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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. "So when you can't argue with my points..." Your "points" are supported not supported by facts but by drivel posted on nutter websites. That means you have no points.
  2. Opindia.......seriously??? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpIndia "OpIndia is an Indian right-wing[17] news portal founded in December 2014 by Rahul Raj and Kumar Kamal.[7] The website has published fake news[26] and anti-Muslim[30] commentary on multiple occasions, including a 2020 incident in which it falsely claimed that a Hindu boy was sacrificed in a Bihar mosque.[31]" Hey BangkokHank, please try just a little bit harder, OK?
  3. The NYT article? Yes, saved me some minutes of my life wasted on some inane nutter website.
  4. Really?? So all the obese people are of European descent? You haven't been around much, have you. BTW, what's a European lifestyle??
  5. The link does not work, access denied. To your question; The US has massively regressed ever since electing trump president and stacking the SCOTUS with religious zealots. I don't see how that will change unless the women and young people wake the heck up and start voting in elections. Let's hope that something good can come out of the moronic decision to cancel Roe v. Wade and that they do so during the mid-terms, giving the Dems a proper majority so that they can get rid of the filibuster and expand the SCOTUS to counteract the wildly out of touch regressionists presently forming the majority of the court members. If this does not happen then I don't how see the US can continue as a nation.
  6. "...childish unwillingness to bother to understand...." Is that how you describe opinions that differ from yours? Not much point debating then and you can make a note of that.
  7. This poster really puts a finger on American regression and increasing "nuttyness".
  8. The woman's body is what produces babies. Apart from the obvious downsides it also gives her certain rights. If that hurts your feelings then take it up with your chosen deity and stop crying about it.
  9. Fickle? You, Sir, are a very polite person.
  10. Now here's one person who's got his hands on stuff that's way over the legal 0.2% limit!
  11. Wearing a mask (irrespective of whether it has any effect or not) is showing consideration for other people so let's agree to disagree on masks being stupid or those who rant and rave about them being stupid. Sincerely hope that next time you enter a 7/11 the staff tells you to bug off, would have loved to watch the ensuing hissy fit.
  12. Seriously??????? https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/24/technology/joseph-mercola-coronavirus-misinformation-online.html "Researchers and regulators say Joseph Mercola, an osteopathic physician, creates and profits from misleading claims about Covid-19 vaccines."
  13. "Some of us have followed policy to avoid massive fines, arrest, and panicking our communities." Those are excellent reasons to follow the rules, whatever you think of the rules. "Being a covid lemming, means not constantly questioning the highly questionable official narrative." Well that's a relief then, means I'm not a lemming.
  14. Fox News' Bret Baier Praises GOP 'Patriots' Who Stood Up To Trump's Election Plot "Fox News anchor Bret Baier on Thursday hailed the Republican election officials and members of Donald Trump’s administration who stood up to his bogus efforts to overturn the 2020 election as “patriots.”"
  15. Wild claims? You and I must have very different definitions of what constitutes a wild claim???? https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coronavirus-mask/art-20485449
  16. Oh, I know very well what it's about and the science does not indicate that mask wearing outdoor helps much with anything. But please enlighten me, in this context what exactly is a lemming? Is it one who has followed the government regulations? If that's the case I'm guilty as charged. What about you? "Well, we are not exactly crying." And that's where you're wrong, if by "we" you mean the anti-mask brigade. Many do cry and the poster I replied to is a great example of that.
  17. "I'm pointing out its nothing to do with them doing their jobs, its their obsession with masks here." If the staff in 7/11 is told by the company that not wearing a mask is OK they will not require the customers to wear one.
  18. Word, and I, for one, will gladly continue to wear a mask outside just to see the puckered up expression on the faces of the anti-mask brigade.
  19. Yes, and just how much has crying about it on some internet forums changed things?
  20. I'm not the one crying, it's people like you who've been crying ever since vaccines and mask mandates were introduced. It's been very entertaining watching you lot rant, rave and cry about it.
  21. Because their minimum pay makes them do the minimum required to keep their jobs. It's not rocket science.
  22. If you did something as inane as that it's not the security guys who would have been the "dumbos". I'd prefer that they kept the mask mandate just to annoy people like you.
  23. Jan. 6 hearing: Ex-DOJ officials testify Trump wanted them to 'just say the election was corrupt' "In testimony before the Jan. 6 committee Thursday, former Justice Department officials described a 90-minute phone call in late December 2020 with then-President Donald Trump during which Trump pleaded with them to declare that the election was "corrupt" despite being told his claims of fraud were false. During the Dec. 27, 2020, phone call with then-acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen and acting Deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue, Trump raised a litany of false allegations about voter fraud. The former officials told the panel that they had investigated every claim and found they had no merit, but that Trump continued to peddle them."
  24. Could get interesting. Trump aides didn't know someone was filming Trump on January 6 until the House committee got the footage: reports "Aides to Donald Trump had no idea a documentary filmmaker had recorded the former president on Jan. 6, 2021, until the House committee investigating that day subpoenaed the footage, reports said. The existence of the footage — shot by UK documentarian Alex Holder — was first reported by Politico on Tuesday. The outlet said that Holder complied with the House committee request and handed over several months of footage of Trump, up to and including footage he took on Jan. 6."
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