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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. Another well-rounded insightful post! PS. With the red shirts crushing it the the Bangkok elections are you starting to feel the pressure? Will you be moving when they're back in power on a national level?
  2. The MAGA crowd are very adept at seeing what they want to see and facts be damned. The white angst must really run deep in that crowd.
  3. "....ill-informed people....." Kudos to your mother, she raised a polite son.
  4. "It's not "believing your own lies"......... when you believe you are speaking the absolute truth!" From a guilty/not guilty perspective that's totally irrelevant. A guy who feeds arsenic to babies because he believes it's good for them is just as guilty as a guy who does it for fun.
  5. Catastrophe, dangerously close to catastrophe. It literally is in the title of the thread. Anything else you need clarified?
  6. So scores of Republicans have gone over each "contested" state election with a fine tooth comb and found nothing that has impressed even trump appointed judges but you, watching television, have concluded that the election was stolen??? My advice still stands; get help - ASAP!
  7. What a few would describe as common sense most would call living in Cloud Cuckoo Land. For anyone to believe that the evil Dems stole the election and did so in such a way that no amount of GOP investigation into the matter (and there have been hundreds, if not thousands) can produce any evidence that holds up in court (a court often led by a Republican and even trump appointed judge) is mind-boggling. And have you asked yourself if the Dems are that clever why on earth didn't they arrange to have a majority in the senate?? My sincere advice to you; get help!
  8. "Popular Vote means nothing. Our president is elected by thoroughly anti-democratic means: The Electoral College." We finally agree on something - amazing!!
  9. trump bigly lost the election (by about 7 MILLION votes) so that's one thing that's not damaging; him in the WH.
  10. If the traitors that occupied the Capitol had brought semi-automatic weapons and had they been met with regular army troops there would be no need for any trials, only burials, so the argument still stands.
  11. "I get that you're distorting the fight like hell wording..." Your words and that's a lie because that's exactly what he said.
  12. There was an attempted coup instigated by the guy who bigly lost the election, and his oh so frail ego couldn't handle it. And for that he was willing to subvert democracy and evidently let his vice prez hang. The Capitol was overrun and trump couldn't be a***d to lift a finger until it was all over. A a result people died. At a bare minimum he should spend the rest of his unnatural life in a damp and dark jail cell. A more appropriate punishment would be something more severe.
  13. "And maybe---just maybe---there were ONE OR TWO........... who had balls enough to do it!" What you define as "balls" most of us would call criminal insanity. Too bad the Capitol police force was not properly equipped to repel the traitors. A couple of well-place machine gun nests would have rid the world of a few oxygen thieves and would have been a proper response to the coup attempt.
  14. Your defense of the indefensible gets lamer and lamer with every post, And you lie, just like trump. Here is what he said verbatim: “And we fight. We fight like hell and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.” https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-fight-like-hell-speech And no, I don't want to listen to another word that serial liar and traitor has to say. Whenever his photo shows up on the TV I immediately switch channels because the sight of him actually makes me nauseous.
  15. Quite correct so it all depends on the context and situation. When a coach tells his sports team to go out there and fight like hell we all know what he means. But when a sitting president falsely claims the election was stolen and he urges his most ardent supporters (all fired up and not exactly mental giants) to march on the Capitol and fight like hell I'd say the chances of them taking his words literally are a solid 100%. Which they did, and people died. Get it now?
  16. You mean like we shouldn't take his claim of having bone spurs seriously? Right, gotcha!
  17. If, at this point in time, some people still don't grasp the fact that trump did his best (which, luckily, has never been very good) to overturn the election and subvert democracy there really is no hope for you. You have willfully chosen to disregard facts and to subscribe to insane conspiracy theories because reality doesn't conform to your liking. trump was the C-in-C and the ultimate protector of the US and by trying to overturn the election he committed treason of the worst kind. He should pay the ultimate price.
  18. Sad state of affairs: Congress Must Formally Acknowledge That Mike Pence Is The Batman "The bar is now so low that "refused to single-handedly throw out the results of an election" gets you hero status."
  19. He's considered a flight risk. Putting leg irons on such a person seems prudent and I fervently wish they'll use the same equipment when they come for Trump.
  20. "...incurred the same wrath..." Incur wrath? Is that MAGA speak for getting prosecuted for your crimes?
  21. The committee doesn't have that power. You see, in a functioning democracy (and the US still is that despite Trump's best efforts) that power belongs to the Justice Department. Anything else you're confused about just ask.
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