetative/agent of a particular bran(s) of product - take for example amchine tools (i.e. a European manufactuer of lathes and milling machines), or of a brand(s) of agricultural machinary (which was exactly what my first WP was based on in the late 1990's).

    In both the above cases the applicant is not a salaried employee of any of the companies he is appointed by - he is an independant agent, whose income will be based on his sales success, and by virture of that - any taxes paid wil be paid on his earnings and duties applicable to whatever equipment he sells (and trherefore has to be imported).

    The applicant sets up an office - which becomes his office (loads of renatl offices in Bkk that you only pay for as you use).

    He employees a driver cum gofer to do all his runnig around.

    That was my situation the first time I applied for a WP (for myself - after I left the company I was employeed by).

    I was setup as a Sole Propeirter. Now, can you relate your circumstances and what you want to doto this scenario?

    Did I have to invest some money - yes I ddi and to be honest, although I dont remember what it was, it was nothing like !miilions of baht" - it was actually quite low.

    Did I have to pay myself? - yes, I did (and however you look at it you need to live so you need money, and at the time I think I needed a "salary" of around Baht 25 000 - 35 000.

    So what did I do well, what was done for me by the soliciter who set it al up - was that I regsieterd a company in Thailand as a "sole propreitership" and paid myself a salary from my own comapny - that was taxed accordingly. Well, what if you are not earning money? Thats missing the point i.e. you need to have money to live - so if its your own money, bank it in the company and draw out a salary - it can be a theoretical salary, because no one cares how much you actually spend - so long as you are showing the tax been paid on the legal minium amount.

    The point been - amongst all the other considerations in setting up a sole proprietership is the amount of money involved - which by virtue of the type of company it is, usually means a limited capital base to start up with. So you will have to have the min capital base - and be able to demonstrate it. As to whether you actually can afford to spend it or not is another story.

    The above I must emphasize is very much a SIMPLIFICATION of the process.

    The important aspect to it lies in wanting to get a WP without having to have of the complications of a company setup in the conventional sense of how we understand having to normally satisfy a WP in Thailand.

    There are fees that have to be paid - they will total around Baht 85 000 to get this up and running (that includes all legal /professional fees and government charges) - and the co-operation of some "silent partners" in the background (as their with a ot of foreign controlled and run companies in Thailand - which is quite proper and legal if gone about in the right way)- who you will never meet and will never have anything to do with the company (only present on paperwork to satisfy legal requirements - you will have 100% legal control over the business you conduct and 1000% legal control over the funds and it will be a 100% legal structure).

    Can you decribe what you circumstances are.

    Below are the seperat steps that have to be completed - and associated with each step is a fee - as said it totals around Baht 85K - 90K - I can PM this to you, but dont think I am atl iberty to divulge what each step costs, only because I think there are professional / commercial fees associated with a lot of the seperate steps - though that said, most of the cost is actually government fees and when you think of it in terms of time incurred and work to be done, you'll be only to happy to pay the fees - they realy are very reasonable and will save you a headache (not to mention a lot of running around).

    The steps are as follows (and my understanding is that this will ultimately be a Sole Proprietership setup for you although the word its self is not actually mentioned here). As well - although the indication below is also that you are "associating" the company structure with other parties/ persons, they "silent" where applicable - in pratcise the only person who works will be you they are only on the paperwork to accomodate legal formation, but will have nothing to do with the day to running, the admin, or any control of finances. It will al be very much in your hands.

    Company Registration - Attorney's fees for company registration

    Preferred Share Setup - Attorney's fees for bifurcated share structure ( Optional)

    Thai Joint Venture Service Share holder Introduction ( Optional)

    Thai Joint Venture Service Share holder agreement

    Tax ID - Corporate tax registration Foreign Director Income Tax registration

    VAT ID

    Social Fund registration

    Work permit

    Extension of stay based on business ( visa)

    Extension of work permit until approved for the one year extension of stay based on business ( norm is three 30 day under consideration" stamps

    Extension of stay based on business ( norm is three 30 day under consideration" stamps

    Foreign Director Income Tax registration

    Government Fee per 1 Million Baht of capitalization - I dont beleive 1 mill has to be put up front, the fee is per 1mil or part thereof (but I stand to be correcte don this point).

    Government Fee for certification of document

    Government Fee for duty stamp

    Government extensions of work permit until approved for the one year extension of stay based on business ( norm is three 30 day under consideration" stamps

    Government fee for one year work permit ( after the three "under consideration stamps" )

    Government fee for the one year extension of stay based on business

    Government fee for reentry permit - multiple or single entry.

    In summary - yes you can get a WP as a Sole Propreiter - just has be gone about the right way.

    It still interested then PM me and I will put you in touch with the person who does all this and does it very well indeed.


  12. Ilyushin - gives a fairly good description of what is required, both in terms of formalities and what is looked at - before PR is issued.

    If you are going to apply on the basis of just because you can satify the formailities I can assure you, you will be low down on the list i.e. chances will be next to nothing - even if you are well within the quota (they do not fill the quotas every year).

    But just to mark everyones card - the ability to speak, read and wite Thai is becoming more and more important every year, to the point that nearly all the successfull applicants are people who can read, write faiurly well (i.e. give them a newspaper artical and they will be able to read and understand what is been talked about) and talk - well enough to replay fluently to any question you are asked in your interview.

    AS for citizenship - its 5 years a sit stands at the moment - and after nearly 20 years I still havent bothered and never will. I may when I have retired in about 10 -15 years time - but untill then, what will it offer me - nothing except reduced tax rates. I already have my 30baht hospital card, I am already on the social security system (in theory, though god only knows how I would go about claiming any benfit under it!!)

    You still need a work permitt - yes, you certainly stil need to get a work permitt.

    Having a Thai wife and kids big big plus points (and the longer you have been married the better).

    Does it give dependants the right to move in with you from overseas - no it does not. But if you were married to a foreigner when applying for PR (and it would apply to a child as well) and she is living with you in Thailand - she would effectively have to apply with you i.e. you would both be applying. I only know of 2 foreingers who were married to women form their homeland, who have PR - and in those cases both the wives already had KhunYing status (oh yes, there are a few foreign Khunyings around) - and that was a mjor plus point in the application because you dont get awarded an honour like that unless you have been here a long time and your work has contributed to the benfit of Thailand and/or its people (comparable to the UK's honours system - like a "Baroness" or a "Lady").

    To cut a long story short, yes you have to satisfy the requirements - which are pretty well outlined in postings above, but that in its self won't be enough nowadays.

    They want to see you are serious about wanting to stay here longterm - and they know what to look for in assessing people and deciding who is serious, and who is not.

    Good "indicators" are your own home - in the old days (about 10 years ago) you could get a mortgage as a foreigner on a work permitt but I am told thats not the case any more - though that tends to be a bank policy as opposed to been a Government policy - which still allows you to get a mortgage as a PR from the bank without showing the money came in from overseas.

    Another good "indicator" is you own your own business - nearly ALL those granted PR are Thai business owners - and by that I mean, share holding with Thai's is fine. USA citizens have had a big plus point on this score because the Treaty of Amitese has allowed us to own our own business - effectively lock stock and barrell.

    Just meeting the requirements I am afraid is no longer good enough - so many other other things they take into consideration now.

    CDB - you applied in the Dec 2005 intake!! - you shoul dhave heard by now because I know 2 Americans who have heard - one in late August and one in mid - September (both successful).

    Retiement is no reason - you wil not succed (in fact you cant apply) - they really want to see you playing some role in the country - and yes, long term charity workers, and long term "religous" (who can offer nothing financially are accepted as applicants and often do rather well as a group because of what they "offer" to those "in need" - although the long term "religous" likes the Carmelite Nuns in the Convent at Soi Convent (Bkk) do not take up PR but do spend there whole lives here.

    I applied in the early 1990's. My first application was not successfull. I applied again in the mid 1990's and was then successful. Its changed a lot since then - then although the procedure tended to take longer , I think it was actually easier - although I still hads to submitt photos of all the rooms in my house - along with a photo of the bathroom and my clothes hanging in the bedroom cupboard ( iahve never been able to work out why that was required - does anyone know?).

    Is it worth it - every one has their own circumstances and must decide for themselves - its impossible to tell. I'd say, ask yourself if you meet or the requirements, and then look at your situation: meaning what do you offer Thailand and what do you want to do in the future, both from a personal and profesional point of view - and if you conclude that PR is the best move for you - wait 3 - 5 years and ask yourself the same questions again, comparing the answers to what they were the first time round - and if they are all the same - then go for it. Chances are if you have met the requirements for 8 - 10 years (i.e. you can show consistancy and long term professional stability) you stand a good chance of been succesfull.

    The rumour one occassionaly hears that they look at how much tax you contribute to state coffers (the more the better) is rubbish - they just want to see its consistantly in order (i.e. you pay your dues) - as everything else in your professional and personal life should also be.

    Once you have it - you have it for life.

    That means, you are not going to loose it if you get a criminal record - it would have to be a serious offence, not something like a pub fight (common assult), a car crash in which you were liable, drug taking (drug dealing - yup , I think they'd lock you up first though) Difficult to catorgorise, but it would have to be a fairly serious matter before they through the PR book at you.

    Citizenship - well I just dont know.

    I have never been to interested. My wife and kids have dual citizenship for one reason only - the ability to travel feely and easily at whenever they wsih without having to worry about visas. If it were not for that they would not have bothered to even consider it, and as a Thai passport offers NO travel benefit to someone who is on a European or USA passport, but only some tax savings, I have not been motivated to pursue it. I may though sometime in the future - perhaps when I retire - but to make such a drastic choice simply for limited financial gain - sorry, in my opinion thats not enough. The property "benefit" is also a on-issue - there ares loads of ways to safely invest in property in this country without having to resort to citizenship (all - be -it the procedures can be a pain to go through at the time).

    I have tried not to concentrate here on the requirements as they are written down in black and white , but rather to give a "feel" to those who are interested - so long as you do in any event meet the requirements. But whatever you do, take the matter seriosuly and take a long hard look at your motives.

    Any regrets - absolutely none at - zero regrets. Its a great place to live and I wouldnt give it up for anything.


  13. There are literally thousands like him - thousands, and by the samer token - as far as the girl goes - thousands like her as well.

    Nothing at all unusualy about whats happened there - except one thing - he has had the honesty to stand up and, as much as I think he was a fool to marry any girl before he had understood what was going on - especially a Thai girl - I take my hat off to for him his honesty.

    I certainly would'nt have the courage to stand up on a public paltform like that and explain it all - in what sounded like a very honest and plausible account of what happened.

    I wish him all the best - he'll certainly be a lot more circumspect after that experiance


  14. Bkk Christian - have heard similar (i.e. some not so pleasent stories).

    Personally, my family and I have had little experianc of Bkk private hospitals, and tend to use government hospitals.

    I cant speak for Bkk, wher the Gov hospitals will be snowed under with people and work, but out in the coutry where I am they are pretty good and have never had a problem with them.

    While the private hospitals may be able to offer a range of srvices that are high tech and very modern, on something likea c-section, which is as standard and as common a procedure as taking out tonsils - I dont beleive the private hospitals offer much btter than the gov hospitals - except nicer rooms and better food.

    I have always been treated in gov hospitals (using my Baht 30 hospital card) - and they saved my leg for me, not to mention my life after been bitten by a ###### cobra.

    Dont dismiss government hospitals - UK friends tell me that they get far quicker seervice at Gov hospitals in Thailand than they do at NHS hsopitals in the UK!!


  15. If I could get hold of of 1 ton coconut oil at Bhat 13 per/kg - you bet, as you said even after cleaning it up and adding your methanol ect ect.........it would come in at less than Baht20 per liter (I reckon around Baht 16 - 17) - yes, thats around 40% saving - yup, I'd go for that - would save a ton in tractor diesel bills.

    But note - I said coconut oil - what I dont want to find myself with is enough coconuts for a ton of oil. That means I then have to spend the time and labour taking the husks off, crushing the pods, filtering and then having to bin all that waste - in that case, I would nt want to spend more than around Baht 7 - 9 (possible 10 per liter) because that is what I can get cooking oil for locally.

    Delievered to the farm gate/front door - clean coconut oil at Baht 13 per liter - I'll take 3 tons for cash payment to the seller, and then at the same time do 3 tons used cooking oil - that will be a reasonable quantity of eacg to make a good comparitive side by side expriment - both interms of time involved in getting it to good quality bio diesel, and the cost.


  16. KHUN JEAN - and thats another consideration with respect to using not only Coconut oil , but also Palm oil - you are quite right - it has other uses for which producers can get significantly more than what is paid for it a s a base for the production of biodiesel.

    Rapeseed - you can buy rapeseed for around Baht 3000 per ton of seed. That will give you around 700 - 750 litres of biodeisel.

    Do the math - thats around Baht 4.5 - 5 per litre - say Baht 6 - Baht 7 gross price (after cost of crushing, cleaning & washing, additon of methanol and whatever else you have to do to it - which is pretty much the same as orther "seeds" used for bio deisel).

    Has anyone thought of that? -

    Rapeseed by the way is produced only for its oil - the production of its oil, which is used by the pharmacuetical, food and healthcare/makeup industries.

    For those who are intrested in biodeisel because of its "clean earth" advantages, rapeseed is one of the cleanest burning bio fuels (wether its a car, a boiler whatever .....)


  17. bina could you post some pictures of the drip irrigation there and equipment. Would appreciate. Thanks

    TIMBER - did you actually mean to say MF - post some pictures of the equipment - or were you actually asking BINA?

    Thought I'd ask because the post before was mine, not Bina's - willwait for you to confirm before I post anything - but, yes - I can post pictures of the drippers I have in stock. along with there technical info (e.g. flow rates and pressures.

    Please confirm


  18. What the previous contributor said is correct - off she goes with marrige certificate to get new ID card and while you are about it (as soon as she has got the ID card) - get her to get a new Thai passport: English/Western/European names on Thai passports adds a lot of credibility to USA and EU visa applications at the embassy.

    Also - give some thought to how it is going to be spelt in Thai - the folk down at the Passport and ID card offices are not very good at writing English names in Thai.

    I know a few cases that have resulted in some really odd sounding Thai names when translating from English to Thai. Yes - they will ask her how she wants it spelt on the passport and ID card.

    Good luck - I wish you both all the best for the future.


  19. it was a can of black olives and the can was sort of rusty. i cut my finger slightly on it.

    am i supposed to go and get shot or anything? i dont want to get tetanus or botchulism.


    Are you really asking this?

    ALEXTH is right - you should not be away from home - but yes, in all honesty, you'd have nothing to loose getting an anti-tetnus shot, because if it has come off some dusty stire shelkf it it will be carrying a ton of nasty bacteria on the tinn.


  20. You are not going to be leaving those fund in the account if you have no other funds are.

    In other words, come next year - and there is the "same" 400k in the account but you have been living here it means you have access to funds - which is exactly what that is about.

    The guy in uniform has no mandate to examine where your funds come from or how much you are spending each month - all he is conceredn about is that you can demonstrate 400K in the account.

    Anyway, whois to say you dont have 2 or even 3 accounts - which are the funds you spend.

    No - I dont know for a fact how it works - but looking at it like that (which is a very palausible scenario i.e. you have more than one account) I just cant see them been at all cocnerned how much you are spending per month or per year - and that certainbly is not in the rules and regs.


  21. By the way guys the Laotians Abroad call it a "a brutal Stalinist state "- I never went tat far :o

    .............and that a fairly accurate description from their perspective.

    Have you been up north in Laos - have you seen how the Hmong are treated by their own goverment. It is very sad, but having been jumped on once oveer the last fews day for been politcal I am not about to do it again.

    Go do some serious research on the Hmong minority ethinic group in Laos - its complete a tradgedy and the international community has done so little to help them.

    The Danes will always maintain they were whiter than white - till the day they die. They most certainly weren't, but that did not justify the way they were treated by the Loation authorities.


  22. CNXPAT

    Okay - I have attached some pages/diagrams here for you - courtesy of my youngster (good english writing practise for her).

    Nope - don't worry about "owing" anything - just make a success of it, and put the effort into doing it properly to start with - you'll reap the reward later in maakua production.

    You have a bit of capital outlay here - so you may even wish to start with 1/2 a rai - and then scale up afterwards. Thats fine, the layout is for a 40m x 40m filed (i.e. 1rai = 1600sqaure meters).

    So long as you keep the 1.5m x 1.5m spacing between rows and plants, you can go ahead and layout any length and breadth you wish.

    Oh yes, and there is enough info here for you to work out if your pump is okay for the job (I'm sure it is - so long as the engine is 3hp or more it should be fine - no harm if it's more, just run the engine slower.

    To check how much the drippers are delivering get a 0.5 litre bottle and see how long it takes to fill up - and then adjust the engine rpm accordingly. You shouldn't get more than about 10-15% differance in flow rate from the dripper closest to the pump and the dripper furthest from the pump - as they self regulate (more or less).

    I use Naan drippers - so I know they work properly and last - if for some reason you can't get Naan drippers, get any other 8litre per hour dripper (and if its 6 liter or 10 liter per hour - just adjust pump speed accordinglly - but don't exceed th epump delivery volume divided by the amount of drippers - 10 liter per hour maybe to much for the pump.

    You may want to check out the Naan website (www. naandan..... something or other).

    As for other fittings - dont worry about brand name - just get whats avalible (i.e. tubing ect ect) - but do try to get the Naan drippers - they last for ever.

    Rmemebr what I said: take the pump delivery volume per hour and divide it by the number of drippers. If 8 liter per hour is too much, no prob's just select 6 liter per hour drippers

    Good luck get back to me if you have questions.


    MF, as you're in Loei, do you know if ATC have a shop in Udon, I'm thinking of the drippers?

    BTW, great to see you back on the forum.

    Yup - you can get up here, I stock Naan drippers on my shelves.

    What are wanting and how many litres per hour?

    What pressure, what size ect ect.............

    I f I cant help myself I will know a man who can.


  23. Dont know about "creamed corn" but know they like the corn seeds/kernals mashed up and bound with something (flour water. sogy bread -anything that helps it to stick.

    I am no fish(er) man so cant offer much more help - just thought I'd add my bit as a thanx for the recipe you posted!!

    Oh - by the way if this works and hes wins - let me know - I could also do with a bit of that 15K - 30K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Good Luck


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