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Phoenix Rising

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Everything posted by Phoenix Rising

  1. "I'm not the one saying we should execute former presidents I don't like." You seem to completely miss the point.....again. I will repeat and this time do try to pay attention. He should be tried not for his; - Hideous personality - Orange hue - Twitter obsession - Small hands - Golf cheating - P***y grabbing bragging - Obsessive lying/fibbin - Etc, etc, etc, etc. He should be tried for an attempted coup, i.e. for high treason. And for this to be committed by the C-in-C only one punishment fits the crime. "BTW, I don't actually need your tips or advice. You can keep those to yourself. Sanctimony and condescension . . . two traits I never get tried of from lefties." If you never get tired of it surely you don't want me to stop, right?
  2. "This women feeds the military-industrial complex and you think she's vastly preferable to a guy with a weird hairdo and an unsavory Twitter addiction. Lovely priorities, that." It's not his hairdo and Twitter addiction that's the issue, it's his acts of treason. If I can give you a piece of advice it's that if you're gonna contribute to a thread it helps to know what the thread is about and you'll find the clues in the OP. Hope that helps. ".........and it might not be a good idea to publicly threaten a former president with execution." Tip # 2: Tone down the hyperbole. He didn't "threaten him with execution", he says he hopes trump is tried, convicted and sentenced to death in a court of law for his crimes. Personally, I totally agree.
  3. Yes, and you should take that as a sign that you might wanna listen to your own advice and go see a doctor.
  4. Just another verification that Hillary was right all along!
  5. Why, have you suddenly found a use for science and truth??
  6. Oh, they know it very well but writing about it (without completely entering the nutterverse) will make their target audience sad so they're ignoring it instead.
  7. Absolutely. She and Kinzinger are among a very short list of GOP'ers not acting like cowardly spineless maggots willing to do just about anything (including supporting a former traitor president) to cling to power.
  8. Maybe they're fatigued as well. 'Fatigued': Republicans eyeing 2024 reluctant to support Trump election lie amid Jan. 6 hearings Fox News Legal Analyst Says Jan. 6 Hearing Revelations ‘Should Disturb Everyone’ Trump White House Lawyer Corroborated ‘Almost Everything’ From Bombshell Hearing Trump's ex-campaign manger Brad Parscale said in private texts that Trump is to blame for Capitol rioter's death: 'I feel guilty for helping him win'
  9. Yep, IIRC a fire engine racing down from Bangkok crashed resulting in multiple fatalities. I can remember the large plume of smoke vividly. I was playing golf up at Siam CC at the time and remember us looking at it and saying that this has to be one heck of a fire. When I came home the Mrs gave me the news and late that day we went down to the scene of the fire and I still remember looking at the aftermath and feeling sorry for all those who were trapped, mostly because of criminal safety mismanagement. Having already stayed in Thailand for a number of years I also remember thinking that the real culprits will likely never be brought to justice and I'll be very surprised if I found out I was wrong. Edited to add that I just saw the link TallGuyJohninBKK posted but I still have a feeling they didn't do much (if any) time.
  10. "If it's irrelevant as you say, why did biden focus on the 10 yr old?" Because it really underscores the serious consequences of SCOTUS' (now dominated by hyper-religious liars) preposterous decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. "We know the answer but some aren't willing to acknowledge it." There you go, I gave you the answer and acknowledged it at the same time. You're welcome.
  11. Says the guy who posts about President Biden's use of a Teleprompter in a thread about the SCOTUS overturning Roe v. Wade! You just don't do self-awareness, do you.
  12. Even if it was a bald faced lie exactly why would you hold that against him after spending 4 years defending one of the biggest serial liars on the planet?? Pure unadulterated hypocrisy.
  13. Right Wingers Implode Over Elon Musk’s Termination of Twitter Deal "Following the announcement of Musk’s intent to purchase the company, the Tesla billionaire’s own Twitter account became a hub for far-right reactionaries looking to influence the potential new owner of the platform. Now that the deal is seemingly dead in the water, the reaction from those same personalities has been a public mixture of panic and lament." Personally I think Twitter (as well as similar platforms) is the very worst of social media. It's short message format promotes and encourages headline statements without context or background and does nothing but further division in an already divided society, and no amount of rules (or a no rules policy) will change that basic fact. Unfortunately the social media genie does not go back into the bottle and we're rapidly approaching a society (world-wide) where most people have the attention span of gnats. Basically, I thing we, as a species, are well and truly f-word-d.
  14. "......and more than all our health as a democratic republic was much better under Trump." He say about the criminal traitor that, due to his overblown ego, tried to instigate a coup! ????????????
  15. And that tiny little detail about punishing a criminal traitor who tried to subvert democracy and instigate a coup. Luckily he was as inept at that as he was as a president. This guy could literally not lead a gaggle of geese across the road.
  16. I think it needs to be done anyway. There has to be a reckoning for treason of the worst kind or the US as a democracy is lost. I mean, what if DeSantis wins in 24 and won't concede in 28? He's MUCH smarter than trump and could actually pull a coup off.
  17. "He was good for the US and good for the economy while he was in office........" No, he wasn't and no, he wasn't. President Trump's Impact on the National Debt "The national debt increased by almost 36% during Trump's tenure. The national debt stood at $19.9 trillion when President Trump took office in January 2017, and it reached a high of $27 trillion in October 2020." "About the only good he does is in still turning the left and the media into gibbering morons- it is quite entertaining." And that seems to be the main motivation for most MAGA sheeple.
  18. Trump Likely To Announce Run Soon Because He's A 'Freaking Toddler,' Says Ex-GOP Official ""Donald Trump may soon announce he’ll run for the presidency because he’s having a fit about the dirt revealed about him in Jan. 6 hearings, and because he has “all the impulse control of a freaking toddler,” a former GOP official scoffed Saturday. "I think that Republicans, yeah, this is the golem they created,” Bardella added."
  19. You mean like Pizzagate and Obama's hidden birth certificate?
  20. First you post you "gotta go", then you keep posting. Seems you have an issue with telling the truth, just like trump.
  21. You can bleat all the diversionary nonsense you like but even over at Fox they smell a putrefied rat. Sorry if this makes you uncomfortable.....well, sort of. Andy McCarthy on January 6 committee hearing: 'They're building a very strong case'
  22. "The Truth" was a relatively objective thing a few years back. Then came "alternative facts", a godsend for a large part of the electorate so hellbent on spiting their face that they didn't hesitate to cut off their nose.
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